Document status: RELEASED


POSLog version: 81

Autodetect compressed poslogs


To make it easier start using compressed poslog in reporting we are now detecting poslog compression when reading from queue.

Paramter varEnableMessageCompression is no longer needed and removed from config file (LindbakPOSreportingConfigPOSLog.dtsConfig)

Duplicates in vSales


To avoid duplicate rows in view vSales we have extended join on order lines to also include direction.

Export Rigal


To support export of Rigal data for opening day. POS Services will now export data for last 48 hours when there is no earlier EndOfBusinesSequence to export from. This only applies when StoreSettlementPeriod is set to DateRange.

Require latest version of POS Services 7.80.046

Realtime stock


We have fixed package related to RealTime stock to support ID higher than INT value.

Export Rigal data


To make sure we export all relevant data we made changes to GetStoreSettlement procedures. Procedures handles payin /out transactions with social control.

Handle multiple settlement re-export requests in a short time period


Made changes to support re-export of Rigal file when processing multiple requests in short amount of time.

This fix will only work with POS Services 4.79.04306.0 or later.

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