Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

HTTPS support for selected POS Services

(Work ID: 177926)

To improve security in the integration from POS to POS Server, a number of services has been extended with support for HTTPS.

The following services now support this: 

  • BankingUrl (BankingService_Cognito and BankingService_Ikano)

  • CouponUrl,  (LindbakPosServerMessagingService/eCoupon/v1/eCouponWS)

  • PosServicesCustomerOrderUri

  • PosServiceExternalCustomerSearchUri

  • MemberServiceURL  (LindbakPosServices/MemberService/Lookup/1.0)

  • MemberServiceCentralURL

  • PosServiceCustomerNumberUri

  • LindbakPosMessageServiceURL (LindbakPOSServices/Messages/1.0/PosMessage)

  • LindbakReceiptServiceURL (Receipts/1.0/ReceiptsService.svc/ReceiptsWS)

  • ShopAndGoReceiptOnHoldServiceURL

  • ReceiptOnHoldServiceURL

  • PosServicesCreditInfoUri

POS Configuration

The URL parameter for the given service must be updated with HTTPS in the address.

POS Services

Binding must be added / edited. Example below,

<binding name="secureHttpBinding" maxBufferSize="524288" maxReceivedMessageSize="524288" receiveTimeout="00:30:00" maxBufferPoolSize="2097152" transferMode="Buffered">

  <readerQuotas maxArrayLength="524288" maxBytesPerRead="524288" maxDepth="128" />

  <security mode="Transport">

    <transport clientCredentialType="None" />



Servicebehaviour must be added / edited. Example below. 

<behavior name="HttpsServiceBehavior">

  <serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="true" httpGetEnabled="true"/>

  <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="false" />

  <dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="2147483647" />


Add new endpoint to support both HTTPS and HTTP (HTTP can be removed when all POS have started using HTTPS)


<service behaviorConfiguration="HttpsServiceBehavior" name="POSServices.Implementation.GltAeraService_1_0.GltAeraService">

  <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="secureHttpBinding" name="basicHttp" contract="POSServices.Contracts.GltAeraService_1_0.ServiceContracts.IGltAeraService" />

  <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicBinding" name="basicHttp" contract="POSServices.Contracts.GltAeraService_1_0.ServiceContracts.IGltAeraService" />

  <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpsBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" /> 



      <add baseAddress="https://localhost:8001/LindbakPOSServices/GltAeraService/1.0" />

      <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8000/LindbakPOSServices/GltAeraService/1.0" />




Port must be different for http and https. Machine name must be used, not IP-adress in field 'baseAddress'.

Improvements POS



Gift card

Sell digital gift card by mail (Work ID: 186280)

We have changed the logic so its possible to define 1 button with sale of digital gift card using mail address and 1 button to sell plastic gift card.

Parameter ScripServiceGiftCardShowEmailInput should be enabled.

On button/function to sell digital gift card, set argument auto-generated = True. Mail address field will be mandatory.

On button/function to sell plastic set argument auto-generated = False. Mail address field will not be shown.

Improvement POS Server




Order number missing in ARTS-xml for gift card sales (Work ID: 186831)

EG order number is included in ARTS POSLog XML in the field SpecialOrderNumber also for lines with gift card sales,

Concession sale in ARTS XML (Work ID: 186253)

The concession flag in POSLog XML (isConcession) is also included in ARTS POSlog XML in standard field "CommissionGivenFlag".

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