Planned 17. september 2024

New functionality

  • Copy function in user profiles that copies access from the selected user to new user(s).
  • OK button on WO to set all sub-activities to "OK" status.
  • Update mode for work descriptions in Import Studio is now available.
  • Account information can be sent to the user from the profile card.


  • Search function on asset in editing mode on sent message.
  • The document list on the mobile asset card has been moved to the bottom of the page.
  • Comment can be entered when registering a new sub-activity.
  • External messages can be turned into purchase requisitions.
  • Asset type posted in Excel export of cost report.
  • Export of deviations includes the date of the last status change.
  • Improved export functionality in new grid lists.
  • When you set the status of event log to "Done", the requirement to fill in "Requires maintenance" is waived.
  • QR-code generation on WO and asset changed from API to JS.


  • Corrected error with display of department in classic employee list.
  • Corrected error regarding possible exchange rate adjustment on amounts when using the function for generating automatic PO.
  • Fixed filtering error on location in worklist GANTT view.
  • Corrected errors regarding the display of maps from Mapbox.
  • Corrected expired end point for maps from Kartverket
  • Corrected error regarding missing reply button on messages.
  • Fixed incorrect shortcut to "My History" for external users.
  • Various bug fixes.


Released 12. june 2024

NB! This version requires MS-SQL 2017 or later! On premises customers must make sure the MS-SQL version is updated accordingly.

New functionality

  • More grid lists.
  • "Requires shutdown" is now available when registering WO from mobile.


  • Improved performance in pages with many warehouse selectors (IO/Goods receipt/Stock order).
  • Comments from WO added to invoice lines.
  • Comments from any associated work posted in the operating log view and pdf.
  • Carriers (names) on IO lines are added to the tooltip on the line. Previously, only the carrier number was displayed.
  • Added "Description" when importing article links against Assets.
  • Changed choice of customers at WO. Customers must now be selected in the same way as for Assets and Projects.
  • Shows date of status change in deviation module.


  • Corrected error regarding registration of hours on external users. Got double up on WO'shead.
  • Corrected error regarding editing of time on detailed timekeeping.
  • Corrected error regarding status on operation log.
  • Fixed error regarding QR codes on PDF.
  • Corrected error regarding the upload of new documents to the selected folder.
  • Corrected error in count lists regarding loss of available functions.
  • Corrected error in pdf purchase order regarding delivery methods and conditions.
  • Corrected error regarding the creation of history from mobile.
  • Fixed error related to editing of html text on assetcards.
  • Corrected error regarding document links on mobile checklist.
  • Various bug fixes.


Released 9. april 2024

New functionality

  • Function to set all sub-activities to status OK in the form for WO(only changes the status of activities that have not previously set status).
  • Work permits can be registered from the mobile interface.
    NB! Can only be done by the person in charge at work.
  • Work flow for WO has a separate parameter to set a flow as default on jobs that require a work permit.
    NB! Only one flow can be set as default at any time!
  • New map view in work order list showing where jobs are located.
    NB! Requires position either on the asset or on the job itself.
  • Graphical display of due status on checkpoints.
  • Documents can be linked to an employee's qualification.
  • Access to list expansion (500 rows) must be activated under System settings. This is deactivated in this upgrade and must be activated by an administrator if you still want access to it.


  • A tooltip can be defined for status changes in the workflow.
  • Employees can be linked to shifts.
  • New filter for [Shift] in employee and time list.
  • Added display of the total in the weekly view of the timetable.
  • Inventory is displayed on linked items on the asset card.
  • Current work orders on the object are shown in both WO view and object view.
  • Optimization of several SPs in the system.
  • A function has been added for selecting existing documents [Select existing document] in the file upload dialog.
  • PO can be registered for arrival from a mobile phone.
  • Delivery method can be defined on a PO.
  • In the mobile work list, the logged-in user is always shown as the executor if he is among the executors on the job.
  • Work permit requirements can now be specified when WOis created from the mobile interface.
  • Assignment to WO in the list view for "WO without personnel" must now be confirmed.
  • Article group is posted in Excel export of count\value lists.


  • Corrected error regarding registration of hours for other employees on history in mobile interface.
  • Corrected error regarding missing completion date when registering history from mobile.
  • Fixed error when copying articles.
  • Fixed error when creating new object. Error when returning to the main list.
  • Fixed error when deleting all categories on SJA element.
  • Corrected error with totals in operating log.
  • Corrected error which meant that the person in charge could not sign the work permit on mobile.
  • Various bug fixes.


