Document status: RELEASED


EG POS includes all features and improvements in, plus the changes documented below.

The version requirements are also the same as for

Reservation of orders in other stores 


New option "Reserve in store" is available while searching for items. When button "Reserve in store" is selected, then dialogue “Show availability” appears. Employee checks which stores the item can be picked up in, and selects store by clicking the preferred one. This causes that customer order is generated. 

POS Configuration


List of information fields that will be visible in POS in item detail info box. The field can be hidden if information is not available for the selected item. To see "Reserve in store" button add ClickAndCollectButton option to that parameter.

Support for showing mix discount information 


Support for showing mix discount info has been implemented. The mix discount info is only shown when selecting mix item lines.

POS Configuration

ShowMixDiscountInfoLines (default False)

If True, the mix discount info is displayed.

Add association to member in POS


Parameter 'CustomerViewSetupWhenLoyalty' was extended with a new field “Association” so it is now possible to search and add associations in POS while creating/editing member in POS.  The associations are sorted alphabetically, but already selected associations are shown at the top of the list (to make it easier to find the selected ones). Customer groups that contain associations can be specified in the new parameter 'AssociationCustomerGroups'.


Database POS Master ([dbo].[usp_GetCustomersByCustomerGroup] procedure)

POS Configuration

AssociationCustomerGroups (default value Null)

Configures which customer groups contains associations.


New field (type ComboBox) Association. The user can select one or multiple associations.

On-screen keyboard


On-screen keyboard is not shown if TouchScreenPrimaryInput parameter is set to False now.  When the on-screen keyboard is turned off, button panel is shown instead.

POS Configuration

TouchScreenPrimaryInput (default False)

When touch screen is set as the primary input, the on-screen keyboard will be shown automatically when needed.

Key figures


Key figures are now supported also in POS 4.0. In sales view, key figures label is shown on the top of the sales screen. The popup with key figures can be opened by function button or by clicking the line in sales view.  

The labels should be configured in the xml file by consultant

POS Configuration


Defines names of KPI statistics information to show in the dialog.


Defines names of KPI statistics information to show on sale screen.


Function Show Key Values can be configured on a button to open the dialog with key figures.

Additional item dialog


Additional item dialog is now not shown when one of the items which EANs are defined in the AdditionalItemsDialogEans parameter is in the receipt and parameter AdditionalItemsDialogWhenEANInSale is set to False.

POS Configuration

AdditionalItemsDialogWhenEANInSale parameter (default True)

If parameter is set to False, the dialog is not shown if one or more of the items defined in AdditionalItemsDialogEans has already been added to the receipt.

Show special group name in item search and item info in POS


Existing POS parameters ItemInfoFullscreenConfig and ItemInfoBoxConfig has been extended with new field "Special Group".  When this field is added, the special group name will be shown in POS in item search details view and in the item information view.


Database POS Master or higher.

Disabling automatic login


Automatic cashier login is now disabled, if AutoValidatePasswordLength parameter is set 0.

POS Configuration
Trigger login automatically when the user entered character number X in the password field.

Hiding unused coupons in customer view & customer screen


Unused coupons are not displayed in customer view and on the customer screen when ShowUnusedCouponsInSalesWindow=False.

POS Configuration

ShowUnusedCouponsInSalesWindow (default False)

If set to True coupons will be visible for cashier (and customer on customer screen) even when rebate is not yet triggered.

Emphasize campaign items


Campaign items are now highlighted in sales view.

POS Configuration

HighlightCampaignArticles (default False)

If set to True, articles with an active campaign are highlighted in the sales view.

Keep function panel opened


Function panel can be kept opened now in search views. Moreover, when displaying dialogs the panel with numpad is shown now.

POS Configuration

UILayout (Default value: Standard)

If WorkAreaOnly is set, then function panel is kept opened in search views and when displaying dialogs the panel with numpad is shown.

Function panel minimized by default


Keeping function panel minimized by default is possible when KeepFunctionPanelMinimized parameter is set to True.

POS Configuration

KeepFunctionPanelMinimized  (default False)

If set to True, function panel will be minimized at startup

Wait until SQL Server is installed and the "Local" database is replicated when POS starts


The POS now starts, but then wait until SQL Server is installed, and the "Lindbak POS Local" database is replicated. This can take hours/days depending on how the cash register is installed.

When POS starts, it will now:

  • Check if the local server/database exists.
  • Check if usp_IsInitialReplicationDone procedure exists.
  • Calls usp_IsInitialReplicationDone and checks if it returns 1.

If all of these are True, it will continue starting. If not, it will sleep for a while and try again. First 10 times it will sleep for 3 seconds, next 30 times for 15 seconds and then for 60 seconds.

Special group number/name in POS Master and data export


The support for SpecialGroupNo and SpecialGroupText data present in Chain Classic files has been added to POS Master database and PosApiDataExport job. The PosApiDataExport job reads data form SpecialGroupNo and SpecialGroupText fields and exports them as JSON in POSItem blobs.

