Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Configuration of buttons and clickable fields in cashier receipt view


We can configure which inline function buttons are shown on item lines in the sales view in POS. It is also possible to configure which input fields are clickable. The following buttons and fields can be configured:

  • Details button
  • Note button
  • Delete button
  • Quantity field
  • Price field
  • Subtotal field.

POS Configuration

ReceiptViewButtons (default value: all functions and fields are active).

Configures item line function buttons and clickable fields in receipt view in EG POS.

Increased visibility of potential mixes in sales screen


Potential mixes are shown more visibly in sales screen so that cashier can recommend the customer more items.

POS Configuration


Allows to set if potential mixes are shown in sales screen or not (True or False).

New layout for system info


Information in the system view is distributed into categories in tabs: 

Function buttons are shown in the bottom panel and attribution are shown at the bottom of the page.

Item search from Convenience mode


"Search items" can be configured on a button in convenience mode using parameter PLUBoardFunctionButtons.


When clicking the button, the item search view will be shown. 

When the search is closed or an item is selected/sold from the search view, the user is taken back to convenience mode.

POS Configuration
Button to search for items can be configured in parameter PLUBoardFunctionButtons.

Registering breakage in Convenience mode


Function to register breakage can be configured on a button in Convenience mode. The typical user experience will be like this:

Add items and then click "Finish".

POS Configuration
New button to register item transactions can be configured via parameter PluBoardFunctionButtons.

Multiply function in subtotal view


After entering a number in payment view and clicking the 'times' function/button the sales view will be shown:

Now the item can be added in desired quantity by scanning or searching.

Multi select in item search and sales view


[Ctrl] + click or [shift] + click can be used to multi-select lines in item search and [ctrl]+click in sales view.

  • When multi selecting items in item search, many items can be sold at the same time.
  • When multi-select is used in sales view, discount can be given to many item lines at the same time.

multi select in POS.mp4

Selling item by DUN number when not found by EAN


When an item is not found by EAN (unknown item), POS can be configured to try to sell it using DUN number instead.

This improves the customer experience in case a barcode with DUN number is scanned on an item.

POS Configuration

LookupItemByDUNIfNotFound parameter (default value: False)

Set to True if you want to sell items by using the DUN number.

System cashiers can be allowed to log on multiple cash registers


For employees helping customers using self-service cash registers, it is more effective if they can login to multiple POS at the same time. At the same time, ordinary cashiers should only be able to login to one POS.

POS Configuration

Configuration parameter: SystemCashiersUnlimitedLogins

Configures which users can log in on multiple cash registers at the same time no matter what existing parameter NumberOfSimultaneousLogins is set to. The purpose is to make this possible for self-service cashiers.

No bonus with customer in receipt


If a customer belongs to one of the customer groups specified in the parameter 'NoBonusCustomerGroup', no bonus will be generated on any items in the transaction even if a member has been added to the same receipt. This enables the possibility to restrict bonus for customers with discount agreements and at the same time let them receive other membership offers.

POS Configurasjon

New parameter 'NoBonusCustomerGroup' default empty. When configured will restrict bonus accumulation for all members added to the same receipt as a customer that belong to the customer groups that has been specified in the parameter.

The parameter is a string input field where it is possible to configure both from-to customer group number and list of customer group numbers.

For example like this: 100-200,250,261,300-400. 

Member search dialog


A new dialog for member search makes it easier and more user friendly to search by different types of identifiers:

POS Configuration
Validation for fields can be configured in MemberIdentifiersRegEx parameter in POS Configuration.

Organization number in customer search


It is possible to search and see organization number in POS (both in list and detail customer search views).

POS Configuration


New field for organization number can be added.

Selling weight items by kg or gram


Selling items by manual weight input can be done by gram or kg. The default input unit can be configured.

POS Configuration 

SelectDefaultWeightUnit (default kg)

Configures if gram or kg is suggested as unit of measure when selling weight items by manual input.