Released 23. january 2024

New functionality

  • Possibility of uploading several files simultaneously in the document system.
  • Limit amounts can be set up for a status change in workflow for PO. A PO can then be set up to require approval for amounts greater than the stated amount limit on the change of status. In the case of a lower amount on IO, this status change will not be required.
    NB! The amount limit can be limited to the individual employee. If the employee's amount limit is less than the amount limit for the status change, it is the employee's amount limit that will apply.
  • Limit status change to one or more named persons on status change WO/PO. Set up in the workflow.
  • Copy function on workflow. A workflow with status changes can easily be copied. Done in the workflow editing image.
  • Functionality for registering and signing work permits at WO. Available at 
  • WO where requirements for a work permit have been set.
    NB! Requires a signature from the person in charge on the work permit so that the executor can sign.
  • New widget on the home page to show work permits at WO that require the signature of the person in charge (only if this is activated).
  • New widget for articles that require approval (only if this is enabled).
  • New widgets for unread messages and deviations (listing).
  • New widgets that show status changes on WO/PO that require action from you or your associated group.
  • Import template for miscellaneous costs at WO.
  • The system can be set up to require approval of new registered articles before they are put into use. Access to approval of new articles is set on the employee's user profile.
    NB! This functionality must be activated under System settings > Articles [For approval]
  • Custom article types can be created. Entered under System > Articles > Article type.
  • A supplier can be merged with another supplier. Objects, individuals, equipment, jobs, articles and stock are updated with a new supplier. Contacts, addresses and documents are moved.
  • Statistics on error type/cause in checklist history.
  • Several new list views will be available (Grid lists).


  • New addressee filter in time list.
  • Own parameter "Articles [For approval]" profile settings to enable approval role of new articles if this is enabled.
  • Own parameter "Simplified registration [WO > Articles]" in profile settings to enable quick registration of articles on AO.
  • Access to create and edit lap head and lap points is now set in a separate access parameter [LR] and [ER], [LP] and [EP]. These were previously governed by access to the creation and editing of AO.
  • State change in OO flow can be set to use access parameter SIO. By removing the markings on the current user in the SIO (access matrix) and marking for Control [Access] on status change, this status change can be deactivated for users without SIO.
  • Display of elapsed time in WO lists is shown in addition to planned time.
  • Mass update of job description on history.
  • Mass update of execution on history corresponding to mass update function on WO.
  • Deleting inactive rounds can be done in the mass update screen for checklists.
  • Department can be connected to warehouse. When invoicing, this department will be used if the department cannot be inherited from a job or employee.


  • Fixed demand calculation where the PO header was set to received while lines were still as "Ordered/Confirmed". Demand calculation routine will now see these lines as "Received".
  • Fixed missing checkbox for 'Description' in WO list. This had to be activated by first opening a new list view and then returning to the classic list view.
  • Fixed for listing errors of registered deviations on mobile.
  • Fixed of search function in map.
  • Fixed problem with removing wrongly registered number in count list.
  • Various bug fixes.


Released 14. november 2023

New functionality

  • Indicator on WO for RCA (Root cause analysis) with filter in AO/History (must be activated under system settings).
  • Article can be linked to one or more assets from the editing screen for article, as a function in article display (requires editing permission on articles) or in the registration screen for new article.
  • Grid list available on history and assets.
  • Excel export of assets organized in structure. Located in new grid list for asset structure.
  • Mass update function on contact persons.
  • Function to delete personal data on employees and contact persons (mass update).


  • Contact persons can be filtered by addressee.
  • Description can be mass updated on objects and work orders.
  • Various improvements in existing grid lists.
  • An update of the price has been added to WO when checking invoices for parts in consignment stock.
  • Document list on WO now shows as standard both documents on the WO itself + any documents on the connected work description.
  • Procurement statistics are shown on the project card.
  • Project numbers are posted in transaction lists for rental. Project filter now only shows the selected customer's projects.


  • Corrected wrong lamp status when registering WO within date range From/To date. Applies only where lamps were calculated by date (not week). The light turned white on registration instead of yellow.
  • Fixed problem in calendar view WO where jobs were lost when navigating in the monthly overview. This problem occurs where it is run with "Floating priority" on WO.
  • Corrected missing totals in WO list. This problem occurs where it is run with "Floating priority" on WO.
  • Corrected error that could occur in PO when connecting to objects where the length of the object number is longer than 20 characters.
  • Corrected error when filtering on marked deviations.
  • Fixed error when displaying supplier in the inventory catalog edit screen.
  • Various bug fixes.


