Document status: RELEASED


Support for Vipps and Swish

(TFS: 187446)

Two new payment cards are added in Reporting.

PaymentCardID 209, Swish and PaymentCardID 210, Vipps. This is added to allow reporting on Vipps and Swish transactions.

Deposit refund as sale

(TFS: 187496)

It is possible to include received deposit refund as sale in Olap. This is done by changing articletype from DepositRefund to Stock when updating article line in reporting.

Note that nonsale items are not included in sales from Olap.

To set up:

In LindbakPOSReportingConfigPOSLog.dtsConfig, find existing parameter varBustinessRules.

Change DepositRefundAsSale=False to DepositRefundAsSale=True.

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