My Page is a status page that quickly provides an overview of the status of WO, History and Checkpoints presented with KPI indicators as well as weekly statistics for the user's message box. For work orders, you can choose to see ‘My WO + All WO’, ‘My WO’ and ‘All WO’ (found in the ‘List view’ drop-down menu). In addition, there is also a Dashboard, ref. below.

The following KPI’s are available:

  • Backlog – Percentage share of overdue work orders in relation to the total number of work orders.

  • New WO – Percentage share of work order in status ‘Created’ in relation to the total number of work orders.

  • Rem. PMI – Percentage share of remaining initiated checkpoints for the current week in relation to the total number of checkpoints for the current week.

  • Too late – Percentage of work orders that have been completed after the planned date in relation to the total number of jobs in history.

  • CMU – Percentage of the history of jobs in the specified group for reactive maintenance (set in the system settings) in relation to the total number of history jobs. 

Click directly in the KPIs to see the basis.

 The basis for the user's data is this:

  • Work order / history jobs for which the user is responsible or assigned to.

  • The user's message box.

  • Checkpoints for which the user is assigned to.


Dashboard (can be found in the drop-down menu ‘List view’):

Displays status of work orders and checkpoints with green and red color code. If favorite objects are set up, the status of these favorite objects will be displayed.

Work order

  • Overdue jobs (red jobs)

  • This week (yellow jobs)

  • New measures that have been activated when performing sub-activities

Check points

  • Overdue checkpoints (red checkpoints)

  • Today's completed checkpoints

  • New measures that have been activated when performing checkpoints 


Click directly in the numbers to see the basis.

  • No labels