Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Hide tender note buttons during refund


Buttons that increment input in tender view can be hidden (tender note buttons like + 50, +100 etc.) when performing a refund.

In the example below, the buttons in the red frame would be blank during a refund:

POS Configuration



Link from item info to product series


A link can be clicked in item information view to open product series view and easily see all items within the same series:

Travel Service


Flight data from EG Travel service can be synchronized and persisted in POS database. This will later be used to be able to add flight data to the receipt when scanning boarding passes.

The flight data is first updated in memory every time new data is fetched from the travel service (for performance),  and also dumped to the database table pos.FlightInformation as a json file. When POS is restarted it will use the flight data from the local database if POS cannot connect to the travel service to get updated flight data.

POS Configuration

AirportCode parameter (default value: blank)
Defines the airport at which the POS is placed.

TravelServiceUrl parameter (default value: blank).
URL to cloud TravelService - used to fetch flights information.

SelectFlightsToSync parameter (default value: "All")
Defines which flights (arrival, departure or both) should be fetched from TravelService.

FlightsFetchJobCronSchedule parameter (default value: "0 0/3 * * * ?")
Schedule for job used to fetch flight information from TravelService. Default value every 3rd minute.

Improvements POS 




Balance registration mixed with sales transactions (RTP-24920)

A problem that could lead to mixing an unfinished balance registration with a sales receipt has been fixed.


Further improved startup when configured 'PayLink' pay terminal type (RTP-25767)

During startup of EG POS when configured pay terminal type is 'PayLink', the health check run towards the pay terminal is now run after the signon process has finished / cashier is signed in. In self-service POS the self-service mode will start automatically immediately after the health check is run.

Click & Collect

Changes in POSLog when deleting undelivered 'Click & Collect' orders from POS (RTP-14283)

When deleting undelivered Click & Collect orders in POS the resulting POSLog will now contain the same elements regardless whether the order is deleted from the order list view or the picking view. Previously, the POSLog was missing price type 'ExtendedAmountOrdered' for the voided articles if the order was deleted from the picking view.


Automatically finish transaction when total to pay is 0 (RTP-24355)

When total to pay is 0 and the Payment button in convenience mode is clicked, the transaction will finish automatically without showing the payment view to select a tender.

When total to pay is 0 and normal cashier mode is used, the payment view is shown when clicking OK button.

Customer order

Customer order reference number dialog (RTP-25693)

The reference number and text dialog for customer orders can now handle both text and numbers in the 'Reference number' field . Previously the field would only take numbers.


Showing the search for receipt menu (RTP-25644)

When cashier selects 'Receipt' from the search menu on the left in sales view and press 'OK' button or 'Enter' on keyboard POS will open the search menu for where the cashier can select what type of receipts to search for. Previously the search menu was sometimes not displayed when OK/Enter was pressed.

Expanded label width for search menu items (RTP-25671)

The label width for the menu items in the search menu in main view have been expanded to show the full label text. Previously the labels was a bit to narrow causing some label text to be truncated.

Identical receipt number used twice (RTP-23548)

Problems where identical receipt numbers could be used twice are now solved. Previously these situations could occur due to some thread conflicts between PLU list update of Vensafe items on one hand, and some user operations on the other hand.

Item search

Item sold from blank search view (RTP-24925)

When performing an item search and then clicking back so the search results are cleared, an item is no longer sold when using enter button in this view:


Improvements for linking associations to members (RTP-25081)

When a member is linked to multiple associations, all those associations will be shown at the top of the list shown when editing linked associations:

When you edit a member and remove linked associations and add a new one, the new association will be shown in the member header in the sales view (if configured).

Fetching bonus from original receipt for online return (RTP-24935)

The message shown when trying to use online return on a receipt that has not yet been updated in Reporting database was changed from 2 to 5 minutes expected delay. 

Mobile Payment

Missing person data from Klarna during payment (RTP-23655)

When person data is not received from Klarna during payment, the dialog in POS will clearly state this:

POS Messages

Confirmation of read POS Messages (RTP-24693)

Messages to cashiers from Chain can be confirmed as read by checking the box and clicking Close:

Price calculation

Discount for multiple coupons linked to same promotion mix (RTP-22297)

In a receipt with with multiple items in the same promotion mix, scanning multiple liquid coupons will now trigger the specified discount for all coupons scanned. Previously only one coupon would trigger a discount.


Not allowed to put receipt with online return on hold (RTP-24084)

It is not allowed to put a receipt that contains an online return on hold. A message will be shown to the cashier if this is done:

(A receipt can only have a reference to 1 previous receipt, When using online return, this reference is to the original sales receipt. When resuming a receipt that was put on hold, this reference is to the receipt that was put on hold.)


