Document status: RELEASED





POS Master*

POS JournalService /



*or a separate script (see upgrade guide for details).

Wet stock extensions

(RTC-25037, RTC-25464, RTC-25466, RTC-25712)

The wet stock functionality in Reporting has been extended with additional features:

  1. Export of end of day dippings (EOD) for manual stations
    Reporting will now export
    End of day (EOD) dippings when manual dippings are done. If a manual dipping is registered on the same day, the EOD dipping will be exported at midnight. If a manual dipping is done for earlier day(s), the EOD dipping will be exported immediately.
  2. Import of adjustments
    Reporting is able to update fuel adjustments from Chain Classic. The adjustments are exposed in the OLAP cube, as well as in wet stock report.
  3. Support for L15 corrected dippings in Reporting
    The Unit of measure dimension in OLAP cube is extended with new member: Liter15 (LTR15).  A liter at 15 degrees is a volumetric measurement for the volume of the fuel at a specific temperature, namely 15 degrees Celsius. In report for Wet Stock and Daily Wet Stock, a support for new unit of measure: Liter15 was added. When dippings are registered in Liter15, the values will be marked with * on the day of the dipping. Changed reports: 0750_WetStock and 0751_DailyWetStock

Import of cashiers from User Management 


Reporting is able to update Cashiers from UserManagement module, instead of fetching them for POS Master.
Prerequesite: Export of cashiers to blob (blob type: UserManagement.User.Export)

To set up:
On-premise LIP package ReportingDataIntegration must be installed with jobs StagingCleanup, StagingImport and StagingMerger activated.
SSIS package CashierStaging must be enabled (removed from varDisabledPackages)
SSIS package DimOperator must be disabled (added to varDisabledPackages)

ReportingDataIntegration: improvements

(RTC-24984, RTC-26301)

The following improvements to the integrations with cloud services have been implented:

  1. Update of stores from StoreService
    To avoid stops in merger jobs, Reporting supports store name with more than 50 characters.
    When updating stores in on-premise data warehouse, the name is truncated after 50 characters.
  2. Update of items from ItemService
    Reporting database and cube has been extended to support items with long names in hierarchy. 

Export to Cash Settlement - correction for bag number


When there are several bag numbers available for ISB FTD (store), the highest available value will be exported to file. This is to make sure correct bag number are exported for users using balance per shift.
The bag number for operator and workstation will not be affected.

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