Upload: Checked off as default. Uploads document into a predefined default folder. 

Document Link: Can be used here if the system is installed on your particular server environment. Certain conditions apply in terms of rights for online users. Can also be used if you want to create a link to e.g. a data sheet etc. on an external website. Copies in the entire URL. 

Document: Create a document in rich text format directly without having to upload or link a document.

Folder: Create folder/structure. Documents can be organized in folder structures in the document view. Default folder can be set to the document type used if folder is not given. Note: If a document is uploaded directly from an element such as an asset, work order, history etc., you can select a folder from a list of already created folders.

Document type: A categorization of the type of document that is being uploaded. For separate description regarding how to set up these types, see ‘System’ → ‘Document’. 

When document type has been selected, you can use Drag&Drop for the document. Alternatively, click in the field in order to obtain File Explorer and find/select the desired document. If you want to upload several documents at a time instead, click on 'Multiple file upload'. Note: With this upload method you will not get the 'Edit Document' screen.

Connect to: If the document is uploaded directly from ‘Document’, this can be used if the document is to be connected to one of the options available. 

Department: Automatically retrieved from the employee card of the user that is logged in. 

No.: Created depending on what has been set as the format in the document type. If the format is blank, today’s date including time is automatically inserted as the number. 

Headline: Original file name is inserted automatically 

Document path: Retrieved from what has been defined in the document type. 

File/URL: If you are using ‘Upload’, the file name is inserted automatically. Alternatively, if you are using ‘Document link’, the entire path/URL must be inserted, max. 4000 characters. Ref. mentioned above. 

Description: Free text field that is also included in free text search for document. Rich text editor (HTML) is available. If this is activated, you can insert links, images (can also be pasted in via the clipboard), video links, tables, formatted text, etc.

Document [Deviation]: If the deviation module is used, this will be available. If this is checked off, the document will only be available to people who handle deviations, i.e. it will be hidden from normal users. 

Send document: Internal messages are sent with the headline as subject and the description field as the message text. 

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