Aborted Aera pay terminal transactions due to inactivity (RTP-24852)

If a started transaction with Aera pay terminal solution times out (configurable) due to customer's inactivity, the transaction is now completely aborted, making customer able to try again, or pay otherwise. Previously an incorrect message saying customer's signature was needed was shown in similar situation.

Surveillance service version 1.3.1 implemented (RTP-25636)

Latest version 1.3.1 of Surveillance service is implemented in EG POS. This service integrates POS with the self-service monitor App.  


Country specific mobile number validation (RTP-25101)

When sending SMS from EG POS, we will accept phone numbers with and without country prefix for the local country:


For international numbers country prefix has to be added to validate the number correctly. Otherwise, it will be considered as invalid format.



Synchronization Status (RTP-25479)

In System Status Tab the Synchronization Status now shows the correct status. It previously showed "Deactivated" even though the correct status is "Awaiting".


Buttons in payment view when scanning only a credit note (RTP-25058)

When scanning a credit note only (and no items), the payment view used to have buttons and menu look like in sale view. Now, buttons and menu is like it should look in payment view, with correct buttons.

POS upgrade package 

Skip running SQL scripts (RTP-25456)

When running the POS upgrade package on cash registers, the setup currently run some SQL scripts that has been causing issues at some installations. The SQL scripts should no longer be needed, so this is removed from the setup.


Swedish translation for Customer Number (RTP-24486)

Swedish translation for "Customer number" column in Customer search view now shows as "Kundnr".

Swedish translation for Item Name (RTP-23987)

Swedish translation for "Item Name" column in Item search view now shows as "Artikel".

User interface

Hide mix suggestions for returns (RTP-24656)

Mix suggestions under item text are not shown on returned items.

Message when trying to do online return without selecting a receipt (RTP-25054)

When trying to start online return function without first selecting a receipt, the following message will be shown: 

Compressed view of items in Convenience Sales for linked items 

When adding items with linked items (e.g. bottle deposits), in convenience sales view, the space between item and linked item is now smaller, making it a more compressed view. This allows the user to see a greater amount of items without scrolling.



Discount percentage column in sales view 

When Discount percentage is selected in SalesViewColumns parameter, a column in Sales view shows discount in percentage:

Save button in on-screen keyboard in customer/member registration dialog 

A save buttons is available in the on-screen keyboard when registering/editing customers and members. Previously, the on-screen keyboard had to be minimized to save when using touch-screen only (no physical keyboard).


Maximum quantity when selling items via Vensafe vending machine (RTP-25649)

Vensafe tickets that contains items that do not have a quantity limit, like e.g. tobacco, in combination with items with quantity limit, like e.g. medicine, are now fetched correctly in EG POS. Previously a misleading error message could be shown to user when scanning the Vensafe ticket if, for some reason, the 'MaxQuantity' field in local DB for the "none quantity limit" item (tobacco) had an incorrect numeric '0' value in stead of correct alphanumeric 'NULL'.

Voyado integration

Redeeming Voyado bonus checks in self checkout (RTP-25799)

When redeeming bonus checks in Voyado, POS will now use the correct member identifier (Voyado contactId) in the requests towards Voyado, even in self checkout mode. Previously POS in self checkout would use the member number as member identifier causing POS to stop because the bonus check could not be redeemed. The message "The cash register is closed. Please contact the staff" shown to the customer.

Shortened name of Voaydo bonus checks in coupon selection views (RTP-25609)

The name of 'Voyado bonus check' has been shortened to just show 'Bonus'. This enables showing the value of the bonus check after the name in self checkout as well as in manned mode. Previously the name of the bonus check was too long, causing the amount to be truncated and not visible in self checkout mode.

Improvement POS Server




ItemSaleExtended when HTTPS is enabled (RTP-25326)

When HTTPS is enabled in POS WCF, ItemSaleExtended endpoint no longer fails if ItemSale endpoint is also configured.

E-commerce POS calculates wrong Mix-discount (RTP-24864)

The merging of discounts is now using the same discount number in AddItemsToCart request. This is to avoid problem later on when changing quantity for this item. This fix is for 'PrecalculatedDiscount' in ItemSale/AddItemsToCart.

POS Configuration

Encrypted parameter values (RTP-25663)

Specific parameters with encrypted parameter values are encrypted also when exporting parameters from POS Configuration to XML file.

POS Import

Import Cashiers from User Management (RTP-18519)

Support for importing cashiers and hashed PINs from User Management module are added in POS Import.


POS Import v. 4.0.55 or higher.
POS Master v. or higher.


"ExternalReference" in ARTS POSLog XML (RTP-24401)

"ExternalReference" field is being exported now in ARTS POSLog XML.

POS Master

Items not processed in import tables (RTP-25122)

A SQL procedure was updated to secure that all rows are returned and processed regardless of the company's status.

POS Services

Get stock (RTC-35755)

StockInfoService_StockGateway request returns 0 in each stock field for requested stores where requested item has no stock entry.

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