Document status: RELEASED


Currency information to Cash settlement

(TFS: 188570)

To have better control over currencies, the rigal output is extended with new codes for currency.

Two new parameters in POS Services worker. New parameters needs to be copied to template file.

StoreSettlementEnablePaymentCardInCurrency - default False. If True we export currency amount for all card types (K01 - K99) in field #8.

StoreSettlementEnableCashInCurrency - default False. If True we have new codes to split cash in currency amount. Field #6 is currency amount, field #8 is same amount in main currency.

New codes are CEU (Euro), CNO (NOK), CSE (SEK) and COT (Others).


Lindbak POS Reporting v. 64 / POS Services 7.76.036 / 7.76.037

Supplier order number on items

(TFS: 188574)

To support filter on supplier order number, we have extended article information we fetch from Lindbak POS Master.

DimArticle has a new column “SupplierOrderNumber”.


Lindbak POS Master, or updated DimArticle procedures.




Customer order

Deleted order lines (TFS: 189191)

When updating deleted order lines Reporting will take into account all deleted statuses. Earlier some statuses made Reporting reject POSLog causing discrepancies.

Wrong data after migration (TFS: 189319)

When upgrading to v. 60 or above, all existing customer orders were migrated.

We have discovered a bug in migration script used, which results in following error:

  •   Return lines has wrong direction.

  •   Returns made on orders created before migration might have duplicate lines in FactOrderLine table.

To fix this we need to run a script which remove duplicates and sets correct direction on return lines.

Scripts should not take many minutes. After script is run we need to process order data in cube.

In addition, the view pub.vSales could show duplicates. This is corrected by filtering out deleted lines when joining to FactOrderLine.


Support for Vipps and Swish (TFS: 189229)

The name for payment card number 33 and 90 to Vipps and Swish is corrected.

This is changed so reports will show correct payment card name.

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