Basic data for non-conformances
The fundamentals should be established before initiating the registration of non-conformances:
1. Non-conformance structure
Types, categories, focuses and causes should be considered and configured according to the company's needs. A well thought through non-conformance structure provides good reports and makes it easier to find non-conformances in a system with many records.
2. Non-conformance form
The appearance of these forms can be configured differently for each non-conformance type. On the control panel, this is called type differentiated field configuration.
3. Permissions
Permission groups are displayed on the control panel. All users that are member of a basic system group have permissions in the non-conformance module if the permissions for the module are not deactivated. The permissions of the system groups can not be edited in the matrix, but there are some options on the Control panel which affect the permission setup. If you want a different permission setup than the one provided by the system groups, you can disable a group's permissions in the non-conformance module and grant permissions in a separate group.
4. Control panel settings
You can configure notification rules, default values, permissions and general settings on the control panel. You can also configure basic data on the control panel.