Released19. september 2023

New functionality

  • New grid solution for export and advanced filtering has been made available in Work orders, Employees, Time list, Addressees and Contact persons (More lists will come later).


  • New filter "Show AO on this object" in list for sub-activities in AO and history. This will list out sub-activities against the selected object without including substructure.
  • Added notification about missing order lines on PO when the next step is ordering.
  • Checklists are regenerated by recording the counter reading on the round so that any round points due on the clock appear immediately.
  • Priority filter using floating priority has been made more accessible without having to expand additional filters.
  • List for counters on objects can switch display between active and inactive objects.
  • Folder can be selected when uploading a document from an element such as asset, WO etc (only available if you have created document folders in the document list).


  • Corrected error regarding the supplier/customer disappearing from the object card after editing.
  • Corrected error in mobile pages for registration/change of WO where selection for "Origin" contained subject groups.
  • Improved speed in WO listing where individual management is not activated.
  • Fixed missing display of comment in invoice view.
  • Fixed error regarding mass update of advance on articles.
  • Fixed various bugs in the new Widget view.
  • Various bug fixes.


Released 20. juni 2023

New functionality

  • New dashboard with optional widgets to show current items. The overview can be filtered by asset and subject group in two modes: All and Mine. This overview is activated with the start page button.
    • Various current overviews for AO and rounds (overdue/today/this week etc).
    • Follow-up lists (follow-up of AO/history and action messages that have not been processed).
    • Various current lists for purchasing.
    • Events in the operation log (registered stop).
    • New messages and deviations.
    • ++
  • A message can be sent as a purchase requisition. PO can also be created from a requisition message. Opens to use the messaging system to report in purchasing needs.
  • Quick registration of new WO/History/Operation log/PO/message/Deviation/Document is posted in the heading of the main pages.
  • Images can be copied onto marked assets/articles/roundabout points using the mass update function. Enter the image name (located in the tooltip on all images).


  • Settings for "My Lists" in profile settings now require admin rights.
  • Recipients can be set inactive. Also supported by mass update.
  • An article can be entered as expensed. These articles will not be included in the bundling of transactions.
  • Customer and Invoice address fields in detail pages have been given a combobox for easier and more efficient display of these pages where the number of customers is large.
  • Asset and Item names have been extended from 40 to 128 characters.
  • A QR code has been inserted in the heading of WO-pdf.
  • Checklists can be set up to send messages as deviations. Select the deviation type in the checklist head.
  • A default registration address can be specified when sending messages. Either by setting std. registration address under "System > Messages > Registration address" or select address in profile settings.
    NB! Address selected in profile settings will override default address selected in overview of registration addresses.


  • Some help links disappeared due to a migration of the Confluence pages to a new domain in v. 4.3.1. This will be fixed again in this edition.
  • Problem with registration of new warehouses appeared in 4.3.1. This is resolved.
  • Corrected error regarding editing deviations.
  • Fixed error in Excel export of purchase orders.


Released 2. mai 2023

New functionality

  • New "Dark Mode"! Activated under profile settings.

  • Map: Map layers from the Swedish Map Agency are implemented in the map view (topo4/topo4graatoner/havbunn_grunnkart). The best maps for Norway by far. NB! Only displayed if the system language is set to Norwegian.
  • Map: A geo search has been added to the bottom right of the map display. Search by place, address, etc.
  • Work order: New filter on the object's criticality (A, B, C, D).

  • Assets: New filter on asset criticality (A, B, C, D).

  • Operation log: New filter on the object's criticality (A, B, C, D).

  • Operating log: Normal working hours can be set under system settings so that downtime is only calculated in this time window (eg: 7-15).
  • Checklists: Filters on maturity are laid out as buttons with maturity lamps in round heads and points.

  • Deviations: A new filter "Hide performed" has been added to the deviations list. This will remove closed and rejected deviations.

  • Articles: Planned consumption now has two modes: Parts on WO that have not been picked from stock, or parts that have been picked. Tick ​​"Picked" if you want to see parts that have been withdrawn from stock.

  • Articles: Locations have received a mass update for association with location group.
  • Purchasing: Filtering on delivery status on IO (Delivered according to confirmed date).


  • Facelift on the rich web pages. Among other things, the same icon library as on the mobile pages has been used.

  • Work order: Overdue filters are laid out as buttons with overdue lights.

  • Work order: WO linked to operation log inherits stoppages from operation log, unless otherwise specified on WO when notification of completion.

  • Work order: If a link has been set between the person in charge and the subject group, the subject group can be changed afterwards. The subject group will still change automatically if you change the person in charge.

