Document status: RELEASED


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Improvement POS Server




Klarna web payment in ARTS XML receipt (Work ID: 189429)
Orders with Klarna and gift card tenders from POS API are properly converted to ARTS POSLog XML. 

Historical article and tender lines in ARTS POSLog XML (Work ID: 189492)

New parameter has been added to ArtsConfigParams: "RemoveHistoricalArticleAndTenderLines". If set to True, historical tender and article lines (with quantity and amount = 0) will be removed from ARTS XML when converting a customer order with refunded or returned items.


Minor fixes and extensions to Klarna v3 checkout (Work ID: 188107)

Quantity_unit is sent when order in Klarna Checkout is created or refunded. The values can be overwritten for each language by adding values in OverriddenLocalizations parameter (by adding prefix "Print_UnitCode" to UnitOfMeasure code. Eg: Print_UnitCodeKilogram=kilogr for unitofmeasure Kilogram). Also, some business related fields like company name and reference are now shown in the EndKlarnaPayment response.

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