POS Import v. 4.0.72

Import of Risk texts from Item Management


Support for importing risk texts from Item Management has been added to POS Import.


POS Import v. 4.0.75

POS Import v. 4.0.71

30 letter/digit coupon codes


Support for coupon codes has been extended, wherein coupons for up to 30 characters can be imported from the promotion module.


POS Master or higher

Import VAT Code


Support for VAT Codes set on items and exported in item blobs from Item Management module has been added to POS Import.


POS Master or higher

POS Import v. 4.0.69

Limit control: Extend item import with link to limit group


After adding/deleting/updating limit groups for specific item, they are correctly imported to POS Master database. 


POS Master or higher

POS Import v. 4.0.68

Import of item attributes related to duty-free and grocery


Attributes 'Duty free', 'Sealing bag', 'Restricted', 'Origin' and 'Weight control' are visible in item details, and are exported and imported by both JSON and Excel files. Origin and weight control can be defined as store local values.


POS Master or higher

Import limit groups from Item Management


Import for limit groups added in Item Management in "Registers > Limit control groups" is added.

Import reason codes for sale transactions


Support for import of reason codes for sale transactions is added.

POS Import v. 4.0.67

Changes in Cashier Permissions


Logging in with deactivated cashier is no longer possible and cashiers with all cashier permissions checked are imported successfully without errors.


POS Master v. 3.0.0156

Language on cashier


Support for cashier language exported from User Management module has been added to POS import


POS Master v. 3.0.0156

POS Import v. 4.0.61

More than 30 characters for store address


More than 30 characters in store address are accepted POS Import.

POS Import v. 4.0.60

Discount Distribution for Mix Type 23


'Distribute discount' that is included in the Mix 23: "Buy N items and get a discount in % on the M cheapest items" is supported by POS Import. By selecting 'Distribute discount', discount can be spread evenly on every item in the receipt that is in the offer. 

SKU as fallback Item Number


If ExternalItemNo is not set for an item, SKU will be set as item number.

Import of new cashier permissions from User Management


Each time POS API is released, any new permissions will be added automatically to User Management so it can be used in user roles to give permissions to cashiers. Support for importing all of these new permissions has been added to POS Import and POS Master. database.

POS Import v. 4.0.59

Support for bonus flag from Item Management


Support for importing bonus flag from Item Management module has been added to POS Import.

Support for import of assortment on profile


Support for handling multiple assortments codes set on the item in the Item Management module has been added to POS Import. 


Deletion of assortment codes exported per profile is not supported since we are not able to track the deletion. The event is not exported from Item Management module

POS Import v. 4.0.58

Support for Special Group of item from Item Management


When importing items from Item Management, Special Group Text and Special Group Number are now also imported.

Support storing POS Configuration compressed in database


To reduce the size of the staging.FlatJSON table, support for saving compressed POS configuration data in the database has been implemented in POS Import. The data is decompressed while entries are processed by the FlatJsonExecutor job from POS Import package.


POS Master v. or higher.

Add support for "Number of times the mix can trigger" for Mix 28 


Support for "Number of times the mix can trigger" for Mix 28 has been added to POS Import, which sets the maximum number of time the offer can be used.

POS Import v. 4.0.57

Import Supplier Details Changes from Item Management


Support for importing Suppliers/Manufacturers exported from Item Management module has been added to POS Import.

Import multi-country item group texts


Support for importing country-specific item group text is added to POS. This will enable showing the item group text in the language of the country the cash register is in.


POS Master v3.0.0.132 or higher

POS Import v. 4.0.55

Import Cashiers from User Management


Support for importing cashiers and hashed PINs from User Management module are added in POS Import.


POS Master v. or higher.

Support for Label Assortment Code


Label Assortment Code for an item is imported to POS. This value can be seen in item search in POS, if the column is configured.


POS Import v. 4.0.55 or higher

Import of item weighted cost price per store


The weighted cost price of an item per store is imported to POS. The weighted cost price is now used regardless of the price is used in the sale (normal, campaign, member, mixmatch). If there is no weighed cost price, the normal net cost price is used.


POS Master v. or higher.

POS Import v. 4.0.54

Support Customer groups on offers 


If an offer is created for a specific customer group, the offer should only be applied in the POS when a customer belonging to that group is added to the receipt.


POS Master v. or higher.

Import of reason/actions codes from Inventory Service


Support for importing reason and action codes from Inventory Service has been added to POS Import.


POS Master v. 3.0.122 or higher (to make this functionality to work in POS).

Please note that the 'Country' parameter from POS Config is used instead of the 'CountryCode' specified on the storeGroup when fetching reason codes.

POS Import v. 4.0.53

14 digit GTINs for promotions


14 digit GTINs are supported for Promotions now.

Support for country-specific texts 


Support for country-specific item texts from Item Management has been added to POS Import. Changes are also required in POS Master database to be able to use the new data.


POS Master v. or higher.

POS Import v. 4.0.52


Import of POS Management Reason Codes from Cloud 


Support for importing of reason codes exported from POS management cloud module has been added to POS Import.


POS Master database v. or higher

POS Import v. 4.0.51


Length for PromortionCode field extended


PromotionCode will be imported with maximum 50 characters.


POS Master v. or higher!

Import external customer number as customer number


Alphanumerical customer numbers exported from Chain Web will be imported to POS.

BatchLoader config

New parameter in the BatchLoader config with the default value set to False:   "useExternalCustomerNumberAsMain": False

If an external customer number is not present and the parameter is enabled, the main customer number will be used instead. 


If the customer is already present in the POS Master database and contains the external customer number field, and if the "useExternalCustomerNumberAsMain" is enabled, another instance of the same customer will be created with the external customer number. Thus, it is important to clean up old customers when switching to alphanumerical customers (external customer numbers).

POS Import v. 4.0.50


Items with missing VAT in import to POS 


Error handling of items received by POS Server without VAT code has been implemented in POS Import.

Performance of checking for unprocessed data


The performance of the SQL Stored procedure used by POS Import to find stores with un-processed data in POS Master staging tables has been improved. The procedure could previously use up to 30 seconds and result in timeout. It should now finish in less than 1 second. 

If, for some reason, the procedure does not respond within 25s, all stores will be processed.

POS Import v. 4.0.49


Data is missing from bundle mixes


Group creation for mixmatch type 100 is now properly handled. Data is no longer missing from bundle mixes and prices are correct.

Product Series from Item Management


Support for importing product series from Item Management module has been added to POS Import.

(warning) Required: POS Master v3.0.0.99 or higher

"Can be sold" flag from Item Management as stopcode


Support for "Can be sold" flag exported from Item Management module has been added to POS Import. "Can be sold" = false flag from Item Management is now imported as stopcode = 3 in POS Master (FlatVPI table). Hard-coded stop reason "Not ready for sale". 

(warning) Required: POS Master v or higher

Promotion price in bundle


'Promotion price' offers marked as 'Bundle offers' are exported as 'soldInBundle' on item level.

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