Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Use bonus checks from BonusService


POS can check EG Cloud BonusService for available bonus checks when adding a member to a receipt. If available, bonus will be possible to use it as a tender or subtotal discount.

When doing online return redeemed bonus checks will be refunded.


Requires minimum Chain Web version 2.10.228!

POS Configuration

BonusServiceUrl - Url to BonusService.

CloudBonusWithdrawType - If bonus checks should be added as subtotal discount or tender. Default SubtotalDiscount.

Required existing parameters:

VoyadoGatewayServiceUrl - Must be blank.

CloudAccessServiceUrl - Must be set.

Integration with Cloud inventory management


POS and POS API can fetch stock information online from the new Inventory Management module in EG cloud.

This is achieved by configuring a new service in POS Services on the POS Server. (There are no changes in POS)


POS Services 7.84.05404

To start using this stock provider see configuration. 


New StockInfo provider StockGateway has been add to the POS Services. The stock returned from this service is based on the response from StockGateway cloud service.

Supported methods in StockInfoService_StockGateway service:

  • GetStockInfoByEan
  • GetStockInfoByItemNum

Add new endpoint with proper localhost and port (the same as in the other services) to the POS Services Host config (POSServices.Host.WinService.exe.config file).

<service behaviorConfiguration="serviceBehavior" name="POSServices.Implementation.StockInfo_1_0.StockInfoService_StockGateway"> <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="BasicBinding" contract="POSServices.Contracts.StockInfo_1_0.ServiceContracts.IStockInfoService" /> <endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange" /> <host> <baseAddresses> <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8000/LindbakPOSServices/StockInfoService_StockGateway/1.0" /> </baseAddresses> </host> </service>

Add StockInfoService_StockGateway value to the EnabledServices parameter in POS Services Host config (POSServices.Host.WinService.exe.config file)

Add those parameters to the POS Services Host config (POSServices.Host.WinService.exe.config file) - fill them with proper StockGateway values, they can be found at

<!-- Stock information StockGateway -->

<add key="StockGatewayUrl" value="" />

<add key="StockGatewayResourceId" value="" />

To use StockInfoService_StockGateway as stock provider in ChainWeb and InStore App set up stockInfo endpoint in web.config of BackOffice.Web app, it should look similar like this one:

<endpoint name="stockInfo" address="http://bisrv02app:8001/LindbakPOSServices/StockInfoService_StockGateway/1.0" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="POSServices.Contracts.StockInfo_1_0.ServiceContracts.IStockInfoService" bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpEndpoint" />

To use StockInfoService_StockGateway as stock provider in POS, set up parameter PosServicesStockInfoUri with url to the StockInfoService_StockGateway*, it should look like this.

Improvements POS




Improved handling of print text events from Baxi.Net pay terminal solution (Nets) (RTP-21852)

Handling of received print text events from Baxi.Net pay terminals are further improved, to secure they are being processed in correct order.

Multi currency for Baxi.Net pay terminal solution (Nets) (RTP-21665)

Logic for Baxi.Net pay terminals configured with use of "multi currency" is improved. When terminal print buffer is being flushed, normally by first cashier login every day, it is no longer possible for cashier to start a terminal payment in the small time gap between the flushing of the different currencies configured. Previously such action by cashier could lead to a transaction using incorrect currency, and with a receipt being not finished.


Cash pay back text and amount (RTP-20416)

Cash pay back text and amount no longer overlaps with one another if the amount has more than 3 digits.

Electronic items

Reverse recently changes made in MBXP integration due to trouble in customer's Prod environment (RTP-22069)

Changes that was recently implemented in MBXP integration is now temporarily removed, due to unwanted behavior when committing eSale items in customer's Prod environment. Changes will be reimplemented later, together with necessary changes also in POS Services.


Corrected mismatch in customer search view columns (RTP-22044)

In customer search view the columns will now show the correct contents. Previously there was a mismatch where the columns contents had shifted left, showing the wrong data according to the column headers.

