Document status: RELEASED


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Integration with "Pantelotteriet" (deposit refund lottery)


EG POS now has functionality for reporting registered deposit refund lottery tickets to "Pantelotteriet" (deposit refund lottery). This works for both Repant and Tomra. Such tickets, that have been scanned in POS and customers have received their lottery prices, will be reported to the lottery via API. The deposit refund lottery files will then be moved internally inside file share, based on whether or not the reporting was ok. Reporting results are logged, and reporting may be scheduled via configuration.

POS Configuration (new parameters)

DepositRefundLotteryJobCronSchedule (default empty)

Cron schedule for sending deposit refund data to Pantelotteriet.

DepositRefundLotteryUrl (default empty)

The Url when sending deposit refund data to Pantelotteriet.

DepositRefundLotteryPassword (default empty)

Password used when sending deposit refund data to Pantelotteriet.

DepositRefundLotteryTimeoutMs (default 8000) 

Timeout in milliseconds when sending deposit refund data to Pantelotteriet.

Here is how it works:

  • For any POS running released version, parameters configured or not:
    • If not already existing, directory .\UsedPrice on deposit refund file share will be created the first time a deposit refund lottery ticket (prefix 982) is registered (comited) in a POS.
      • A copy of the scanned file will be put in .\UsedPrice, with original file extension. 
      • A copy of the scanned file with changed extension (*.BAK) is put in the .\Used directory, as before.
  •  For a POS configured for executing the reporting of deposit refund lottery tickets (only 1 POS for all that share the same deposit refund files):
    • If not already existing, directory .\UsedPrice on deposit refund file share will be created the first time reporting is triggered by Cron scheduler.
    • If directory .\UsedPrice exists but has no files in it there is nothing to report. This is logged.
    • If directory .\UsedPrice exists and has files in it reporting is triggered. This is logged.
      • If files reported without errors directory .\ReportedPrice is created, if not already existing. Files are moved from .\UsedPrice to .\ReportedPrice
      • If files reported with errors directory .\ReportedError is created, if not already existing. Files are moved from .\UsedPrice to .\ReportedError

Items with age control deactivate scanner


Items with age control deactivate scanner now. Other items cannot be scanned until answering the age control dialog.

POS Configuration

EnableDisablingOfScanner - default False

When set to True this parameter enable disabling of the scanner.

Configurable time for polling when using callback for Coopay


When activated use of callback (from PaymentService) when paying via Coopay app, the waiting period for starting polling is now made configurable.

POS Configuration

New parameter:  CoopayCallbackTimeoutInSeconds (default '11')

Value in seconds before POS will start polling when waiting for callback from PaymentService.

Improvements POS




Send response to even if input dialog is ignored (RTP-13253)

With this fix POS now sends a response to within the timeout period. E.g. if cash register is offline and requires customer signature. If no cashier come and verify signature within the timeout, the cash register respond with signature denied and transaction finish not approved. 

Coupon and bonus

Changed order of redeeming coupon and bonus (RTP-13703)

Selecting optional coupons are now shown before the dialog for entering the amount for bonus rewards. 


Using times in combination with PLU-list (RTP-14494)

Now when Times (x) is used, times is no longer added to next scanned item. Example if you insert 3x (times) and select an item from PLU-list, times will be removed from the input box afterwards, so the next item you add/scan will not get affected. 

Focus when searching for member (RTP-14390)

Focus is now set to correct input field when searching for member.

Make search field be chosen by default in "New PLU list" (RTP-14384)

When opening "New PLU list" the search field will be chosen by default, just like in "old" PLU list. This makes it possible to start typing text for search immediately, without having to click the search field.

Manual return of "ordinary" items when chosen from "New PLU list" (RTP-14349)

Manual return of "ordinary" items with either fixed price or open price is now working correctly even when items are chosen from "New PLU list". 

Non-working scanner in Balance view (RTP-14279)

Scanner no longer stops working in Balance view.

Improved age control when items chosen from "New PLU list" (RTP-13988)

Items that are age restricted but not time restricted, e.g. tobacco, DVD's etc., will now trigger an age control dialogue which is based on these conditions, when chosen from "New PLU list" function. Previously the age control dialogue misleadingly indicated an ID requirement that only affects time restricted items, like alcohol.


Correct companyId and LoyaltyNumber in POSLog (RTP-14203)

In POSLogs including members information scanned from the QR codes, in some cases companyId field was not changed and leading zero was missing in loyaltyNumber field. The POSLogs include the correct values of that fields now.

Scanning member card does not find connected member in Bridge (RTP-14080)

Scanning a member card now correctly show connected member number and -name in sales view. Problem with only showing the member card number itself was introduced due to other changes.


Cancel remaining reserved amount for Aera payments (RTP-14279)

Its now ability to cancel the amount with Aera when using Home Delivery.

