Info: Workflow is only available if use of document types is enabled. Click the  on the document form for information about the various statuses.

Versions of the document

A document consists of one or more versions, where a version always has a status.

If there is only one version of the document, this is the current version even if the document is in progress. A document consisting of several versions may, for example, have a version in progress, a version that has been published, and several historical versions. In such cases, the published version will always be the current version of the document.

The Versions tab lists all versions of the document and their statuses. The status of a version can be modified in the Options column. The status and metadata of a version can also be edited by clicking .

Info:  indicates that the version is the current version of the document.

If a published document is to be revised and modified, a new version of the document can be created as a draft. The new version becomes the current version when it is published, and the earlier version is sent to history.


In progress

Draft, For review, To approval and Ready to publish are statuses for versions in progress. As long as a version has one of these statuses, only people with permissions to documents in progress will have access to them.


Info: Documents with a type that require approval or review are assigned the status Draft upon creation. Documents with a type that do not require approval or review are published when they are uploaded. A document that is automatically published upon creation can be assigned the status Draft as the document has not previously been a draft. A published document cannot be set to draft as long as it is approved.

A version of a document can have the status Draft while the version`s content is being edited. The version can be sent for review when you have finished editing. If the version is not to undergo the workflow but will be published when the draft is complete, click Publish now. If the document type requires the document to be submitted for review or approval, it is not possible to publish the version until this has been done.

For review

The status For review can be used to submit the document in order to obtain feedback on the content of the document.

If participants for the review round have not been selected already, select the review participants in the window that opens by selecting the status For review. Participants receive an email to their registered email addresses containing the following image:

The document form opens in Landax when the recipients click Open document to give feedback. Under Feedback and Comments on the document form, click Create new to provide feedback on the document.

Note: If the participant is not logged in to Landax, they must log in to be able to open the document and provide feedback.

Depending on what the feedback stated, the document is returned to draft in order to continue working on it, or it can be sent For approval.

For approval

The document can be submitted for approval once editing is complete.

If To be approved by has not been selected on the document form already, select the approver in the window that opens by clicking Send to approval. The approver of the document receives an email containing the following image:

When the document is approved, it is assigned the status Ready to publish. If the document is rejected, it can be returned to the status Draft.

Tip: It is possible to publish a document when it is approved without the document having Ready to publish status. If publishing the document upon approval is defined for the document type, this option is checked when approving the document.

Ready to publish

The document is completed and is ready to be published. The More choices drop-down box allows you to define the document as a draft or send it for review until it is published.


The document is published and available to users with permissions in the document module. A published document cannot be returned to draft status as long as it is approved or has previously been a draft. Create a new version to perform the workflow.


Documents that have been published can be withdrawn in order to make them unavailable to the users. The document can be published again at any time.


Documents with the status History have previously been published, but are now historical and locked to prevent any changes. To modify the document, create a new version. If a new version has been created but the current version has History status, the document will not be available until the new version is published.


A version of a document that is in progress can be discarded. A discarded version is locked to prevent changes. Create a new version to make changes to the document.

Note: It is not possible to discard documents that have only one version, even if they have never been published. This is because this is the current version of the document.

Info: You can select the permitted and required statuses in the workflow for each document type when configuring document types in the control panel.