Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Early inactivity warning in self-service


It is now possible to configure an early warning of inactivity to customer, reminding her that POS is busy / in use. Customer may click on message to continue her receipt.

If no action, POS will proceed to inactivity countdown message, and eventually abort the receipt.

POS Configuration

'SnGIdleTimerFirstTimeout' (default '0' (not in use)) - Number of milliseconds to show an early warning to customer of POS is busy / in use.

Improvements POS




Version 1.09 of VIM integration (RTP-580)

For VIM pay terminals we have implemented version 1.09 of the integration from Verifone in EG POS. We also have secured that input dialogues triggered by terminal, e.g. for ID-type or ID-number, or password when doing a reversal, don't accept more number of digits / characters than defined as maximum length.

Customer screen

Visualizing registered member information on customer screen (RTP-3832)

Registered member information, as it may appear in upper left corner of customer screen, will now show text in a white color if background color is configured. This may better the visibility for the customer.

Existing relevant parameters:

'CustomerScreenMemberInfoBackgroundColor' = 'R,G,B' e.g. '0,204,0' (green)

'RunCustomerViewV2' = 'True'

Exchange rates

Viewing exchange rates in POS (RTP-4137)

Fix in the dialog to show exchange rates. Buying exchange rates shown in the dialog aren't recalculated based on the MainCurrency parameter. The exact same data as present in the POS master database is displayed.


Show "CoopID" in sales header when scanning QR code (RTP-4079)

CoopID label was added to the loyalty header in sale view. It is displayed when scanning QR-code and member has an external loyalty number (It also works when searching member by external loyalty number)


Coupons when running self-service on customer screen (RTP-4063)

We have fixed a problem where scanning member number did not trigger fetching of digital coupons. Problem existed only when running self-service mode on customer screen due to use of Scanner2 as a main scanner in this mode.

Improved aborting of ongoing payments (RTP-4169)

We have made additional improvements to secure correct behavior when switching payment type. This affects switching from Bank payment to Klarna, which now works correctly.

Improvement POS Server




Cloud order import with discount details (RTP-3573)

Extensions have been made in the POS API and in the Bartch2POSAPI job in the integration platform to support import of "complete" orders. For complete order imports, all discount details are taken from the imported JSON order.

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