  • Work order: Completion notification by WO on mobile now has validation on all mandatory fields on history.
  • Checklists: Round notices are only sent if there are active points on the round.
  • Checklists: A history linked to the round can be kept if, for example, you want to document events related to the round review that were not commented upon when the report was completed. There is a field for linking to round in the detailed display when registering history.
  • Stock: Stock catalogs that are managed according to the FIFO principle will now pick the quantity automatically from the sequences in the inventory table during stock removal so that the price of withdrawal is in accordance with the price of the receipt in question. Previously, you had to choose the sequence number yourself when an article was picked.
  • Priority: Priority filters have been made more accessible in Work order, Operation log and Message.

  • Employees: If you filter on a qualification, any expiry date will appear in the list.

  • Hour registration: Unlimited text can be entered in the description field regarding the registration of hours.

  • Messages: The "Link to WO" function on a message now displays a drop-down list with the WO on the message's object. Select an WO from here or enter the WO number. If an WO is selected in the list, this will override any WO entered manually.


  • Fixed bug in bulk pdf export. The zip file could not be read in Windows explorer.

  • Corrected error regarding the status of WO when opening WO in edit mode.

  • Corrected error regarding rich text in "Edit Asset".

  • Corrected error regarding average price when receiving articles without previous inventory.

  • Corrected error regarding transactions on "Stock order".

  • Corrected error regarding calculation of average price when reversing goods receipt.
  • Fixed bug where messages from the API were not displayed in the setting mode "employee group" or "professional group" on the message box.

  • Various minor bug fixes.


Released 6. mars 2023

  • Rebranding of the application to EG Maintenance.

  • Work order: Free text search in the main list for AO and history now includes the object's name.

  • Work order: Work order can be set up to inherit subject group from responsible. Set up under system settings (Subject group from responsible [WO]).

  • Work order: Error cause can be set as mandatory when registering WO.

  • Checkpoints: Description can be mass updated.

  • Purchasing: When calculating needs, the supplier's delivery time will be included in the calculation so that the need is captured early enough. Delivery time is set in the "Edit stock catalogue" screen.
    NB! Requires that Reserved => Need is marked during needs calculation!

  • Purchasing: Reservation routine now uses estimated due date on counter-based jobs.
    NB! This requires that an estimated operating time per week on the object the counter is moved towards.

  • Articles: The filters for location group and location have been made more accessible in several article lists.

  • Articles: Description is extended to unlimited length of text.

  • Articles: Export/Import [A] now also includes "Product info" and "Comment".
    NB! be aware of changes in the import template. Two new columns have been added after column [AB].

  • Articles: Article list on mobile has received stock notification. Indicated by color in the left margin of articles that are stock controlled. Information about the quantity in the order has also been entered.

  • Counting lists: A marking function has been added to counting lists with the option to delete marked lines. The delete button appears at the bottom right after marking.

  • Counting lists: Stock information is automatically updated on all articles that have not been counted when opening the counting list in mobile view. This is done to avoid incorrect adjustments if you are working with an old counting list.

  • Assets: The option for rich text (HTML) has been added in the asset description.

  • Rental: Supplier can be connected to rental equipment.

  • Operation log: Start and stop times can be edited in mobile view.

  • Time keeping: It is now registered who registers a time keeping + date and time. Shown in the tooltip in the column 'Initials' in the time list or inside the editing image on the time schedule.

  • Messages: Messages can be deleted in the mobile interface.

  • Employees: In the view for web users in the employee list, an administrator can take out an overview of users who have not been logged in since a selected date.

  • Employees: Job description has been extended from 30 to 50 characters.


  • Sorting in the mobile asset selector now follows settings on the user's profile (Object number or name).

  • Link to count list from the stock transaction image could open the wrong count list. This has been corrected.

  • Fixed bug with custom filters for purchase order and operational log.

  • Corrected several errors regarding the summary of Completed and completed jobs on "My Page".

  • Corrected errors regarding the possibility to select the error type when registering WO on mobile if the error type was set as mandatory.

  • Removed possibility to set a point to "Done" from the round list on mobile if the round was set up to only accept QR scanning of points.

  • Fixed problem with project search in registration images where project was set as mandatory.

  • Various bug fixes.


Release date

New functionality

  • NB, NB! Control of hour meters on another object

    If you have used the function of controlling an object's counter from another object, this must be set up again in v. 4.2.1 due to a previous bug which meant that this could be set by mistake. Therefore, these references are reset so that they must be set up again. This is done in the Object [Counter] field in the object editing image.