Create new Order/member/customer from search menu


When you use the search menu to find a member, a customer or an order and find out that it does not exist it is practical to be able to create a new order/member/customer directly from the search view.

Example from customer search view:

POS Configuration

In ButtonConfig, the function to create new customer / member / order can be configured on the matching search panel.

Block online return on e-commerce orders


If configured, POS will block attempts to do online returns on e-commerce orders/web orders. The following message will be displayed to the cashier:

This header and message can be changed with configuration in parameter 'OverriddenLocalizations'. 

POS Configuration

New parameter 'BlockOnlineReturnOnWebOrders' (default False) - when activated will block online returns on e-commerce orders in POS. 

The following keys must be added to 'OverriddenLocalizations' to override the header and description for the message box:

  • "NotPermittedToReturnReceipt_NotAllowedForWebOrder_Header"
  • "NotPermittedToReturnReceipt_NotAllowedForWebOrder_Description"

Improved random control of customers in Self-service 


The configurable and assisted control mechanism for visual / random control has been improved:

  • Number of items in receipt and number of already controlled items (so far) are shown in header on left / right hand side of the screen
  • Items may be controlled by scanning, or by being chosen via a 'PLU list' button, or by pressing an 'OK' button.
  • Shopping bags are listed last in the top section, along with other items with an 'OK' button.
  • Controlled items that trigger deviation (not scanned by customer) are marked. This information may / should lead to staff scanning all customer's items, in case of possible more deviations in customer's basket.

  • Controlled items that trigger deviation by accident, e.g. was unintentionally scanned twice by staff, may be deleted by clicking the item line.

  • When control is confirmed by staff it will either pass or show a deviation message, where all items that triggered deviation are listed. These items will be added to receipt and paid by customer when deviation is confirmed by staff.
POS Configuration
Relevant existing parameter: 'SnGRandomControl'

Improvements POS 


Include all fields in balance transaction (RTP-22897)

If no value is entered into fields during balance registration, zero will be set in POSLog XML to make sure editing a previous balance registration works correctly.

All fields will be printed (even if zero):


Double authentication when changing price of an item (RTP-17895)

The function to perform a price change of an item, when double authentication is configured, is improved. The dialogue for entering a different cashier's credentials is now triggered correctly regardless if the new price is entered before pressing the price change button or not. 

POS Configuration:

Relevant existing parameter: DoubleAuthorizationFunctions - (when it contains 'OverridePrice')

Convenience sales

Improved numpad (RTP-21940)

In convenience mode, the "Enter number/qty" field have been added when the numpad is collapsed. 

The "Enter number/qty" field and the Show/Hide button are aligned in both collapsed and expanded view. The whole area of the collapsed numpad is now clickable to expand the numpad.

Pressed button visualization (RTP-13922)

A frame will be shown around the item button while it is pressed in convenience mode.

Close submenu by clicking tab header (RTP-23720)

While in a sub menu in convenience mode, it is possible to close the sub menu by clicking the tab that is already active/in focus. (As an alternative to clicking the close button).

Credit sale

Faster refresh of sales grid when credit sale (RTP-20471)

Time needed to refresh sales grid after adding an item when a credit customer has been added to the receipt has been improved significantly. 


Customer group and type in detailed search view (RTP-18452)

Customer type is shown in customer search detail view and Customer group is not shown in member search detail view.

Alpha numeric customer number (RTP-23281)

To allow for integration with customer solutions that uses alpha numerical customer numbers, these are now supported in both EG POS and in POS API. 

Automatically add customer to receipt (RTP-23413)

When entering payment view, if there is no customer in receipt and one of items has quantity > 1, POS will automatically add customer from parameter AutoAddCustomerNumber to the receipt. This will trigger fetching of common customer prices from M3.

POS Configuration: 

AutoAddCustomerNumber - Customer that will be added to receipt when going to payment. Only if one of the items has quantity >1.

