In order to access the checklist in edit mode, you must click on the checklist head number

Requires risk assessment: If this is activated, an SJA can be linked and executed when executing the checklist. 

Active: The checklist can be hidden by marking it as inactive. Note that only a inactive/deactivated checklist can be deleted. Deleting inactive checklist(s) can be done in the mass update function for checklists.

Notifications: Notification to the supervisor or the person assigned to the job of the number of days until From Date. This function can be hidden by the administrator from specific users logging in via the user’s profile. The notification is only sent out if there are active check points on the checklist.

  • Notification type: Internal message, email and/or SMS. 
  • Recipient: Supervisor and/or person assigned to the checklist. 
  • Warning before due: Indicates number of days before From Date. 
  • Deviation message: Where it is desired that the action notices (Requires actions) from a specific checklist (e.g. from a protection checklist) should be sent as a deviation message, a type of deviation registration address 15.9.1 Registration addresses can be entered here. The message will thus come in as a deviation against the person who is on the deviation type (registration address).

Assigned  to: Everyone who needs access to the checklist in ‘My checklists’ is inserted here. For details regarding ‘My checklist’ and displays, see also description under ‘Edit profile’. 

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