Document status: RELEASED


Postregistration of customer or member sale


Previously, we updated information about postregistration even if receipt was cancelled. This caused problems in N-job when trying to process this data. This is corrected and cancelled receipts containing posregistrations will be ignored by RT-job.

Labeltext on items


To better report on item sales we have extended article information with labeltext1 and labeltext2 from master database,
This information is also available in Olap.

Import of training mode receipts


Previously, RT-job would reject training mode receipts causing delayed import of normal receipts. This has been corrected and training mode receipt are handled as before.

Export readings - implement


In LIP package ReportingDataIntegration we have created a new job, WetStockTransactionExport, for exporting reading transctions for WetStock.
Job exports transactions to blob with blobtype ReportingWetSTockReadingsXML.

See documentation in job for further information.

Item and store import


In existing LIP-package "ReportingDataIntegration" we have added a new job, "StagingCleanup".
This job will delete all entries in staging.flatbatch and corresponding entry in staging.flatbatchjson which has status 2. It also deletes entries with status 4 if they are older than X number of days (default 60).
Job runs on scheduled time - Default every night at 01:00

See also decoumentation for this job in LIP.

Balance on previous date.


When doing balance on previous date in POS. Reporting will handle re-export of Rigal files even if SettlementPeriodType is set to DateRange in POS Services.

Changes made in package: BalancePreviousDays.

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