For the booking features to work with 3rd party booking systems you need to add the email addresses to the spaces that are bookable in the 3rd party system.


You must have Space management role in Optimaze Portal.

1. Log in to Optimaze portal

2. Go to Optimaze Space module

3. Navigate to 'Floors' in the top navigation bar and open a floor plan by clicking on it

4. Select 'Capacity objects' from the Edit drop-down menu

5. Select an individual capacity object and select ‘Bookable’ and enter the room’s calendar’s email address

  • If you are making changes for an upcoming floor plan update, you can select ‘Modification begin date

  • Email addresses can not include special signs such as a '*' or similar.

6. Click ‘Update selected capacity objects

7. Also make sure that:

  1. The capacity object has Meeting space as the reporting type, see instructions: Changing capacity object reporting type

  2. All room’s have names: Add room names