Document status: RELEASED 


Dimensions and measures for Wet Stock

(RTC-13530RTC-13533, RTC-13528 ) 

To be able to report on fuel sales and fuel stock, the data model is extended to support fuel data.
New dimension in Olap for Nozzle, Tank and TankGroup. New measures in Olap for WetStock sales and WetStock transaction.
Dimensions and transactions are imported from Chain classic.
Sales are updated from POSLog and linked to nozzle on sales line.


Prerequisite: Chain classic exports files. Filelistener (onpremise LIP-package) deliver files to blob.

Reporting: ReportingDataIntegration (on premise LIP-package) set up.
Package WetStockStaging enabled. 

Note: More detailed documentation on configuration can be found in Jira: RTC-13528.

View for receipt lines


We have extended existing view pub.vFactReceiptLine with following new columns:

  • DirectionId - ID to DimDirection
  • StatusID - ID to DimStatus
  • OriginalFaceAmountDiscount
  • NetAmountDiscount
  • QuantityDiscount
  • NetCostDiscount
  • TimeID - ID to DimTime

  • No labels