Default customer group for new customers (RTP-3479)

During registration of new customers, the customer group can be automatically set to the desired default value by configuring parameter CustomerViewSetupWhenCustomer. (The configuration expects the customer group number)

Example customer registration form in POS:


Show more characters in cashier name in header (RTP-21317)

User interface has been modified to be able to show longer cashier names in the header in POS:

PS: If convenience mode is used (PluBoardNameToOpenOnStartup has a value), the name can still be cut due to missing space: ** 

Online return on receipt with unknown pay terminal type

Online return may now be performed even though the pay terminal type used in the original sales receipt is unknown. If the POS in which the online return is performed does not recognize the pay terminal type of the original sale, the type 'NonIntegrated' will be used, allowing the operation and receipt to be finished.

Performance improvement in discount functionality

There are no more delays encountered when a discount is added to a line item in Sales view.

Gift card

Improved messages for EG cloud gift cards (RTP-13832)

When POS is configured so that it is possible to pay with an expired gift card, this dialog appears:

When POS is configured so that it isn't allowed to pay with an expired gift card, this dialog appears:

When cashier wants to use a deactivated gift card, this dialog appears: 

Suggest email when refunding via gift card 

The email address from the member or customer in the receipt will be suggested when refunding via issue of a digital gift card.

Item information

Showing campaign price when promotion is set on model/variant (RTP-18600)

Campaign prices exported from the promotion module on model/variant level are properly shown in item search and item details view. Previously these campaigns triggered correctly when sold, but where not shown in item info.

Changes in this story includes changes in the SQL view used by the item search in POS. The POS Master upgrade (v. 109) will delete and re-create the full text search and this will slightly affect performance in POS for a limited time after server upgrade and the item search will be unavailable/incomplete. (typically between 2 and 20 minutes - depending on number of items in the database and the hardware in POS).

Item search

Showing that search is "in progress" (RTP-22117)

When an item search does not immediately provide a result, the user interface will show that POS is searching:

Show sales view after adding item grom grid view in item search

After adding an article from grid-view in item search, the sales view is shown.

Function to search for items

It is possible to configure a button (using function "search_item") to open empty item search or to automatically search for a specific phrase:

Campaign item price and highlight

When searching for an item with a campaign, it is now highlighted and showing the correct campaign price in list and detail view.

Item transactions

Member dialog for item transactions removed (RTP-20875)

When creating item transactions, there is no member search dialog before going to payment  even if this is configured for sales transactions. 


Visual improvements in new member search dialog (RTP-23417)

Improvements for new member search dialog have been implemented:

  • Validation is not activated when you enter the screen.
  • Font type, dialog width, spacing between rows and dialog height was improved.

Stamp cards shown in coupon tab in POS

Stamp cards are shown in the stamp card tab and not in the coupon tab in member information view in POS. The number in brackets behind the coupon button will only count coupons and not stamp cards.

Improvements for member registration via Vipps

When scanning Vipps QR code in the EG POS sales view for an existing member, the member will be automatically added to the receipt.

When scanning Vipps QR code for a person who is not yet a member, the following dialog will be shown:

(Which options are shown in the dialog is configurable).

Member bonus

Member bonus is no longer incorrectly displayed as 0 when adding member to customer order. This previously happened when entering the social security number in the sales view when the default EAN/PLU is selected in the left panel.

Member statistics in member information view

Changes were implemented to make sure EG POS and Chain Web shows the same and correct data for sales last year in member statistics in Member information view. 

Chain Web:


Displaying correct dialog when member is not found (RTP-24254)

When searching for a member that does not exist POS will now display the correct "Member not found"-dialog to the cashier. Previously a misleading dialog saying "Member search is not available" was displayed.


Focus when adding member (RTP-22365)

Member header is focused when member is added to empty receipt.

Color on member terms in sales view header

Color of inscription "Terms not approved" changes to orange when member terms is not approved. 

Color of inscription "Terms approved" changes to black when member terms is approved.


