Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Automatic closing of popup message based on time in Self-service


To avoid that Self-service is unusable unless a cashier manually takes action, a timeout can be configured to automatically go back to Self-service welcome view when waiting for cashier action related to age control, negative amount approval, visual control and low total amount approval.


POS Configuration

New parameter "SnGTimeoutWhenWaitingForCashierApproval" to be configured.

Discount rate for employee based on price of product 


Previously, employee discounts were calculated as a fixed percentage on cost price. Now, its possible to give different discount percentage depending on the price of the item. 

Each product is discounted depending on its price, cost price and cost price factor.

POS Configuration

New parameter "EmployeeSaleCostPriceFactorList" to be configured where you can set from-to price and discount rate. 

Timestamp on receipt on hold 


When paying a receipt that was previously put on hold, the time it was put on hold will be printed on the receipt:

Technical information

POSLog after putting receipt on hold:

POSLog after fetching receipt and paying for it:

EG POS - Bar Coded Boarding Passes Scanning 


Scanning and parsing of content of boarding pass in IATA BCBP format

When scanning IATA Bar Coded Boarding Passes, Boarding Pass is parsed and decoded. Flight information is added in the sales header and saved in the receipt. 

When scan is not successful, for some reason, a warning is shown.

POS Configuration 

DecodeBoardingPass (Default Value: False)

Enable parameter to pare the content.


Must be set to "BCBP" to parse barcode content, 

Purchase of items is not allowed on domestic flights 


It is configurable if we allow sale on domestic flights.

POS Configuration


Indicates whether sale should not be allowed when the flight is domestic.

Support for editing web orders and normal sale in same receipt


Added support for editing receipt that contains web order and item added to normal sale. Sale can be edited by adding alternately web order item and item to normal sale.

Integration with Market Pay pay terminal solution


EG POS has added support for "Market Pay" pay terminal solution from Market Pay. The solution uses terminal type PAX A35. Terminal may be connected to POS via Ethernet or USB, both using the same split cable. Regardless of type of connection a necessary configuration of POS's network adapter needs to be performed according to separate documentation.

POS Configuration

'BankIpAdr' (default empty) - terminal's IP address (IF connected via ethernet). If connected via USB cable this value is always

'BankIpPort' (default '0') - needs to be set to '7778' for MarketPay.

Comma separated list with all card types that may be reported by MarketPay. Is in use by MarketPay solution, as it is already by Swedbank Pay, VIM and PSDK solutions. Listed card types must be in correct order to report identical types with the same CardIssuer as done by Nets in other pay terminal solutions.     
To correspond with valid card issuers from Nets, the parameter must have content exactly as written here:

BANKAXEPT;dummy;VISA;MASTERCARD;AMEX;DINERS CLUB;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;MAESTRO;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort Senter;Gavekort Kjede;dummy;SENTRUMSGAVEKORT;dummy;XponCard;dummy;Universal Presentkort;dummy;dummy;Resurs Bank;dummy;dummy;Nets Senterkort;Nets kjedegavekort;dummy;iGIVE Gavekort K;iGIVE Gavekort S;iGIVE Kampanje K;iGIVE Kampanje S;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;DANKORT;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort 1;dummy;Evry Gavekort;Evry Senter;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Kjedekort 1;dummy;dummy;Gavekort Senter 2;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;Gavekort;NG Gavekort;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;dummy;UKJENT;

'PayTerminalType(default 'None')  - must be set to 'MarketPay'

'PayTerminalVerboseLogging' (default 'False') - must be activated (at all time) to get detailed logging to EG's logfile.

Implemented ARTS extensions in ARTS version 6 for tax free stores


To be able to deliver the ARTS Extensions needed for a specific customer we are using structured notes in EG POSLog format to convert to the requested extensions in the ARTS version 6 POSLog format. If configured, POS will add the necessary structured notes in the EG POSLog format based on the 'Transaction types', 'Line Item types' and 'Tax Group IDs' and ReceiptService (Cloud) will transform them into the correct ARTS extensions for the customer. See Technical release notes for more details about the supported values.

POS Configuration

New parameter 'SaveExternalTransactionInfo' - default false, if activated (True) will enable the new structured notes in POS and the three parameters described below, if they have been configured. 

  1. New parameter 'ExternalTypeCodes' default value containing the default transaction types for a specific customer.
  2. New parameter 'ExternalLineTypeCodes' default default value containing the default line item types for a specific customer. 
  3. New parameter 'TaxGroupIDs' default value containing the default tax group id's for a specific customer. 

These default values are described in detail in the technical release notes.

Improvements POS



Improvements regarding early presented card in Swedbank Pay pay terminal solution (RTP-29840)

For the "Swedbank Pay" pay terminal solution "handshaking" with terminal is improved. This affects the functionality for letting customer present card to terminal early in the sale process. SwedbankPay is still supported in cashier mode only, not yet in self service mode.

