1. Click Statuses under configuration of basic data.

2. Click Edit to edit existing ones, and click Create new to create a new one.

3. When editing an existing status, make the desired changes and click Save and close form. If you are creating a new status, enter the name and select the status` underlying status. You can also select a colour for the status. Click Save and close form when you are finished.

Status options

The system has some underlying statuses that can be selected for the non-conoformance statuses. The underlying statuses define at what step in the processing the non-conformance is.

New status: All new non-conformances registered are assigned this status.

In progress status: Non-conformances that are being processed have this status.

Closing status: If a closing status is selected on the non-conformance, the closing date and closed by fields are automatically completed and the non-conformance is closed. Non-conformances with this status are green in the non-conformance list.