Preview of click and collect orders (RTP-22376)

Preview of click and collect (reservation) orders shows the customers phone number in the title bar. 

No reference dialog when creating web order

The order reference dialog longer appears (even if parameter AskForReferenceWhenEditingOrder is enabled) when creating orders in POS and the order variant is: 

  • StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery
  • StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery
  • StoreReservedStorePickup

Returning items from an order that was paid in multiple sales receipts

We have implemented support for returning an item from an order that was originally paid in multiple receipts.

Searching for orders with items that has no price (RTP-23392)

Customer order search no longer fails if an item in the order has no local price.

PLU List

PLU Lists are occasionally empty (RTP-23071)

PLU Lists are no longer occasionally empty on some Cash Registers.

Open priced items sold via PLU list confirmed by physical keyboard

Open priced items chosen from PLU list can be sold by physical keyboard. Confirming the price by Enter button will add the item to receipt. Previously this operation did not add active item to receipt, but in stead the pre selected (first) item in the PLU list.

Product series

Improvements for product series (RTP-23303)

  1. Configuration is changed so the following arguments in ButtonConfig can be configured: Type: Product Series or Model Number.
  2. Nothing will happen if clicking the button on an item without model or product series.
  3. Default value is changed to "All" instead of "In stock" after clicking the button on an item with some product series.

Previously unfinished or not stored receipts causing issues for cashiers ( RTP-23570)

Improvements have been implemented to better handle situations after a receipt failed to be saved. 

Receipt with alcoholic item on hold until next day

When receipt on hold contains an alcoholic item, you can finish the receipt under condition you are doing it in hours set  in parameter RequirementConfig for a specific day. Previously, fetching such receipt from on-hold could fail on the next day.


Online return with different currency (RTP-22862)

It is not possible to perform an online return on receipts with different currency than the main currency.


Confirmation of low total amount (RTP-23335)

Lines with negative values like Deposit refund tickets are excluded when POS calculates if control should be triggered based on parameter ShopAndGoConfirmTotalAmountLowerThan.

In the following example, when parameter is set to ShopAndGoConfirmTotalAmountLowerThan = 50, control will not be triggered:

Subtotal 40, including an already deducted Deposit refund ticket worth 60.


'ShopAndGoConfirmTotalAmountLowerThan' affected by the actual remaining items only (RTP-24561)

POS will now trigger, or not, a control based on low subtotal amount (configurable) based on the actual remaining items only. Previously items that had been deleted might incorrectly affect the result. Relevant parameter 'ShopAndGoConfirmTotalAmountLowerThan'.

Unmanned mode

Keep forced unmanned mode after restart of POS (RTP-23257)

When activating forced unmanned mode POS will stay in unmanned mode until a cashier disable the mode, even if POS or PC has been restarted.

User interface

Text size in sales grid (RTP-19098)

SalesGridSmallFontSize parameter enables to use font size 14 in sales grid, instead of 16. This can be used to allow longer texts on larger screens without the text becoming too small to read comfortably.

On-screen keyboard when creating ad-hoc bundles

Numpad on-screen keyboard will be shown when entering bundle price, and alphanumeric keyboard will appear when going to the 'Bundle name' field.

Improved visualization of returned items in sales view 

POS will display returned items with red color on quantity and amount fields.


Improved dialogs for social control

Social control dialogs have been improved and now look like this:

Gift card icon in sales view 

When POS is configured to show images on item lines in the sales view, an image will also be shown for sold gift cards.

Item images in sales view

When POS is configured to show images on each item line in the sales view and an item does not have an image, a default "missing image" icon will be shown.

Displaying F1-F12 button indications on top right panel

It is possible to see F1-F12 on function buttons in panel on the right to help guide the user to shortcuts (configured by POS Configuration parameter MenuButtonIndication).

Message to cashier when using gift card in different country/currency 

When POS is configured with a different currency than the currency on a gift card used for payment, the following message will be displayed:

Scroll in Stock Information view (RTP-21432)

Using mouse wheel or arrows on a keyboard will scroll down or up in Stock Information. 

