Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Check stock when selling item in EG POS


EG POS can be configured to require positive stock level to be able to sell an item. When enabled, the following error message will be shown if trying to sell an item that is not in stock:

If the stock service is not available when selling an item, a dialog to ask for extended permission will be shown:

POS Configuration


Configures if lookup to stock service to validate if stock>0 when selling items is in use.


URL of StockGateway API in EG cloud

Cashier permission

Sell When Stock Not Available

New cashier permission that can be configured on a cashier role in User Management. Supervisors need this permission to be able to approve offline sales in POS.

Replenishment orders from procurement service in POS


Replenishment orders from suppliers created in Procurement service can be shown in EG POS. These are available in a separate tab in the item information view.

A table with expected deliver day and quantity for each replenishment order is shown:

POS Configuration

ProcurementServiceUrl - The Url to Procurement Service.

Log in to POS using cashier card linked to cashier


A cashier card can be linked to a cashier and used to login in to EG POS. When a cashier card is used, a pin code is not required.

The format of the casher card can be configured so POS is able to recognize that input in a specific format is a cashier card.

The cashier card can be a MSR card, a QR code or other integrated input devices. 

POS Configuration


Parameter to configure the format of the cashier card, so POS knows that a cashier card has been scanned.

Example configuration for testing that recognized all strings starting with "cashiercard" as a cashier card:

Age control for Airport stores (without toll quota handling)


A function to open the dialog to approve age per boarding pass can be configured on the desired button in EG POS.

The dialog will be shown automatically when scanning the first item with age requirement in a receipt in an airport store.

 Full logic with including handling of Norwegian toll quotas will be released in another story.

POS Configuration


New function that can be configured on a button in POS:

Handling of Norwegian Toll Quotas for alcohol and tobacco


The content of the receipt in POS can be validated according to the rules for Norwegian Toll Quotas on tobacco and alcohol for airport stores. 

When you add more than the allowed quota to the receipt, a message will show how many extra quotas are needed in the top of the sales view:

When adding the first item with age requirement to the receipt, a dialog to approve age per boarding pass will be shown. The same dialog will be shown again when going to payment if you are not within the quota rules or if some boarding passes still does not have an age approval:

POS Configuration


Defines the available quota of the different types of groups according to Norwegian  import rules. It is not possible to add new groups manually, but the allowed amount can be configured.

Default values match with current Norwegian import rules.

Special hard coded rules:

  • Unused liquor quota: 1,5 liters added to wine quota
  • Partially used liquor quota: Remaining quota added to wine quota
  • Unused/partially used wine quota: Remaining quota added to beer quota.


Allows to map item groups to the quota groups they fall under for purposes of quota calculation.

Example configuration:

It is possible to configure that items from the same item group belong to different quota groups by defining the alcohol to/from.

For example, Baileys Original Cream 17% could be in item group 8507 with Liquor items but still be linked to quota group for wine.

Printing of multiple pick lists


In Web Orders in POS, user can print multiple pick lists at the same time by selecting the orders with New status and then clicking the "Print Pick List" button. This button only prints the pick lists and does not change the order status. The order picker in the store can use these printed pick lists to sort the orders into different containers or bags before even starting picking. 


POS Master v.

POS Configuration

EnablePickListCustomization = True.

PickListDetailsToPrint = should be configured based on what the customer wants to be shown in the printed pick list.

Menu Items


Menu items can be added to Convenience Menu Sales like any other item in PLU Configuration.
When a menu item is being displayed on the PLU Board, label 'Menu' is shown on the button so the user can differentiate it from other items. 

When a menu item is clicked/pressed, the user will be able to see menu details, required recipe items, and optional recipe items in a selection screen.
In this view, the user can customize the menu by selecting required recipe items and removing unwanted recipe items.

When the user clicks the Order button, the menu item will be added to the receipt and all the recipe items that were selected or removed are also shown (on screen and printed version). Other items can be added to the receipt before payment. 


It is not yet possible to add Extra recipe items within the recipe items selection screen, this will be added in a later version.
Currently, menu item sales only supports integration with Chain Classic. Integration to Item Management will be added in a later version.


POS Import v.  4.0.62

POS Master v.

