Document status: RELEASED


EG POS includes all features and improvements in, plus the changes documented below.

The version requirements are also the same as for

Reservation of orders in other stores 


New option "Reserve in store" is available while searching for items. When button "Reserve in store" is selected, then dialogue “Show availability” appears. Employee checks which stores the item can be picked up in, and selects store by clicking the preferred one. This causes that customer order is generated. 

POS Configuration


List of information fields that will be visible in POS in item detail info box. The field can be hidden if information is not available for the selected item. To see "Reserve in store" button add ClickAndCollectButton option to that parameter.

Hiding function buttons based on other configuration


To be able to reduce the number of ButtonConfigurations for retailers with many different setups in the stores, it has been made possible to hide certain functions in cashier and self-service mode.

  • Function to open cash changer menu will be blank if parameter "CashChangerType" = None.
  • Payment buttons will be blank for cash, credit note, gift card, finance, check, card and credit if the tender type is disabled in parameter "TenderConfig".
  • Vensafe PLU list is not shown if parameter "VensafeProductServiceUrl" is blank.

Keep function panel opened


Function panel can be kept opened now in search views. Moreover, when displaying dialogs the panel with numpad is shown now.

POS Configuration

UILayout (Default value: Standard)

If WorkAreaOnly is set, then function panel is kept opened in search views and when displaying dialogs the panel with numpad is shown.

Improvements POS

Module Description

Memory Leak related to PLU Board / Convenience mode (RTP-16920

We have done improvements related to memory handling to avoid out-of-memory problems in the PLU Board. Reloading of PLU Board buttons are now only done after logout, and not on schedule. To update configured buttons the cashier should log out and then back in.

Cashier name in title line (RTP-16734)

If cashier name in the title line is longer than dedicated space for it, then "..." is used.

HANDLE_ROW_CLICK taking too long (RTP-16322)

HANDLE_ROW_CLICK takes less time now while searching receipt on hold.

Fix for hiding tender buttons in sub-menu (RTP-17310)

There is now also possible to hide tender buttons in sub menu's, if the tender is disabled in parameter TenderConfig. 

Item search

Showing information about item from search results (RTP-16917)

When searching for an item, and choosing "stock info" , the correct item is shown. Previously, the incorrect item could be shown in some cases like when using scroll on a mouse.


Phone number as member identifier in POS when offline (RTP-15532)

The phone number ('Mobile: [mobile phone number]') is shown in the member header when member is added to the receipt in the offline mode. The phone number is also printed on the receipt in the format 'Loyalty number (Mobile: xxxxx432)'.


WebReservedStorePickup is set when order reserved in store (RTP-15075)

When item is reserved for pickup in another store in EG POS, the CustomerOrderVariant field in POSLog is set to "WebReservedStorePickup" This will be used to adapt the order update logic in Chain Web.


Enabling of scanner in dialogs (RTP-16839)

Scanner is enabled now when pop-up window for "Search member by identifier" and also in Swish payment dialog.

User interface

Function buttons in search for widescreen (RTP-17015)

Scaling for function buttons in search has been improved in widescreen mode.

Dynamic gross margin when giving discount (RTP-16841)

The gross margins are now recalculated dynamically while giving a discount by entering a new price. Previously, this worked when giving discount by % or amount.

Minor improvements (RTP-16627)

Minor problems detected in new POS user interface have been solved: 

  • Problem with minimizing function panel when using grouped item search does not appear any longer. It is possible to minimize function panel now after going back from model item's sizes.
  • Numpad keyboard is shown now while focusing on gift card number in the gift card payment dialog.
  • Text in search field is cleared now after adding item, then searching for next item.

Sales summary when fetching finished member receipts (RTP-15701)

Sales summary is no longer shown when the header is "finished receipt".

Remove payments from the cart (RTP-14015)

Deleting payment lines is now possible in the new POS user interface: 

The same limitations as in 3.0 apply for deleting payments. (Not all tender types support deletion).

Field validation (RTP-15195)

Improvements for fields validation have been implemented in registration dialogs for web orders and customer/members. This in mainly for phone numbers and e-mail addresses.


Improvement POS Server

Module Description
POS Master database

Import of campaigns on model+color (RTP-15206)

Import of campaigns from the cloud promotion module now support the model+color level. This makes the import much faster than importing individual EAN/GTIN's.

 Only supported in POS 4.0

  • No labels