Error code



Record exists

The item already exists in the base and will not be imported.

Can be deleted from the spreadsheet or just left as it is. It is not taken into account when importing.

Reference Mismatch

Reference to an item that does not exist. For example asset type.

If a check box is available in the relevant column heading (Create missing reference), tick this. Then the validation in this column disappears and the referenced element is automatically created during import.

Validation error

This usually comes because the text string is longer than the number of characters allowed. The tooltip above the validated cell shows e.g. varchar (40), which means the maximum number of characters allowed = 40

Reduce the length of the text string in the Excel sheet and reload it.


Mandatory field

Validates on the setup under Admin> Required fields. Turn off the requirement or enter a value.

Single Quote not allowed

Single quote ( ' ) not allowed

Remove ( ' ) in the import file

Wrong Date Format

Wrong date format in the import file.

Change date format. It is recommended to convert dates in the import template to text using the formula = TEXT (A1; "")

In the example above, a date in cell A1 is formatted as a date.

Value <= Previous Value

Validation on reading counter count. Specified counter level is lower than last registered.

Check meter readings on this machine and adjust in the import template if necessary.

Date < Previous Date

Validation on entry of date for counter reading. Indicates that the stated date is lower than the last registered date.

Check meter readings on this machine and adjust in the import template if necessary.

Wrong Time Format

Incorrect time format in import file.

Times must be in the form 08:00

Missing Parent

Asset import – Missing parent asset reference.

Enter a valid parent asset no. in the asset structure. Refers, as a rule, to column A, Parent no.

Parent Error

1 or 0

Requires 0 or 1 as value. Blank cell will be perceived as 0.

Delete value in the field or set in value 1 or 0

Duplicate Value

Number Already In Use. Please Use Unique Numbers!

Numbers already exist in the database. Applies to e.g. for WO no, asset no etc.

Enter a unique number

Reservation Exists

When importing rental reservations, this indicates that a reservation exists for the specified period of time

Adjust reservation dates.

Reference Not Unique

This indicates that a given reference is not unambiguous.

Check the datebase for duplicate for the current referance.

Number Already In Use

A number field with requirements for uniqueness already exists in the database.

Change the number.

Item Already Connected

When importing items, you will get this error if you have specified a link to an asset that already has a connected item.

Remove existing item link to current asset.

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