Document status: RELEASED


EG POS includes all features and improvements in, plus the changes documented below.

The version requirements are also the same as for

Article lines in payment screen in POS


Item lines can be configured to be shown in the payment view to make it easy to see the last registered items during payment. This can for example help the cashier if he is unsure if the last item was scanned or not. 

The item lines cannot be clicked or edited in any way in the payment view.

POS Configuration

ShowItemLinesInPayment (default False)

If set to True, items lines are shown in payment screen.

Improvements POS 




Use cash register number as POSPayTermnalId (RTP-15670)

There is done a fix so if value in parameter "POSPayTerminalID" is <0, the cash register number will be used as terminal id instead. Default value for this parameter is -1.

Convenience sales

Crashing POS while using Convenience sales (RTP-15104)

Image loading for PLU boards has been optimized in order to solve issues with insufficient memory on the cash register so POS do not crash any longer.

Customer screen

Fix for PLU media on customer screen (RTP-15431)

There is done a fix, so when adding a media to the parameter "CustomerViewActivatePluMedia", it is now shown correctly on the customer screen. Before fix, the media added was not displayed correctly on customer screen. 


Label in receipt (RTP-14806)

Label "Customer order" in receipt is now changed to "Order".

Receipt menu is sales view (RTP-15317)

When searching for receipts from customer orders in sales view using "Search for receipts from customer order" function, the list of results is displayed if there is more than 1 receipt found. In case when there is only 1 receipt in result, it's chosen automatically.

Web order

Country code support for phone numbers in delivery view (RTP-15319)

Country code support for phone numbers in delivery view works like in function to search for member by identifier so members can be found by mobile numbers without country codes as well.

Zip code for delivery (RTP-14801)

New dialog for entering zip code for delivery in web orders has been implemented.

Online return - incorrect quantity of returned item (RTP-15318)

The proper number of items is returned during the online return of a web order.

Improvement POS Server




Error handling for Klarna Checkout (RTP-15674)

POS API now handles GetOrder response from Klarna that does not contain any Customer element.

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