Select a layout

Select the layout (design) of the dashboard in the top right corner of the page. Click the Select layout field to edit the dashboard layout and structure. To select a layout, click on it in the list.

Add content

1. To add content, click Add content.

2. The gadget library contains gadgets that are used to design the dashboard. To add a gadget to the dashboard, click Add gadget.

In the library, the gadgets are sorted as follows:

Modules: Gadgets for the modules are sorted module-wise

Navigation: Gadgets for navigation

Reports: Dashboard report gadgets. Data filters and reports are set up on the control panel

Web Controls: Gadgets for images and links on the dashboard

Edit gadget

To edit an existing gadget on the dashboard, click the  icon on the gadget.

Info: Clicking on the pencil to edit the gadget, opens the same window as when adding a gadget. See gadget example pages for more information on editing gadgets.

Sort and move between columns

Gadgets can be moved between columns on the dashboard.

1. Hover the mouse over  for the chosen gadget.

2. Left-click, hold down the mouse button, drag the gadget to where it should be, and release.

Duplicate gadget

To duplicate a gadget, hover the mouse over and click Duplicate gadget.

Info: When duplicating a gadget, it is copied with all the settings and filters. To make changes you can edit the gadget.

Hide / Show and Delete a gadget

There are also shortcuts to show/hide and delete a gadget. Hover the mouse over  and click Hide / Show or Delete.

When editing a gadget, you will find the options here:

Open and close gadgets

Click  to close the gadget and hide its content on the dashboard.

Tip: When editing a dashboard, all gadgets can be opened and closed at the same time by clicking  at the top of the page.