Relevant existing parameter: 

'BankAutoStartSession' (default 'False') - when activated, terminal accepts card / PIN before 'Bank' key is pressed in POS.


Deposit date entry and validation (RTP-28104)

When entering date manually in the dialog, value can be changed using arrows and is set properly on the item. Validation is also added so the cashier cannot add previous date.


Changing price in the Line discount (RTP-29092)

Changing price in the Line discount screen can be done by clicking/pressing "OK" button or using "Enter" key on the  keyboard.

Show discount details in POS (RTP-29090)

Whenever an item as a discount, the discount field can be clicked to open a dialog that shows details about the discount types and amounts.

It is also possible to remove manual line/subtotal discounts in the dialog.

POS Configuration


New argument "Discounts" to enable clickable discount field in POS.     



New function SHOW_ITEM_DISCOUNT_DETAILS that can be set up on the desired button.                                     

Flax integration

Validation for lottery ticket barcode (RTP-29176)

When paying out the lottery prize dialog is shown. Validation makes sure that 20 digits is required in the Lottery ticket barcode field and 3 digits in PIN code field.


Flight integration

Check status versus Webdok when POS is polling for service status (RTP-29675)

When POS calls the ping method in Webdok service in POS Services, POS Services call the CheckStatus method in Webdoc API. If Webdok reports online status, POS will mark the service as online again.

Name of the service "PosServicesWebdokServiceUri" was changed to "Boarding Pass (Webdok)".

Log file

System info view logging (RTP-29935)

Unnecessary logging performed when opening the system info view has been removed.

(BasicHttpBinding_ICashRegisterService not found)


Fix for validation in New PIN Code dialog (RTP-29815)

Input fields are no longer highlighted in red when the entered values are correct. The user can proceed to update the PIN code successfully.


Delivery suggestions for PAC.CW orders (RTP-29791)

Related stores are included in the delivery suggestions for PAC.CW web orders in POS.

Deleted Click & Collect order appear after logout (RTP-29265)

Changed wrong behavior when doing delete of picking order and logout/login is performed.


Extended permissions in POSLog XML receipt format (RTP-28328)

What a cashier does not have sufficient permissions to perform an action, and another cashier is used to give extended permissions, the cashier and the type of permission granted will be logged in the POSLog XML. This makes it possible to create reports showing how many times a cashier receives and gives extended permissions.

New fields for IATA BCBP boarding pass data in receipt (POSLog XML) (RTP-28678)

New fields have been added to POSLog XML, so all mandatory fields from the IATA BCBP boarding pass format can be saved to the receipt.

Logging of extended permissions (RTP-28456)

Logging in POSLog XML receipt of permissions given by other cashiers (supervisor) has been extended to also log the line reference for relevant permissions like:

  • Delete item line
  • Change quantity on item
  • Return item
  • Give discount on item line
  • Override item price

Search flight

Show keyboard automatically (RTP-28016)

Keyboard is shown automatically in Search flight view when TouchScreenPrimaryInput parameter set to True.


Altered appearance of alternative shopping bag dialogue (RTP-28103)

The appearance of the alternative shopping bag dialogue is slightly changed compared to when first released. The configured bags will now be shown with their item names in stead of hard coded names. In addition the prices of the bags listed will also appear. If any bags already added, this information is now shown with a red color, making it more visable to customer.

The alternative shopping bag dialogue is configured via parameter 'PageFlow', by replacing 'Bag' page with 'BagPopup' page.



Layout of Vensafe items on Cashier View (RTP-28053)

Layout using label text 1 and 2 has been implemented for PLU lists with Vensafe items in Cashier View also.

Improvements POS Server



Update pay terminal type mapping when converting to ARTS XML (RTP-29136)

The list of available pay terminal types are updated when converting Poslog.xml to ARTS. This will prevent some payment types to be mapped to "fictive" value 999.

POS Import

Import of new mixtypes from Promotion Management (RTP-27660)

POS Import supports new mix type 104 from Promotion Management. The price calculation logic in EG POS will be released in another story.

Language on cashier (RTP-27270)

Support for cashier language exported from User Management module has been added to POS import


POS Master v. 156.

Changes in Cashier Permissions

Logging in with deactivated cashier is no longer possible and cashiers with all cashier permissions checked are imported successfully without errors.


POS Import v. 4.0.67 or higher.
POS Master v. or higher.

POS Master

Duplicate cashier roles when using User Management (RTP-28291)

Unknown user (cashier) roles will be created automatically on import to POS Master only if the import is not from User Management. From User Management, we will not get unknown roles and they should not be created automatically (which will cause duplicates).

POS Services

Remove guid from version number (RTP-30003)

Version number that became wrong in the Tokheim converter is now handled correctly

  • No labels