Document status: RELEASED


Reporting in Loyalty


We have made improvement in query for updating bonuspoints fro loyalty campaigns in package UpdateMemberBonusPoints. This is done to avoid timeouts when job is running.

Import items from ItemService


In order to not be dependent on POS Master database for dimension data, we import items from servicebus.

Pre condition: ItemService delivers items in Azure blob with blobtype = Gateway.ItemChanges

Reporting LIP-job ReportingDataIntegration listens on servicebus topic batchtoprocess, subscription "ReportingImport". File is downloaded to DW.staging.FlatBatch and unpacked to DW.staging.FlatBatchJson and DW.staging.Item.

New SSIS package ItemStaging (Rt-job) takes item data from DW.staging.item to DW.DimArticle and puts in request for processing.

NB! When enabling ItemStaging package disable following packages (to disable import from master), DimArticle, DimArtLC, NonSaleType and ArticleHierarchyMaintenance

Wetstock reports


To better get a view over wetstock, we made minor chagnes in Report layout.

Changes in Report 0840_WetStock and 0751_DailyWetStock

Replace calculated stock values in report if manual/auto readings are imported


The procedure sp_WetStockMaintenance was fixed to support the following scenario:

If historical tank statuses are imported and calculated stock values already exist, the calculated values should be replaced by the imported values.

The new values will be visible in the report instead of the calculated ones as soon as they are imported and the cube is processed.

Add mixtype and Campaign type to pub v.Sales


To better follow up on campaigns, we are fetching more information about mix in campaigngroup. We have also extended view pub.vSales with more information about campaign and mix from campaigngroups.

New columns in view pub.vSales.
MixGroupNumber - CampaignReference in DimMix
CampaignTypeID - CampaignTypeID in DimCampaign
MixCampaignTypeID - CampaignTypeID in DimMix
CampaignLevel - CampaignLevel in DimCampaign
MixCampaignLevel - CampaignLevel in DimMix

NB! Requires version of POS Master or manually created new DimMix procedure.

Import of items - Item Hierarchy


To fully support receiving items from item master we have extended import to support item hierarchy.
Hierarchy is exported from ItemMaster with blobtype "Item.GroupHierarchy.Export" and updated in DW.registry.ItemHierarchy. This table is used as lookup when updating items from ItemMaster. Lookup is based on subgroup, if item doesn't have subgroup it uses itemgroup.

Workstation for handling shift


In order to have correct reports per shift we now support updating transactions from special Cr number on existing shift.

Cr number is decided by new parameter in LindbakPOSReportingConfig.dtsConfig varDefaultDimShift (default value is 111). When we get transactions from this CR we search for active shifts with same shiftnumber and link transaciton to this shift.

Add mixtype and Campaign type to pub v.Sales v2


To better follow up on campaigns, we are fetching more information about mix in campaigngroup. We have also extended view pub.vSales with more information about campaign and mix from campaigngroups.

New columns in view pub.vSales.
MixGroupNumber - CampaignReference in DimMix
CampaignTypeID - CampaignTypeID in DimCampaign
MixCampaignTypeID - CampaignTypeID in DimMix
CampaignLevel - CampaignLevel in DimCampaign
MixCampaignLevel - CampaignLevel in DimMix
MixTypeInSource - MixTypeInSorce in DimMix. This is Mixmatch type in Chain classic.

NB! Requires version of POS Master or manually created new DimMix procedure.

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