Document status: RELEASED





POS Reporting DW

POS Reporting Staging

POS Master

POS JournalService



Expiration date on internal transfer

(TFS: 171285)

In online item transactions expiration date and type from POSLog is stored in the database. This data is used for reporting on expiration / best before date on items.

Report 0719_ExpirationDateInternalUse is used to display this data to the user (see Chain Web 2.9.230 for further details on the report).

Support for bonus reward in bonus calculation

(TFS: 174682. 169552)

When updating receipts in Reporting we now support bonus reward when calculating bonus amount for members.

Bonus reward is read per item in POSLog (BonusRewardPercent). 

Two types are supported:

  • Extra: Extra percentage of bonus. If set to 10% and customer already have 20%, it will calculate using 30%.

  • Actual: Minimum bonus level. This is the minimum bonus level bonus checks will be calculated from.

(See release documentation of 2.9.230 in Loyalty for further description)

Delayed processing of cube

(TFS 175734)

It is now possible to delay processing of data in cube. Processing will only trigger in RT-job if data is older than x number of seconds. This is done to improve overall performance of Reporting server by reducing processing resources.

Config: New parameter in LindbakPOSReportingConfig.dtsConfig; varOlapProcessingLatency. This is number of seconds before triggering processing. Default value is 0 (disabled).


varOlapProcessingLatency = 300 (5 minutes)

RT-job 1 updates data in DW database, adds a processing request which can be seen in view vOlapProcessingLog. Processing request is not handled by this run of the RT-job.

The next RT-job where processing request from job1 is less than 300 seconds old, will add new requests but not trigger processing.

The next Rt-job where processing request from job1 is more than 300 seconds old, will trigger processing. All unprocessed requests will be executed.

Reading compressed POSLogs from queue

(TFS: 176281)

An issue related to reading compressed POSLogs is corrected. Reading compressed POSLogs are no longer dependent on dll's from previous versions of Reporting.

Processing VAT Codes

(TFS: 175731)

The package which fetches VAT codes from master has been optimized to improve performance related to OLAP processing.

Negative balance in bonus calculation

(TFS: 176950)

Bonus calculation will never calculate negative bonus points when doing e.g. returns. If balance = 200 and negative bonuspoints = 300, only 200 points will be subtracted.

Support for new bonus rule to exclude bonus points on campaign items

(TFS: 178520)

Bonus calculation in Reporting now supports bonus ruletype 9. When this type is enabled, items which are included in campaigns will get 0 bonus points. BonusAmount is calculated as before.

Bonus rule must be enabled in Chain Web and transferred to Reporting by existing package "BonusRulesConfig.dtsx" (triggered by N-job). See Chain Web xx for more details (add link).





Performance improvement in RT-job (TFS: 172910)

When fetching new cashiers from master database the processing type is changed from ProcessUpdate to ProcessAdd. This is to improve processing time for the RT-job. New cashiers will be available in cube by RT-job, but changes on existing cashiers will be processed over night with the N-job.

Improvement in RT- and N-job (TFS: 175398)

Several improvements related to RT- and N-job (improvements will also affect manual processing of data in Olap):

  • Coupon (N-job): Improved cube script so coupon dimension can exceed 4GB.

  • Processing POSLog (RT-job): Processing POSLogs from queue and fetching dimensions updates are now done in parallel to improve performance.

  • Article sales (RT-job): Improvements in queries related to updating item sale lines. 

  • Discount details (RT-job): Refactored the way RT-job is handling discount details.

  • Partitions (N-job / Olap processing): Improved queries in historical monthly partitions.

Exclude historical sales when processing cube (TFS: 175737)

This only applies to customers who is using enterprise version of SQL. It is now possible to exclude creation of monthly partitions before set date.

New parameter in LindbakPOSReportingConfig.dtsConfig, varOlapStartDate. When running partitions job, it will not create monthly partitions before this date.

Note: It is important to set this date before running partitions job.

Cleanup log table (TFS: 176883)

Added cleanup of rows older than 14 days in OlapProcessingLog table.

Updating new workstations (TFS: 175732)

Improvement in RT-job when processing new workstations from master. This change is done to enhance performance of the RT-job.

New workstations from master (TFS: 179813)

In Reporting v.59.6 and 59.7 there is an error where RT-job will fail when processing new workstations. This has been corrected.

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