Click on the supplier/customer for view mode. 

Purchase order: Gives direct access to the list view ‘Purchase order’ filtered by supplier. 

Articles: Gives direct access to the list view ‘Articles’ filtered by supplier. 

Assets: Gives direct access to the list view ‘Assets [Table]’ filtered by supplier. 

Work orders: Gives direct access to the list view ‘Work order’ filtered by supplier as the assigned addressee (also including if the addressee is included on the work order as an external system user). 

History: Gives direct access to the list view ‘Work order’ filtered by supplier as the assigned addressee (also including if the addressee is included on the historical job as an external system user). 

+PO: Direct access to create new purchase order against the supplier. Note that this button is hidden if the supplier is blocked for purchasing. 

+Document: New and already uploaded documents can be uploaded/linked against the supplier/customer. 

+Contact: The suppliers/customers contact persons can be created here, with the possibility too also specifying the person as a WEB-user, re. 11.2.1 Add contacts.

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