POS Configuration

Improvement of item quantity while changing EAN 20-codes in Counting Groups (RTM-2813)

When user set POS Configuration parameter "ReturnNordicEAN20DataInParseScanCodeResponse" to "True", items scanned with their EAN 20-code in Instore App will be correctly retained after quantity changes, no matter whether the 20-code contains price or weight.

Price lookup

Problem with scanning (RTP-14049)

Previously, the scanner seemed to be disabled when the first scan of EAN was done, so it wasn't possible to scan a new EAN directly. It's works correctly now.


Barcodes with included discount (2207) in combination with mix type 44 (RTP-14418)

With this fix the info on receipt is shown correctly. When scanning a item with included discount in combination with mix type 44, the item line now is shown in the receipt. 

Support for mix 44 in digital coupons in POSServices/POS (RTP-13853)

There are added support in POS Services/POS for mix type 44 created in Chain Web.


Delayed age control skipped when subtotal = 0 (RTP-14485)

With this fix delayed age control no longer is skipped when subtotal = 0 (- rounding). For example if you buy a item with age control and use a refund ticket so the subtotal equals 0 (- Rounding), the delayed age control now work as expected. 

Datema control messages uncorrectly not sent to surveillance (RTP-14441)

Datema control messages are yet again sent to surveillance. Previously such messages were un-correctly not sent, which was caused by introducing a new control message to customer in POS.

The icon on coupon lines may be shown also on discount lines (RTP-14266)

With this fix the coupon icons will be shown on the coupon lines only, which was the intention. Previously a combination of coupons from Chain Classic and Chain Web in the same receipt might have made the coupon icons visible on both coupon lines and discount lines.

Coupon icon for each language (RTP-14192)

With this fix the icon for coupons follows the chosen language in the cash register. If you e.g. in self-service press the Flag icon and change the language, the coupon icon change accordingly.

Missing button text (RTP-14189)

SnGApproveNegativeSubtotals button text is no longer missing:

POS Configuration - SngApproveNegativeSubtotals - default False. Require cashier approval for receipt that has negative amount.

Please wait message (RTP-14141)

Please wait message is no longer shown when 'IsShopAndGoCheckoutRegister' is activated. Moreover, additional error handling was added.

POS Configuration: CustomerViewEnabled =False.

Adding member in self-service also shows in manned mode (RTP-14107)

When adding member in self-service, member now also is shown in manned mode.

Cash payment accepted by POS while machine still counting money (RTP-13779)

Cash payment via Glory cash machine in self service POS is improved. Previously POS accepted cash as a (partial) tender while machine was still counting money, if customer confirmed payment "too early". Now POS will deactivate the confirm button as long as machine is counting money, and activate it for customer's use shortly after machine has finished counting.

Prevent switching member numbers when receipt is fetched from Datema (RTP-12916)

When a receipt is fetched from Datema terminal in a self service POS the member number, used for reference / fetching the receipt, may now not be replaced by another. Hence scanning of a different member card later will be ignored. This will secure getting control status and payment completed for the correct member.

Shelf location

The packages label is displayed when there are no packages (RTP-14230)

The packages label is only displayed when there is information on the number of packages on the order. In other cases, only the shelf location is printed on the receipt.

Shelf location is not printed on the receipt (RTP-14041)

Shelf location is always printed on the receipt when ShowShelfInfoForWebOrders = True.

Show shelf location dialog also when number of packages isn't available (RTP-14034)

The shelf location dialog is always shown irrespective of the packages info in the order  (the only requirement is to have ShowShelfInfoForWebOrders = True).


Split simultaneous connections from POS towards Vensafe automat (RTP-12917)

Updating Vensafe product list in POS, by connecting to Vensafe, is now done at different times for each POS even when configured identical time schedule. A number of minutes are added to scheduled time based on POS number, making each POS connect to Vensafe at different times.

Relevant existing parameter in POS Configuration: "VensafeProductListUpdateJobCronSchedule".

Web order

Improved process for capture of Coopay payment  (RTP-14222)

Improvements have been implemented regarding capture of Coopay payments when delivering items in POS after payment authorization in the webshop.

The CustomerDescription field is used to transfer data about the capture. It could look something like this when using Coopay payment thru CardDialog: 


Improvements POS Server




Datema receipts when SocialSecurityID used as reference (RTP-14538)

When using social security ID to add member in Datema handheld device for Self-service, correct reference is now set for created receipt.

Improved error handling when refund against Aera fails (RTP-14427)

Improved error handling when refund against Aera fails to make it possible to retry the refund from Chain Web.

Support QR Code and member service integration (RTP-13986)

QR Code and member service integration is now supported in POSWCF for InStore and Shop express. While during transactions with scanning member QR codes, the actual membership is now shown in POSLog and the correct bonus is rewarded.

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