EG POS has added support for PSDK (Global) API from Verifone, using pay terminal types like P630 and M424. Terminal may be connected to POS via Ethernet cable or WIFI (only).
POS Configuration
'PayTerminalType' must be set to 'Psdk'
'PayTerminalVerboseLogging' must be activated (at all time) to get detailed logging to EG's logfile.
'PsdkLogLevel'(default '4' (= WARN)) - This affects Verifone's logfile. Value should be set to'2'- DEBUGduring pilot installations.
'BankIpAdr' (default empty) - terminal's IP address.
'BankShowSignatureMessage' (default 'True') -needs to be deactivatedwhen PayTerminalType = 'Psdk' and other pay terminal solutions where signature receipt is printed during purchase. This is to NOT present an unnecessary reminder message to cashier saying "Husk signatur" / "Remember signature" at the end.
'CardIssuerList' Comma separated list with all card types that may be reported by Verifone. Is in use by PSDK solution, as it is already by VIM solution, and with identical content needed. Listed card types must be in correct order to report identical types with the same CardIssuer as done by Nets in other pay terminal solutions. To correspond with valid card issuers from Nets, the parameter must have content exactly as written here:
When performing item transactions in POS, the sales price of the items may now be shown as '0' (zero) both in POS user interface and on the printed receipts (configurable).
POS Configuration
New parameter: 'ShowPriceForTranasctions' (default True) - if disabled will show '0' (zero) in all amount fields in POS GUI and on the printed receipt when doing item transactions.
Changes applies to the following transaction types:
Improvements POS
Viewing and approving member terms for Voyado in POS (RTP-22479)
When creating new members or editing existing members in POS, cashiers can now approve the member terms in Voyado by checking the "Terms approved" checkbox in the member registration view. Cashiers can also set the member consents for communication by email, SMS and postal in the member registration view. If configured, the "Terms approved" will be visible in the loyalty header in sales view. Also, if configured, POS will display the correct text and icons for 'MemberEmailAdressRegistredFlag' and the 'MemberMobilePhoneNumberRegistredFlag' in the loyalty header.
PLU List
Vensafe PLU list on customer screen changes on signoff (RTP-23110)
The template / grid configured for Vensafe items shown in PLU List on customer screen (2x4) is now kept even when cashier temporarily signs out/in. In addition, the "Out of stock" items are now not selectable from the PLU List buttons.
Improvements to timeout handling in the integration with Voyado has been implemented. If Voyado does not respond in 7 seconds on one of the following lookups, GetPromotionsByContactId / GetMemberByIdentifier / GetMemberLevelForContactId, POS will cancel the lookup by passing a cancellation token.