POS Configuration
ShowHeaderOnlyForPredefinedBundlesInSale =False

Customer signatures via Signotec signature pad in EG POS


EG POS can use Signotec Sigma LCD Signature pad to retrieve a customer signature. When it is time for the customer to sign the cashier will see a graphic representation of the signature pad on the cashier screen and the signature pad itself will activate and give the customer a chance to sign for the transaction. Using a signature pad is supported in the following situations::

  • Manual and online item return
  • Purchases where a employee discount is given
  • Signature based bank terminal transactions e.g. offline transactions or transactions where the card issuer requires a signature from the customer

For the item return transactions the customer will be required to provide their phone number prior to signing. When the customer has signed and pressed the 'OK' button the signature (and phone number) will be visible for the cashier and the cashier must approve or reject the signature. In the event that the signature is rejected the customer must sign again.

Other requirements

The Signotec Sigma signature pad need Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2010 and 2015 installed. If the cash register does not run SQL server 2018 or newer the mentioned redistributable packages must be installed manually.

POS Configuration

New parameter SignotecEnabled (default value 'False')

Enables the Signotec Sigma LCD signature pad to be used for customer signatures for item returns, employee purchases and bank terminal transactions which requires a signature from the end customer.

New parameter PublicKeyForSignatures default empty - when specified is used by POS to encrypt the digital signatures from the Signotec signature pad. The value will be generated by Chain Web.

Existing parameter:

BankShowSignatureMessage - default value 'True' - should be deactivated (set to 'False') to prevent POS from displaying an unnecessary messages about the required signature to the cashier.

Cashiers from User Management (Cloud)


Support for cashiers imported from User Management (Cloud) is added to POS:

  • When PIN is changed in User Management, POS validates and ensures that the new PIN should be used by cashier to be able to login.
  • When PIN expires, the cashier is now forced to change PIN in POS.
  • When PIN is reset in User Management, POS ensures the cashier sets a new PIN during login
  • When a new cashier is created and "Set PIN on first login" option is checked in User Management, the cashier would be able to set the PIN during first login.


  • Enable UserManagement for MasterForCashiers in BatchLoader config in LIP.
  • POS Configuration: ShellCashierServiceUrl = URL to User Management API
  • POS Import v. 4.0.55 or higher.
  • POS Master v. or higher.

Reconciliation of sales from "Norsk Tipping" and "Rikstoto" terminals


Games and lottery tickets generated on external "Norsk Tipping" and "Rikstoto" terminals may now be reconciled in EG POS. This will be helpful for handling any deviation between terminal reconciliation and according sales registered in POS.

Via ReportingService sales / balance for a configured list of EAN's will be fetched. Function may be configured on desired button in EG POS.

POS Configuration

New parameter:

'ReconcileConfiguration' (default empty) - lists(s) of EAN's for which to be reconciled.

Existing / changed parameter:

ButtonConfig - 'Reconciliation' may be added to a button, to trigger reconciliation dialogue.

Improvements POS 



Bank payment

Bank payment button in sales view (RTP-27109)

Using the function to pay by bank terminal (Add_bank_tender) in the Sales view results in redirecting to Payment view and then triggering the bank payment. This makes it possible to save 1 click in most sales transactions since a large percentage of the customers pay by bank terminal.

Choosing Add_bank_tender function in Sales view will skip some configurable dialogs that are not mandatory to pay a receipt (for example search member dialog or choose bag dialog). It should not skip dialogs that are mandatory to go to payment view, for example age control dialog.


Permissions that all cashiers should have (RTP-27682)

Some missing permissions that all cashiers should have has been added.

  • Register control transaction for drop/paid in/paid out.
  • Cancel inbound exchange dialog.


Creating new customers when cashier does not have access to select customer type (RTP-27087)

When creating new customer, the Customer Type field is shown as disabled for cashiers without permission to create a credit customer.

Flight information

OriginCode and DestinationCode fields in FlightInformation in receipt (RTP-27480)

The following fields are set in the flight information segment in the receipt (POSLog XML):

  • OriginCode: a code of the airport from where the flight departs.
  • DestinationCode: a code of the airport where the flight arrives.

