Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Improvements POS 




Entering payment view while pending background operations still running (RTP-21629)

When switching from sale's view to payment view while pending background operations are still running, e.g. when fetching coupons, the "Fetching coupons" popup message wil now be removed automatically, as soon as the coupons are fetched. Previously this popup sometimes remained on the screen, making cashier having to close popup manually by 'X' in upper right corner.


Customer name column (RTP-21733)

Customer name column has been made wider to ensure that the full name of the customer can be seen.


Message to cashier when ordering a company card (RTP-21707)

POS will now show the correct dialog/message with the text "Application sent"/ "Søknad sendt" when a cashier submits an order for a company card. Previously an error message ("Unexpected error") appeared and an exception was written in the LRSLog even if the order was sent.

Expansion of 'SearchConfig' parameter (RTP-21528)

Parameter 'SearchConfig' is expanded, and new value is 18. If this value is set, FullText, EAN, Itemgroup and NormalPrice is displayed in search view.   

Improved logging when selling time restricted items (RTP-21320)

POS will now log only the correct information entries when selling a time restricted item. Previously, unnecessary information entries in the LRSLog saying "Unknown xml Node during deseriealization" was created as a result of a parsing error in the restriction times of the item.

InStore App

Reducing picking quantity throws error message (RTM-4467)

When reducing quantity to 0 in Order Picking, total item quantity is correctly reassigned to other store, no error message occurs.


Ignore loyalty validation when fetching a customer order from Chain Classic (RTP-21644)

When fetching a customer order in POS from Chain Classic, the loyalty validation is now skipped. This makes it possible to open a customer order with a loyalty number that belongs to an inactive company. 

Online return

Online return active line (RTP-21719)

Choosing item for online return no longer moves active line to the top.


"Items added by customer" in Payment View (RTP-21673)

While within payment view, "Items added by customer" is now shown in header when the customer adds items in customer view.

Sales view

Coupons in sales view (RTP-21718)

Adding coupon(s) no longer moves the view to the top line item.


Secure that 'Goodbye' page switches to 'Welcome' page after finished payment (RTP-21602)

Logic is changed in POS to secure that 'Goodbye' page switches to 'Welcome' page after finished payment according to existing parameter 'GoodbyePageTimeoutSeconds'. 

POS Configuration:

Existing relevant parameter: GoodbyePageTimeoutSeconds (default 5) - number of seconds to show  goodbye page image.

Additional surveillance messages sent to self-service monitor app (RTP-18509)

New message types SaleInactive and SaleCancelled may now be sent from self-service POS to self-service monitor app. This will make active receipts that are cancelled due to inactivity, or cancelled manually by cashier, change status accordingly in the monitor app.

User interface

Scrollbar (RTP-21660)

Scrollbar clickable area has been made bigger.

Voyado integration

Added support for + in front of country code in member search (RTP-21704)

There has been added support for having "+"- sign in front of country code when searching for members in POS towards Voyado. 

Improvement POS Server



POS Import

Use the ExternalModelNo instead of modelNo if ExternalModelNo exists (RTP-20765)

The ExternalModelNo takes precedence over modelNo and it is used in promotion import.


POS Import v. 4.0.44.
POS Master database v. or higher. 

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