List view of historical jobs, filtered by fault type. Note: The default has no filtering by activity group. 

The export option to Excel with a separate ‘section’ in the Excel sheet for Analysis, with calculations of: 

Number of days in operation. Basis for calculation: Analysis date – Startup date 

Number of hours in operation. Basis for calculation: Number of operating hours per day * Number of days in operation 

MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure). Basis for calculation: Number of hours in operation / Number of historical jobs with fault type 

MTTR (Mean Time To Repair). Basis for calculation: Number of work hours / Number of historical jobs with fault type 

MDT (Mean Down Time). Basis for calculation: Total downtime / Number of historical jobs with fault type 

Availability. Basis for calculation: 1 - Total downtime / Number of hours in operation 

Expected downtime per year. Basis for calculation: (1 - Availability) * 365 * Number of operating hours per day 

Expected faults per year. Basis for calculation: Number of operating hours per day * 365 / MTBF 

All the calculations above also use what has been set up / inserted in the cells for Start-up Date, Analysis Date and Number of Hours (operating hours per day). 

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