Example data:

Flight integration

Flight header in payment view (RTP-26998)

The header with flight information for Norwegian airport stores is visible in read-only mode in the payment view.

(The fields for alcohol and tobacco quota are hidden in the payment view, since the header could be too wide to show them on monitors with 4:3 aspect ratio.)


"Player registered" shown also in header in cashier mode (RTP-27445)

When a player card is registered in EG POS, necessary for a customer to buy articles / lotteries from "Norsk Tipping", a corresponding information line is shown in header in cashier mode. Similar information is already shown on customer screen and in self service mode.

Item search

New Item Search View (RTP-25843)

New item search grid view is created to show Item Name, Product Series, Brand, SKU, Price and Assortment Code.

Required POS Configuration: SearchConfig = 20


POS Import v. 4.0.62

POS Master v.


Searching for member receipts (RTP-27116)

The block for showing member receipt history while in an active receipt has been removed.

Migration to new .NET framework (RTP-22288)

The service agent used in communication with EG Member Service on-premise (ServiceAgent.BridgeSA) has been refactored to remove the limitation to .NET 3.5 version. When all limitations have been removed, this will make it possible to run the POS API in cloud in .NET 6 / 8 which offers significant performance and development support.

The loyalty functionality in POS was not changed.


Recipient name in Customer field in Dispatch Order (RTP-26645)

When a web order is created in POS, the recipients name entered during the creation of the web order is set as the customer in Dispatch Order.

Pay and Collect web orders dispatched to correct store (RTP-25870)

Web Orders orders created with delivery as Pay and Collect is now dispatched for picking in the selected store during order creation in POS.

Zip code validation (RTP-26167)

When user enters an incorrect zip code for a web order in POS, the user will not be able to finalize the order until a correct zip code is entered. Moreover, the user has an opportunity to close the zip code popup by 'X' button or by 'C' button on keyboard.

DisplayItemText for Web Orders and Reserve in Store Orders (RTP-27114

The DisplayItemText in the POSLogs generated for Web Orders and Reserve in Store Orders created in POS is not filled out with the item text. This ensures that the confirmation emails sent for the order will contain the name of the items ordered. 

Sending of SMS for Orders (RTP-26088)

Sending of SMS in POS will now be triggered for Reserve and Collect orders. The SMS number is automatically taken from the added customer.

POS Configuration:
SmsEnabled: True
SmsFreeTypeNumberEnabled: True
WebOrderPickingNotificationType: Sms

SMS for Reserve and collect orders (RTP-27137)

SMS for reserve and collect orders from POS are sent successfully so that the customer is notified with the reservation of the order.

Reserve in store process standardized (RTP-25374)

The reserve in store function is standardized and now work correctly. When there is no available stores or the action of selecting store want to be canceled the item search view is shown from the point of previous selected item. It allows cashier to easily select another item without any additional steps.

Price calculation

Improvement of mix calculation with effectitems RTP-26464)

When calculating price for promotions, EG POS will only fetch the items that is relevant for the calculation in the current receipt. This will improve the calculation time because there is less data to process. The improvement works particularly well for promotions with a large number of items.


Price guarantee and return (RTP-27205)

It is possible to enter a value over the return value of an item when giving price guarantee.


Age approval for Norwegian airport stores (RTP-26534)

Age is approved for all boarding passes in the receipt when receiving age approval from monitor app.

Changed contract in integration with Monitor App (RTP-27642)

The contract between POS and Monitor App has been changed so the Monitor App is more independent from EG POS. This is a technical change and does not affect functionality.

Deleted bottle deposit in Self-service when scanning international departure flight (RTP-27228)

Linked bottle deposit item will be shown as deleted when using an international departure flight.

System info

Configuration for which services and integrations to be shown (RTP-26500)

The services and integrations to be shown in Services/Integration in POS can be controlled by using 'ServicesToShowInSystemPanel' POS Configuration parameter. By default, this parameter is empty and there will be no services/integrations shown.


POS Master v.

User interface

Scrolling in sales view (RTP-26906)

Scrolling works now when a lot of items are added to sales.

Payment view texts (RTP-24284)

The font size of the texts in Payment view is now scaled correctly for 1920x1080 resolution.

