Document status: RELEASED


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Improvements POS



Cloud gift card

Improvements for handling Cloud gift card (RTP-13692)

There has been done general improvements for handling Cloud gift card.

  1. Check for GLN is now removed - Store number should always be used when using CloudGiftcardService.
  2. Expiry date is now added to exception dialog for expired gift cards.
  3. Gift card balance dialog now only is shown once when forcing gift card payment on a expired gift card - previous this dialog was shown twice if both parameters ScripCheckBalanceBeforePayment and ForcePaymentGiftCardOnExpired = True.
Order dispatch

Displaying picking status in POS (RTP-16040)

An issue occurred which prevented the cashier to see the correct picking status of orders in POS. This has been corrected. The "SetPickingStatusForCartOrderExt" method works as it should.


Negative amount for normal purchase (RTP-16096)

In payment view proper text and amount are displayed now for normal sale and for return as well.


Improvement for scanning cashier card in self-service (RTP-16119)

There is done a improvement for scanning cashier card in self service.  Previous when a cashier card was linked to a cashier with the 'cashiernum' set to NULL, in the Database, they were not able to start self-service by scanning the card. Now the cash register will use the cashiernum of the user that is signed on, if the cashier that is scanning his card doesn't have a defined cashiernum. 


Multiticket barcodes from Vensafe kiosk may be interpreted incorrectly (RTP-16090)

Multiticket barcodes, as created/printed in the Vensafe kiosk, are now interpreted correctly in EG POS. Previously they might be misinterpreted, making items in ticket not being fetched/put in the receipt. Problem occurred only with a certain configuration.

POS Configuration - Relevant existing parameter: 'UseVensafeIntegrationOnEAN'.

Improvements POS Server




ReceiptService-fallback fails (RTP-16030)

Ignore offline/online checking for POSWCF to avoid that ReceiptService fail.

Improvement for handling orders with overridden price (RTP-15984)

There is done a improvement for handling orders with overridden price. Now deleted lines in orders with overridden price is being ignored, so resuming of order goes ok. Earlier if VatAmountReadOnlyForOverriddenPrices was enabled, it could cause an error if the order contained any deleted lines. 

Added information about bundle item (RTP-15763)

The 'GetItem' and 'GetItems' methods return 'IsBundle' in their responses, which indicates if an item is a bundle item or not.

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