My work list shows the work orders of the logged-in user, where the user is either responsible and/or executing the work orders. Depending on how set up in 'My work list' (Mine, Employee group's or Subject group's) is set up in the user's profile, ref. 17.0 Edit profile

In 'My work list' also shows work orders that require the workflow status to be changed by your professional group or employee group. The workflow status will be displayed in red color in the list.

Ref. otherwise the chapters here 3.0 Work Order regarding further information on list display for work orders, creation of work orders, editing work orders etc.

Note: Regarding item. Work orders for items who are not connected to the object structure will always appear in 'My Work List' for the person who is responsible or executing the job. NB! This does not follow the set mode for the list (My/Subject group/Employee group).

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