Document status: RELEASED


Picking time

(Jira links: RTC-9395, RTC-9396)

In order to track picking time for dispatch orders we are able to calculate time between order line assignment and when order is sent. This change will make it possible to illustrate picking time KPIs in the order management dashboard.

Include opening hours in picking time


In order to calculate picking time for dispatch orders more correctly, picking time calculation is based on opening hours for stores.

Opening hours are fetched from Chain Web with a new package StoreOpeningHours, which is part of N-job. Package is default disabled. This means any change in store opening hours will not be reflected in the order management dashboard until the next day, as it is updated each night.

Locating active cashiers from Chain Web


A new procedure is created in Reporting that returns cashiers with sale for given day. Procedure is used by Chain Web to fetch cashiers for balance registration.

External order number


In view for OrderStatusHistory a new column is added to show external order number from DimOrder.

Reporting version available in Olap


A new hidden dimension is added to Reporting cube. This dimension (registry) contains database version from registry table in DW and server name. This information is used in compatibility handling in Reporting Service in Cloud. 

Store data from Cloud

(Jira links: RTC-954, RTC-3477, RTC-728, RTC-781)

Reporting is able to retrieve store and store group data from StoreService in the cloud.

Solution consists of LIP-job which fetches service bus message and stores them in a local database. SSIS packages merges data from staging to DW tables.

Data flow:
LIP-job ReportingDataIntegration/StagingImport - Listens for new messages on Azure servicebus. Saves new messages in staging tables.
LIP-job ReportingDataIntegration/StagingMerger - Merges new data in staging tables.
SSIS package (Rt-job) StoreStaging and StoreTeamStaging - Takes data from staging tables and updates / creates stores in DW.DimRetailStore and creates / updates team relations in FactRetailStoreTeam.




Customer order

Customer order with missing delivery type (RTC-10409)
Reporting support POSLogs where delivery type is missing in inverted receipts, to avoid the RT-job failing when it occurs.

Default customer order date (RTC-10404)

In cases when default customer order date is set to .net default (0001-01-01). Reporting will convert this to 2000-01-01. This is because 0001-01-01 (datetime2) is not supported by Reporting (only supports datetime).


Support for large partitions (RTC-10036)

Improvements are made in the "create script" for the cube. This is to handle articledistinct partitions over 4GB. This previously caused issues when processing the cube.

Creating partitions in N-job (RTC-3145)

Improvements are done related to creating of monthly partitions in N-job. If N-job doesn't run on the first try, partitions will still be created next time N-job runs.


Update emailsubscription for member (RTC-10646)

When updating members from Loyalty database we make sure to update emailsubscriptiondate. This will make sure correct data is found in view pub.vMembers for members who has cancelled their email subscription.


Assortment in view vSales (RTC-9819)

To provide information about sales related to assortment, pub.vSales view is extended with a new column, assortmentID. AssortmentID refers to ID in view pub.vDimAssortment.

Store Settlement

New deleted statuses included in RIGAL export (RTC-762)

When exporting to RIGAL we have included deleted receipts/receipt lines with status DeletedFromUnfinishedReceipt.

These will affect RIGAL code IS1, IS2 and IMB.

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