Improvements POS 



Convenience sales

Item information in PLU Board (RTP-15912)

Item information is no longer displayed unexpectedly in PLU Board.

Crashing POS while using Convenience sales (RTP-15104)

Image loading for PLU boards has been optimized in order to solve issues with insufficient memory on the cash register so POS do not crash any longer.

Customer screen

Improvement for negative subtotal (RTP-15851)

When the subtotal is negative, then label "To pay" and currency codes are displayed on footer with negative subtotal in customer screen.


Item search with model grouping (RTP-16475)

Problems in item search with model grouping have been resolved. When pressing the back button on the model item now, POS is properly redirected back to item search view. Moreover, when model item is selected to be added to receipt, then it is added only once (before it was twice).

HANDLE_ROW_CLICK taking too long (RTP-16322)

HANDLE_ROW_CLICK takes less time now while searching receipt on hold.

Increasing memory usage (RTP-16069)

Issues related to increase of memory usage by POS has been solved. The memory consumed by WebView2 should not reach to the level at which POS crashes. 

Number series handling improvement (RTP-16063)

If number series does not exist in POS or ReceiptService, POS starts automatically from 1.

Do not save self-service cashier to recent logins table (RTP-15999)

Self-service cashiers are not saved to recent logins table now.

Convenience sales images caching (RTP-15926)

Improvements in the performance have been implemented. As a result, switching modes between 'regular sales' and 'convenience sales' should take a considerable less amount of time.

Unwanted information in header (RTP-15326)

Handling of ShowToCashier from POSLog has been added so information included in StructuredNotes are not displayed in header when ShowToCashier="False".

Keymap for line discount (RTP-15038)

Keymap for function Line discount (with specific input) for discount type Amount is working now properly also in EG POS 4.0.

Disabling main scanner when in certain open dialogues (RTP-14548)

Scanner is now disabled when certain dialogues are opened for manual input, dialogues where input from scanner is not relevant. This might be e.g. input of amount for open priced items, or input of weight for weight items.

Fix for online return (RTP-13919)

There has been some issues regarding online return for version 4.0, these issues are now fixed. So Online return works as expected in version 4.0. 

Problem with scanner turning off (RTP-16839)

Scanner is enabled now when pop-up window for "Search member by identifier" is active and also in swish payment dialog.


Improvements regarding timeouts in offline situations for 4.0 version (RTP-15112)

General improvements have been implemented regarding the cash registers detection if it's offline or not, when trying to execute operations towards different services. The cash register is quicker in detection of it's own connection to the services, and will no longer use the same amount of time twice, if the cash register detects that's it's offline on the first attempt to reach the service. 

Order dispatch

Displaying picking status in POS (RTP-16040)

An issue occurred which prevented the cashier to see the correct picking status of orders in POS. This has been corrected. The "SetPickingStatusForCartOrderExt" method works as it should.

User interface

Hidden "Save" button in member registration view (RTP-16679)

In member registration view problem with covering "Save" button by function panel when using only on-screen keyboard does no longer appear.

New dialog for receipts on hold (RTP-16187)

When user tries to fetch a receipt on hold using RECEIPT_SEARCH_OR_PUT_ONHOLD function, and there are no receipts on hold, then new dialog informing about this is displayed.

Dark mode improvements (RTP-15953)

Improvements for dark mode have been implemented. The changes apply mainly to improve the contrasts, which means lighter texts and darker buttons.

Function buttons in search views (RTP-15534)

New rules for showing buttons in different searches have been implemented:

  • if 3 or less buttons are configured, "More functions" button is hidden and all configured buttons are shown,
  • if more than 3 buttons are configured, "More functions" button and the first 2 buttons configured are shown.

New rules for showing buttons in different searches have been implemented:

  • if 3 or less buttons are configured, "More functions" button is hidden and all configured buttons are shown,
  • if more than 3 buttons are configured, "More functions" button and the first 2 buttons configured are shown.

Bag dialog (RTP-15533)

The bag dialog does not hide member info in receipts header anymore. Moreover, dialog's design has been improved.

Highlight campaign and member price (RTP-14271)

Campaign and member prices are now emphasized in search and item info.

Web order

Editing the web order (RTP-14805)

It's not allowed to edit web order after going back from payment view to sales view so the "Edit order" button in web order header view has been removed. It still possible to see delivery information.

Edit the dummy customer (RTP-14840)

It is now impossible to edit the dummy customer in web orders.

Improvement POS Server



POS Master

Store local assortment code in ask price (RTP-15779)

When searching with the Ask price function in POS, the assortment code from 'ItemOverride' table is presented in the search result instead of the value from 'Item table'. The assortment code is taken from 'Item table' if LabelAssortmentCode is not present in the 'ItemOverride' table.

  • No labels