Login dialog from "Password" to "PIN" (RTP-19711)

"Password" field name is changed to "PIN" in login dialogs.

New customer specific skin (RTP-26341)

New customer specific skin has been added and can be configured in parameter UIHighlightColor in POS Configuration.

Web Order

Removed 'Edit Line' for web orders (RTP-26422)

The 'Edit line' label is removed from the lines in the web order and is retained for normal sales.

Improvements POS Server




Improved error messages (RTP-25851)

Error messages that are returned for POS API and POS WCF have been improved.

For missing price:
FaultType: NotPriceFound

  • No price of type (Normal) rows found
  • No price found for Article

For missing EAN:
FaultType: ItemWithThisEanNotFound
Messages: Vary based on scenarios 

For Cart cannot be completed in the current state:
FaultType: Vary based on the scenario.
Message: Depends on the situation, messages and fault type may vary
Here is the list of possible messages we can get. 
 - Receipt has uncommitted coupons

  • Receipt has subtotal of XXXX. Tender back is required.
  • Receipt has unpaid amount of XXXX. Tender amount is too low to proceed.
  • There is no tender in the receipt.
  • Receipt has pending background operation.
  • Receipt has invalid coupons.
  • Receipt does not have articles or payment terminal tenders.
  • Receipt contains uncommitted giftcards.
  • Receipt contains uncommitted credit notes.
  • Gift card cancelled. New tender is required to complete the receipt.
  • Credit note cancelled. New tender required to complete the receipt

For Timeout error:
FaultType: GeneralFault
Message: Execution Timeout Expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. Operation cancelled by user.

BeginCartEditing for customer order without line items (RTP-26706)

Added support for resuming customer order without line items. The logging on BeginCartEditing method is now improved to provide better information in case of an error occurrence.

POS Import

Fields for alcohol percentage and quantity in sales package from Item Management (RTP-26105)

The following item attributes are imported from Item Management to POS Master database via POS Import:

  • Quantity in sales package
  • Unit for quantity in sales package (kg, piece, etc)
  • Alcohol by Volume (Alcohol %)

These will be used by EG POS to calculate Norwegian toll quotas.

Fix for discount of Mix 21/22 (RTP-25745)

The discount is fixed when 'Purchase for X amount of other articles and get discount' price rule is used (mix 21/22). The item gets a discount after a certain amount of other items is reached.


POS Import v. 4.0.64 or higher!

Import of cashier cards from User Management

A Cashier Card can be linked to a cashiers in User Management. This cashier card ID is updated into POS database by POS Import and can be used to log in to EG POS. 

See separate documentation for Jira story RTP-26535 for implementation details in POS.

POS Master

Changing cashier number in User Management (RTP-26036)

Cashier number for a user can now be changed in User Management. The user can successfully login to POS using the new cashier number.


POS Master

Full text search fix for SQL 2008 (RTP-25778)

udf_SearchItemGenerateQuery function in POS Master database has been changed to ensure that full text item search would show accurate results based on typed in values for SQL 2008.

POS Services

Include support of member number in Axcapta integration (RTP-24301)

When a new customer order is created in Axapta, the member number is now  included in the current integration flow, so that member numbers can be added to the receipt alongside name and customer account number.

POS Services version 7.87.71


Download of unknown POSLog XML versions (RTP-24221)

If JournalService receives a receipt with unknown POSLog XML version, it will try to downloaded the new version from POS API in cloud. This functionality can make it possible to test Pull Requests with new features from the main EG POS branch which might contain new versions of POSLog XML.

Previously, using EG POS with a newer POSLog XML version than JournalService supported would stop the receipt flow to all subscribers.


  • The new POSLog XML version must be finalized and released to POS API to be available for download. 
  • This functionality should NOT be used in customer environments.
  • The HTML view in the receipt journal is currently not available for POSLog XMLs with new/unknown version 
  • It is currently not possible to fetch POSLog XML's with unknown version via POS Services. (For example during online return in EG POS)

JournalService configuration: 

If parameter PosApiUrl in JournalService config file is configured, JournalService will try to download unknown POSLog XML versions. Example value:

  • No labels