Messages to cashier from Chain Web

The message dialog that shows important messages to cashiers when logging into EG POS has been improved.
The dialog looks like this: 

Configurable focus on member added to receipt

It is configurable whether a member added to the receipt automatically is selected as the active row in the receipt. When using a secondary customer facing scanner to register members it is recommended to configure so the member is not selected as the active line as this might interfere with cashier operations.

POS Configuration:

DisableMemberAutoselect (default value: False). Set to True if you want to disable auto selecting of member in sales.

Miscellaneous improvements in dialogs (RTP-19324)

Multiple small improvements have been implemented in pop-up dialogs in POS.

  1.  Cash Payment dialog (after entering the amount of money in 'Enter amount' field during Payment).

  2. Unfinished receipt retrieved dialog (after logging out and in again with receipt left unfinished).

  3. Delete receipt dialog (after clicking Void receipt).

  4. Price dialog (no cash pay back with negative amount during return).

  5. Confirm dialog (after clicking Cancel during member/customer registration).

  6. Dialogs can be closed using keyboard (Esc)
    a) First Esc press (Clears the field if there is any. Otherwise the first press closes the dialog):

    b) Second Esc press (Closes the dialog).

Price and Price history

Price tab - Member offer, self-service column added, checked mark:

Price History Tab:

Improved user Interface for gift card handling (RTP-14200)

Dialogs for gift card sale, balance check and gift card payment have been improved.

Manual input of gift card number has been disabled in the sales dialog (only scanning allowed to make sure barcode is readable).

Buttons in payment view when scanning only a credit note (RTP-23587)

When scanning a credit note only (and no items), the payment view used to have buttons and menu look like in sale view. Now, buttons and menu is like it should look in payment view, with correct buttons.

Improved errors and warnings in system information view (RTP-21044)

If the status is disconnected/inactive/offline, the  icon will be shown.
If there is a warning or if there is something that needs attention, the  will be shown.

Improved system information view (RTP-21043)

The function buttons have been moved to the bottom panel and the layout for showing messages from chain to cashiers has been improved.

Layout for System Status (RTP-21042)

System Status tab has new text layout. Buttons are moved to the bottom panel, and scrollbar is added.

Highlight item line with campaign price in sales view

When an item line with campaign price is selected/active in the sales view, the sum field can be highlighted with a color. For item lines with campaign price that are not selected/active, the entire line is highlighted.

Result: Changes had been implemented successfully and highlights appear without affecting other functionalities.

Change appearance of dialogs '
Are you sure you want to quit EG POS?' and 'Enter password(RTP-12963)

Changed dialogs appear during: closing POS, clicking 'Override POS parameter'. POS display dialogs in accordance with the user interface design.

During closing POS the changed dialog 'Are you sure you want to quit EG POS?' appears:

After clicking 'Override POS parameter' the changed dialog 'Enter password' appears: 

Web Orders user interface for 1980x1024 resolution

Web Orders user interface is improved to support 1980x1024 resolution.

Fix: Buttons placement (RTP-22113)

Buttons do not change place if cashier doesn't have access rights: Buttons to which cashier doesn't have privileges are blank, not omitted.

Voyado integration

Create cart even when member does not exist in Voyado (RTP-23055)

When 'CreateCartWithItems' is called with a member that doers not exist in Voyado, the cart will still be created and the member will be added in the cart. This ensures that the member will receive member prices. Previously we would get an exception in POS API and 'CreateCartwithItems' would fail if the member did not exist in Voyado.

Improved member search from main view

Members in Voyado can be searched from main view in POS by typing a mobile phone number or by typing or scanning a social security number or member number. If the member is not found in Voyado the "Member not found" dialog will be displayed and the cashier will be able to register a new member. If mobile phone number or social security number was entered during the search this will be pre-filled in the member registration form when the cashier choose to register new member.

