1. Go to the competence module and click Register new competence.

2. Select who and/or what the competence relates to:


If you are registering a need for a competence, select "Needs" under "the competence applies".

Info: If a 'From date' is specified when a competence need is created, the entry will appear with the status 'planned within' and the specified date.

Employee, supplier or contact

If you are registering a valid or planned competence for an employee, supplier, or contact, select the type and who the competence applies to. Complete the other fields in the form, if applicable. Click Save when you are finished.


Select the competence type in question. The types are configured in the control panel.


From date is the date from which the competence is valid or planned. Competences that are valid and have not expired are displayed in green, while competences that are planned are displayed in blue in the competence list.

To date is the expiration date of the competence, if applicable. Competences that are not to be renewed can automatically be archived upon expiry. To enable automatic archiving upon expiry, tick the checkbox for the Archive competence upon expiry field. Expired competences that are to be renewed are displayed in red in the competence list. Competences that have expired and are not to be renewed are displayed in grey in the competence list. The latter are only visible when filtered by archived.

Info: Notifications for competences that are about to expire or have already expired can be set up in the control panel.


The person responsible for the competence is responsible for following up on competences that expire and need renewal. If notification rules are activated, the person responsible can be notified when a competence is to be renewed. Notifications are not sent for competences that are set to be archived upon expiry.


Documentation for the competence can be uploaded to the form under the Attachment section or the Documents tab.


Documents tab