Via purchasing requirements, the system will perform a calculation requirement based on the actual stock in inventory, what has been set as minimum and maximum stock, as well as reservations against work orders in a given period. The inventory directory / article’s lot size are also used. These are used as a basis to suggest the order quantity. The suggested purchase takes into account any articles that are already on order.
List view has various sort, filter and search options, as well as the option to export to Excel. Search field for free text: Includes search for article number and article designation.
Ordered→Need: If this is activated, it takes into account Need lines that are on order. The ‘Ordered’ column is marked in yellow. If the articles that have been ordered meet the need, the need ceases to apply.
Reserved→Need: If this is activated, future reserved articles on work orders are included in the calculation of requirement, depending on the number of weeks that have been set in ‘Reserve articles’ under ‘Admin’ → ‘System settings’ by default. The ‘Reserved’ column is marked in yellow. Also note: If a delivery time (number of days) has been set in the Inventory directory (9.1.5 Edit inventory directory), this delivery time will be included in this calculation so that the need is captured early enough.
Reserved until: If a date is set here, the calculation of requirement includes all reservations on work orders up to and including this date. This is on condition that 'Reserved→Need' has been activated.
If a new need arises, and this part has not already been included in Need (draft), there is a plus button on the right side (outside the line). Clicking on this creates a new draft (purchasing requirement). If there are multiple lines (articles) needed against the same supplier, these will automatically be included in the draft. Alternatively, you can mark the desired Need lines.
A red figure (5) in the ‘Ordered’ column indicates the number that is already on order. Click on the number to bring up the purchase order.
A blue figure (10) in the ‘Draft’ column indicates that a purchase requirement has already been created. Click directly on the number to bring up the purchase order.
A red exclamation mark ( ! ) in front of the blue figure indicates that a need has arisen after the draft (purchase order) was created. Click on the exclamation mark or figure to get into the purchase order. Here you can update the order with the correct need via the button ‘Update [Need]’. This button is rights-controlled, and can be activated by administrators in ‘Edit profile’ in ‘PO’: Update [Need]:
If there should be a need to make changes to an inventory directory, e.g. in terms of minimum/maximum stock, there is also an edit button directly on the screen (Purchasing requirements).