Enabling name mapping of identifiers in member search from Voyado

The naming of the different identifiers used in the Voyado integration is now configurable using the language resource files. This enables different mappings for different customers and for different languages. Identifier 'Any' will be displayed as 'Member number' with the current mapping, but the actual functionality behind the identifier is still the same due to limitations at Voyado's end. 

Improvements POS Server

POS API on-prem

Configuration for balance registration in Chain Web (RTP-20098)

When creating a balance for a given cashregister, it now uses the cashregister number from the request, not set in the APIKey.

Improved logging for CartNotReadyForCompletionFault (RTP-19727)

We've improved logging regarding CartNotReadyForCompletionFault to include the reason why the cart is not ready. This is to make it more possible for clients to resolve the situation based on the provided information.

Adding payment while editing order (RTP-23603)

When adding payment to cart during the edit order process (between beginCartEditing and EndCartEditing), the item number no longer disappears in the POSLog XML. 

Handling of country and time zone (RTP-22364)

To be able to use POS API in a multi-country setup, a store's country/time zone must be used. This must be configured on the store's profile in Store Management. The country will be imported to POS Master and mapped to the correct time zone.

POS API will (only when running in Azure, not on-prem) use the current time based on the time zone of the store.

The Item Management and Promotion modules export local time on prices and campaigns. (The store's time zone is not used when prices are imported to POS Master.)


When the cart is put on hold and later resumed, the method BeginCartEditing no longer fails. It is possible to start editing such a cart without issues even after the previous records were cleaned up from the database.

Error response for BundleId that doesn't exist in AddItemToCart (RTP-23629)

Adding an item via the AddItemToCart method to a non-existent BundleId is no longer allowed. Instead, an error informing about a wrong ID is displayed. 

Logging for unknown receipts (RTP-23701)

When using the GetOnHoldReceipt method to search for a receipt that does not exist, it logs a warning instead of an error. This reduces the number of falsely reported 5xx error messages in Appinsights logging.

Discounts on promotion bundles (RTP-22462)

When adding items from promotion campaign groups to cart, the prices no longer jump between items after they are refreshed. The discount remains on the same item.

POS Configuration

Hidden parameter value in POS Configuration (RTP-23137)

'CoopayBackupSeed' parameter's value is hidden in POS Configuration view.

POS Import

Length for PromortionCode field extended (RTP-20752)

PromotionCode will be imported with maximum 50 characters.


POS Master v. or higher.

Import external customer number as customer number

Alphanumerical customer numbers exported from Chain Web will be imported to POS.

BatchLoader config

New parameter in the BatchLoader config with the default value set to False:   "useExternalCustomerNumberAsMain": False

If an external customer number is not present and the parameter is enabled, the main customer number will be used instead. 


If the customer is already present in the POS Master database and contains the external customer number field, and if the "useExternalCustomerNumberAsMain" is enabled, another instance of the same customer will be created with the external customer number. Thus, it is important to clean up old customers when switching to alphanumerical customers (external customer numbers).

Import of organization number for customers

Support for importing new field organization number has been added in POS Import.


POS master v. or higher.

Performance of checking for unprocessed data (RTP-22528)

The performance of the SQL Stored procedure used by POS Import to find stores with un-processed data in POS Master staging tables has been improved. The procedure could previously use up to 30 seconds and result in timeout. It should now finish in less than 1 second. 

If, for some reason, the procedure does not respond within 25s, all stores will be processed.

POS JournalService

ARTS validation when returning item with linked container deposit (RTP-24397)

Transformation to ARTS has been fixed for receipts containing online return of an item with bottle deposit that has been on hold,

POS Master 

Parameter for cleanup of JSON data (RTP-22974)

Parameter DUSCleanFlatJsonTableRecordsOlderThanDays configures how many days we keep data in the table staging.flatJson before it is cleaned. For large retailers, the amount of data in this table can be huge, so keeping a low number of days is necessary.

Default value: 2 [days]

  • No labels