Go to the control panel and click Competence in the middle column.
You can select general settings and configure static data on the competence page in the control panel.
Competence types
Click competence types under Static data configuration to edit them. Click Create new to add a type, or click Edit to change an existing one.
Enter a Name, then click Save. If the type is to be at a sublevel, select the type under which it is to be located in the Located under field. If the type is to be displayed in the CVs of employees in the competencies module, select a Group for the competence type.
Tip: If all competence types at a sublevel are to be in a group, you can select a group for the type under which they are located.
Tree structure
If you want to structure the competence types at different levels where the types at the top level are not to be selectable, you can create a competence type and set it as unselectable, then create subtypes that are selectable.
For example, the Education type is not selectable, but the competence types located under it can be selected.
Competence requirements
Click competence requirements under Static data configuration to edit them. Click Create new to add a new requirement, or click Edit to change an existing one.
Enter the name and competence types applicable to the requirement, then click Save and close form.
Info: The competence types selected for the requirement are the competencies with types that are created when the requirement is defined for an employee.
Competence requirements can be defined for an employee in the employee module, or by selecting employees in the Employee field when configuring competence types in the control panel.