Standard report Image Added
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Description: Report allows to follow up store settlement: on first page settlement for all selected workstations (if all cashiers are selected it equals whole store settlement) and settlement per each workstation on following pages. Report is divided in subreports which will be descriped separatly below. Selections (applies to all subreports): - Date from: Default today
- Date to: Default today
- Team: Multivalue; default all
- Profile: Multivalue; default all
- Store: Multivalue; default all
- Workstation: Multivalue; default all
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Columns: - Quantity
- Amount
- Balance amount
- Difference: Balance amount - Amount
Rows: One row per tender type . In means received, out means given (returns etc...) - Cash: Tender type key = Cash or CashBack
- Check
- Coupon
- Finance
- Credit
- Gift card in
- Gift card out
- Gift card foreign in
- Gift card foreign out
- Credit note in
- Credit note foreign in
- Credit note out
- Bank: Tender Type Key = CreditDebit or CreditDebitOffline or ECreditDebit
- Subtotal: Total for all rows above Subtotal
______________________________________________________________________________________ - Deposit refound balance: Tender type key DepositRefund received - DepositRefund given
- Rounding: Subtotal rounding
- Paid in: Tender Control Type Key: PayedIn
- Payment on account: Tender Control Type Key: PaymentOnAccount
- Deposit: Article Type Key: Deposit
- Paid out: Tender Control Type Key: PayedOut
- Drop: Tender Control Type Key: Drop
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Rows: - Gross sale amount: Amount inc. VAT
Total%: - Deposit refund: Deposit refound amount / Gross sale amount
- Returned items: Returned items amount/ Gross sale amount
- Deleted sales: Deleted amount/ Gross sale amount
- Deleted reciept: Deleted receipts amount/ Gross sale amount
- Scanned: Scanned quantity/ Gross sale qunatity
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title | 1012_subTaxAccounting |
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Columns: - Tax group: tax type
- Tax base: Net amount
- Tax amount: tax
- Sum: Turnover inc. VAT
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title | 1003_subBankSettlement |
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Rows: - Bank: Amount for tender types: CreditDebit, CreditDebitOffline, ECreditDebit, Cash back
- Electronic giftcard: Amount for few hard coded payment card keys
- Offline: Amount for CreditDebitOffline
- Electronic giftcard out: Outcoming amount for few hard coded payment card keys
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title | 1005_subDepositRefound |
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Columns: - Amount: Sales amount inc. VAT
- Qunatity: Number of receipts.
Rows: - Deposit refund received: Amount (or number of receipts) for direction in for Article Type Key: DepositRefund
- Deposit refund sold: Amount (or number of receipts) for direcion out for Article Type Key: DepositRefund
- Deposit refund balance: Received - sold
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Columns: - Qunatity
- Qunatity %: Share of given tender type quantity in whole quantity
- Amount: Sales inc. VAT per tender type
Rows: - One row per one tender type
Source: - Lindbak POS Reporting cube (OLAP)