User groups consist of several groups whose function is to control and distribute permissions and notifications.

Landax has several predefined system groups that control permissions. It is also possible to create own groups for notifications and to grant permissions.

System groups: Predefined permission groups*.
Own groups: User groups that you have created yourself.

Permission groups: Groups that provide access and permissions in the system.
Notification groups: Groups that can be used for notification/emergency management/distribution.

Standard groups: Groups where new users are added automatically.
Basic groups: Groups where users can only belong to one at a time**

The permissions of a system group cannot be edited directly in the matrix, but it is possible to change the permissions setup by selecting various options in the control panel for some modules.

More information about how to get an overview of the permissions for the groups is available here.

Basic groups are system groups. We recommend that all users should belong to a basic group as there are some areas in Landax where you cannot define your own permissions.

Permissions structure

Tip: The key is to set up groups based on roles. You can have many different roles in a company, and there may be people in the management system who should be responsible for different areas.

The permissions an employee has are the result of the various permission groups that the employee is a member of:

It is also possible to add entire user groups to other groups as members. Go to this page for a guide.

You can set up your own permission structure if you want to be even more restrictive than what is possible in the available system groups.

Go to this page for more information.

Tip: Use the notes fields for the various groups to document the purpose of the group and what it grants permissions to.