Improved search speed for items in main view (RTP-21788)

Item search performance has been improved in the main view. Previously, search was significantly slower especially with 'AutoItemSearch' and 'HighlightCampaignArticles' enabled (True).

Same receipt number used twice - Extended logging (RTP-20624)

Extended logging has been added to the LRSlog to enable troubleshooting if two transactions should receive the same receipt number.

Birthday input popup triggers unwantedly for non alcohol items during age control(RTP-22010)

Activating 'AskForBirthdayOnlyAlcohol', to make birthday input popup trigger for alcohol items only, now works fine also in cashier mode. This is regardless of items being chosen from PLU list or otherwise. Previously this parameter had effect in cashier mode only if non alcohol item was chosen otherwise than via PLU list.

Relevant existing parameters in POS Configuration: 

'AskForBirthday' (default 'False') - when activated, dialogue for birthday input, for validating of customer's age, will trigger IF cashier answers 'NO' in age control popup.

'AskForBirthdayOnlyAlcohol' (default 'False') - when activated, dialogue for birthday input will trigger for alcohol (time restricted) items only, IF cashier answers 'NO' in age control popup. ('AskForBirthday' needs to be True as well).

If not activated, dialogue for birthday input will trigger for any age control item IF cashier answers 'NO' in age control popup.


Improvements when Loyalty service is offline (RTP-21734)

Error handling when Loyalty service is offline has been improved:

  • Member number/CoopID is now displayed at the top of the sales view, instead of "Mobil".
  • POS no longer displays an error message in the tender view.
  • Backoffice status in system status is updated after loyalty service is back online.

New PLU list

Deactivate function keys (RTP-21964)    

F-buttons or function keys are no longer active in the New PLU List.


Web order buttons (RTP-22026)

Fetch order buttons ("Pay order", "Edit Order" and "Close" buttons) are no longer shown when searching for web orders. 

Support for Pay & Collect (RTP-18990)

Pay & Collect (PAC) is now supported as an option for delivery method for web orders.

Price calculation

Extra time for calculating mix prices may cause self service POS to hang and crash (RTP-22048)

Activating 'PrematureAbortExtraCalculationSeconds' to increase available time to calculate mix prices will no longer make EG POS hang and crash. Previously this could happen in Self-service POS when moving towards Payment page, when this extra calculation time was in combination with a separate dialogue / popup, like e.g. age control.


Do not open cash drawer in self service mode after finished pay terminal payment (RTP-21637)

When running self-service mode, either on main screen or on customer screen ("Hybrid POS"), pay terminal payment with exact amount will no longer open a configured cash drawer. This is equal behavior to cashier mode. Cash drawer is normally not configured / connected to a self-service POS, but when running self-service on customer screen (Hybrid) there may as well be a cash drawer configured and connected. The changed logic will prevent the drawer from open unwantedly. For POS's not using physical cash drawers but still need signals on drawer port to control conveyor belt ("ITAB") this is taken care of when existing parameter 'UseITAB' is activated.

Fix for AppWide error after every SCO cash register reboot  (RTP-21663)

AppWide error 'Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created.' is no longer encountered every time SCO cash registers are rebooted.

User interface

Scroll in tender view (RTP-22000)

Scroll is now displayed in the tender view when a sale has a lot of rows.

Pasting text in dialogs (RTP-21933)

Pasting a copied text into pop-up dialogs in EG POS has been enabled. 

Improvements POS Server



POS Import

Missing Producer from item import (RTP-21778)

Support for importing producers exported from Item Master module has been added to POS Import.


POS Import 4.0.46.

POS Services

Add support for new Klarna payment methods (RTP-21657)

New payment types are added PAY_LATER_IN_PARTS, PAY_BY_CARD, and KLARNA_BANK_ACCOUNT.
If Klarna add new types later we will convert them to OTHER and not throw exception.


POS Services version 7.82.04906

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