Document status: RELEASED


POSLog version: 82

Export sales from Reporting on-premise to file


As a part of exporting data from on-premise Reporting to Azure DW, we can now export on-premise data to file.

New package which runs as part of Rt-job, ExportSales. Package will export data from FactRetailTransactionArticle to file. Package uses syncstatus with objectname ExportSales, It only exports ID's higher than LastSyncVersionCT and only triggers if lastupdate is higher than current timestamp + minutes in varExportLatencyInMinutes.

File is exported to varExportFolder

Use color code from the sale in member segmentation 


To plan campaigns better and show customer colors they bought, it is possible to link salesline to color code now.

In Reporting, the color data is stored in a new dimension called DimCustomProperty. All POSLogs containing combination of Color (colorname) and ColorCode in Detail_Article will create a new entry in the dimension.
Note that it is the combination of Color (colorname) and ColorCode that crates new color in dimension. Entering colors in CR without validation can cause unwanted rows in dimension.

To set up:

In LindbakPOSReportingConfigPOSLog.dtsConfig under varBusinessRule. Add ;CustomPropertyType=Color to existing string. In the future, this dimension can be used for other properties than color.

Extend vTransactionRealTime view with line and receipt notes


To follow up on returns better, we now include line note and receipt note on item transactions. LineNote and ReceiptNote are available in existing view pub.vTransactionRealTime

Support bonus amount for discounted items in Reporting


Reporting supports new bonus rule from Chain Web. This makes it possible to include bonus amount for discounted items.
Note that bonus rules in Chain Web are transferred to Reporting only by N-job.

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