Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes


Release version: 2.9.211

  • Customer Support is now able to add or remove stamps from the member’s profile

  • Performance improvement for member segmentation and bonus rollout

  • Several important improvements for member campaigns

Removing and adding stamps on members

(TFS: 164971)

It is possible to add and remove stamps on a member when the member is part of an active campaign. All changes are visible in the member's activities. Additional logging of all stampcard changes on members have been added to the database table: [Campaign].[StampCardForMemberHistory].

  1. New button is added on member profile called "Manage stamps".

  2. When pressing the button, the user chooses an active stamp card campaign and is able to add or remove the member's stamps

  3. When stamps are added or removed, the changes are easy to track from the member's member activities tab.

This functionality is only implemented for Stampcard rule “Stamps based on selected items bought”.


StampCardCampaign Integration 2.2.2 




Bonus rollout

Previewing members for bonus rollout (TFS: 166545)

A performance issue causing a timeout when previewing members who will receive bonus checks in the bonus rollout menu has been corrected. This issue should not occur again unless there is too much traffic on the server.


Setting bonus channel as “Letter” for members without address (TFS: 169539)

The validation for the address has been added once the bonus channel is set to “Letter”.  It is not possible to set bonus channel = Letter for a member without an address. The address is no longer required data on the member in Chain Web. It can be deleted from member details once the bonus channel is different than Letter.  

Member terms should not be mandatory when creating member (TFS: 169713)

It is possible to create new member without accepting member terms. Additionally, by using configuration mode, it is possible to hide member terms check box when creating a member from Chain Web.

Member campaign

Retrying a campaign with a control group (TFS: 168311)

If a member campaign with a control group for some reason failed, the retry button would cause the campaign to create duplicate control groups. This created issues with reactivating the campaign. 


Swedish translations (TFS: 169725)

Swedish translation has been added for selected initial and split criteria in event-driven campaigns ('Added email', 'Added email', 'Has accepted member terms').

Display of stamp card with 0 stamps (TFS: 171179)

An error introduced in StampCardCampaign package 2.2.1 made it impossible to display active stamp cards with 0 stamps on member. This caused member to not be able to see that they could participate in the stamp card campaign. When flag AddEmptyCards is True, the member can see the "empty" stamp card in My Page. 


StampCardCampaign 2.2.2

Defining test group (TFS: 170691)

The user is forced to define the number of member included in each test group before defining the test groups’ variables.  

Correct segment running when campaign in follow-up only (TFS: 170237)

There was an error with a very specific use case in event driven campaigns, which has been corrected. When campaign have first criteria “Members terms not accepted” and next step criteria “Member has accepted member terms” and is already in follow-up only status and start date is long in the past, then distribution for the next step criteria will work up to the end date of the follow up.


LoyaltyCampaign 2.2.4


No validation only for initial distribution (TFS: 170252)

When using initial criteria: "Members without terms approved" it is not required for the members to have subscription to the distribution channel selected in the event driven campaign. However, in the next distribution step after split criteria this is required. This allows retail chains to communicate with members who have not completed their profile.


LoyaltyCampaign 2.2.4

Member segments

Timeouts when including and excluding members in member segmentation (TFS: 167392)

Due to an issue with caching in Redis, which is used in member segmentation, slowness and timeout occurred frequently for some customers when processing member segments. The performance for member segmentation should now feel significantly quicker.


Restart REDIS and clear caches in Redis-cli after installing a new POSServices.

Go to path where Redis is installed and open "Redis-cli" - command prompt is open. Type FLUSHALL to clear the caches. After then go to services and restart Redis.

Required versions of POSServices: 7.73.03009 or 7.74.03101.

Member Tags

Duplicate MostUsedStores tag on members (TFS: 169140)

When a member's most used store was changed (when the member have more sales for another store), then member should have been removed from the tag segment of the previous MostUsedStore. This did not happen and two different stores was shown on the member. it has now been corrected and the member can only be in one tag of type MostUsedStore at the same time. 


ReportingIntegration package version 1.9.3.

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