  • Checklist: Unfinished checkpoints can be regenerated on the round by activating [Generate unfinished checkpoints on the checklist head. The item then gets a new maturity status regardless of whether it has been done or not. These checkpoints will then end up in the list of "Not executed checkpoints".

  • Checklist: Graphic display in calendar on the checkpoint for when the checkpoint has been made and when it has not been done according to plan.

  • Checklist: Separate weekly view in the main picture for checkpoint status (completed and non-completed checkpoints).

  • Checklist: In the checklist and weekly view for checkpoint history, a summary can be displayed for the number of times a checkpoint has not been executed. Appears if you enter a [Off] date as a filter. NB! Applies only to checklists set up with regeneration of not performed checkpoints).

  • Objects: The object's editing page shows a suggested operating time / week based on historical counter registrations (used to estimate the due date for counter-based jobs).

  • Bundling: New routine for bundling transactions for transfer to financial systems. Entries can be taken out in Excel.

  • Stocktake: A separate counting list type has been set up for value lists. Extract inventory value by creating a value list.

  • Stocktake: New menu item for listing and filtering / searching in counting lists with edit button to open the counting list in detailed mode (as before).

  • Deviation system: A new field for causal analysis of deviations is now available.

  • WO: When selecting external contractors on WO, you can now have contact persons listed so that it is easier to add more external contractors from the same company.

  • WO: In mobile interface, alternative flow statuses are made available.

  • WO: Deletion of parts from WO where the part has been removed from the warehouse can now only be done by an administrator.

  • WO: Executor can be deleted from selected WO or all WO (inactive employee). Features are available on the employee or address card for administrator users.

  • History: In history view, round history for a specific round can be displayed by selecting round in the new round filter.

  • History: A new option for "checklist" has been introduced in the Origin filter (extended filter). This shows all history generated from checklists.

  • Purchasing: New filter selection in Status filter for "Ordered + Confirmed". This will show all IO in order. Applies to both head and line view.

  • Purchasing: Purchase order can be registered on arrival so that you get an overview of arrived IO on which no goods have been received. Function is available on IO in the status Ordered or Confirmed. Arrival-registered IOs can be filtered out in the Status filter in the list.

  • Purchasing: Advanced invoice control. Access control under Admin> User Profiles> Main Menu. Invoice control is created from received PO.

  • Purchasing: Goods receipt can be reversed. Made in the image for editing PO detail.

  • Purchasing: Support for automatic PO when withdrawing from consignment warehouse. This must be put on the stock definition.


  • Invoice: Improved speed in invoice listing.

  • Purchasing: Own listing of goods receipt details.

  • Help function: English version of the help pages.


Release date

New functionality

  • System: Validation that the registered counter level is higher than the last registered can be switched on / off in system settings.

  • WO: User-controlled time horizon for viewing WO and history. Located under profile settings.


  • WO: Any follow-up date on job / history is reset when the corresponding message is set to status "Completed".

  • Rounds: Round lists have been given a filtering option on the points' due date status.
    Articles: The last counting date can be posted in the article list.

  • Stocktake: Import studio: For those with Visma sync activated, it will now be possible to run adjustment of counting list and at the same time turn off the sink so that adjustments of inventories are only made in View.

  • Stocktake: In active counting lists you can now add and delete articles.

  • Stocktake: When adding items to a counting list, the date of the last count is displayed.



New functionality

  • AO: Counter-based jobs now have an estimated due date. Requires that the field [Operation / Week] (estimated operation per week) is set on affected objects. Can be used for all types of counters (hours, km etc). Also covered by date filter in AO list.

  • Objects: It is now possible to specify which other object a counter (eg hour meter) is to be controlled on. This will make it possible to place counter-controlled jobs and round points on objects other than the object on which the counter is moved.

  • Articles: Notification on expiration date for articles (FEFO). Enter employees who will have notification and the number of days in advance you want notification in the stock catalog.

  • Articles: Notification of articles that have been below the minimum stock. Set up on the individual stock catalog.

  • Rounds: Notification of the person responsible and the executor can be added to rounds. Alerts on the due date of the round.


  • AO: List view can be sorted by project.

  • Objects: Document overview of objects can show documents linked to group / type.

  • Articles: We have added an indication of series- and batch-controlled articles in article list [S] [B]. With filtering and sorting option.

  • Articles: Articles linked to work have been given a comment field that will also be displayed on any IO.

  • Round point: Led hours on the point are displayed on the point detail.

  • Employees: Comment fields are covered by free text search.

  • No labels