It is possible to link external content to a box in the flowchart. This includes creating nonconformities, displaying risk events, linking to people and reports, and linking to documents from the document library.
Nonconformities can be created directly from a box in the flowchart. When creating a nonconformity from the box, the nonconformity is linked to the box from which it was created
1. To be able to create a nonconformity linked with the box, click edit box and check Allow non-conformance creation.
2. Create a nonconformity by hovering the mouse over the box and clicking the nonconformity icon.
3. Click Create new case.
Note: It is not possible to link an existing nonconformity to a box in the flowchart. A nonconformity that is to be linked with the flowchart must be created from the process module. |
You can link existing risk events to boxes in the flowchart or you can create new risk events.
1. Edit the flowchart, hover the mouse over the box and click the risk icon.
2. To link to an existing risk event, choose the event in the Link to event field. To create a new event, click New event.
Note: If you create a new risk event, it is created as a joint event in the risk module and not as a local response linked to the box in the flowchart. |
If you choose to display the risk event icon, it will appear in the box in the flowchart. To hide it, uncheck the box.
You can link documents from the document library to boxes in the flowchart.
1. Hover the mouse over and click edit box. Click Choose documents.
2. Select documents to link to in the Options column and click Done.
Tip: Use the search bar to find documents more easily. |
3. If you do not want to view the document's name in the flowchart, check the Hidden box.
Displays the employee name and phone number in the box. To add a person, edit the box and select the employee in the Person field under External content.
When navigating through the flowchart, you can view linked nonconformities, risk events and documents by hovering the mouse over the box and clicking the icons above the box.