Document status: RELEASED

Date: 78.0 / 78.1




POS Master*

POS JournalService /



78.1: Reset sync status with the following script: Lindbak POS Reporting Upgrade x.82.78.1.sql (available with upgrade package)

*or a separate script (see upgrade guide for details).

Support for SQL 2022

(RTC-27882, RTC-27883, RTC-28746)

Reporting supports SQL 2022 now. The changes mainly concern the SSIS packages, which were altered to be compatible with new SQL version.
78.1: (RTC-30529) SQL 2022: Fixes in packages that fetch member variables data from Chain Web (tags) or Bridge (variables).

Store Settlement: Missing sold DepositRefund (IUP) in RIGAL export


RIGAL codes for DepositRefund IIP, IUP, IA1 - IA5 and IB1 - IB5 are now supported in the export of RIGAL statistics to StoreSettlement.

To set it up, the additional configuration in POS Services worker config is needed.
There are two parameters to set (if not present in the config, copy them from template file):

  • StoreSettlementDepositRefundOutItemGroups - set to item group(s) used for outgoing deposit refund (sold DepositRefund). Outgoing DepositRefund is definded as sale from this itemgroup(s) with direction Out,
  • StoreSettlementDepositRefundVatRates - a parameter for mapping VAT group to a number between 1 and 5. This is used for IA1 - IA5 / IB1 - IB5.

ReportingDataIntegration: new features and improvements

(RTC-27432) Clean-up of processed rows

Cleanup job will now also delete processed rows in order to improve performance. Improvements are done in LP package ReportingDataIntegration.

(RTC-27139) Import of promotion data from Promotion Management

The import job has been extended with import of promotion attributes from Promotion Management.
NB! This data is not updated in Lindbak POS Reporting DW database. 

(RTC-22283RTC-22286) Item import - extensions

  1. Import of nonsale type
    The information about item nonsale type is now imported from Item Management.
    Only nonsale types with valid codes are imported. The valid code is an integer number in the range 0-99. If the code is not a number, or is higher than 99/lower than 0, the nonsale type information is ignored.
  2. Import of alternative GTINs
    Import of items from Item Management has been extended to support alternative GTIN (tandems EANs).
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