Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


A document consists of one or more versions, where a version always has a status. The status defines the location of the version in the workflow.

If there is only one version of the document, this is the current version even if the document is in progress. A document consisting of several versions may, for example, have a version in progress, a version that has been published, and several historical versions in history. In such cases, the published version will always be the current version of the document.


Draft, For review, To approval and Ready to publish are statuses for versions in progress. As long as a version has one of these statuses, only people with permissions to documents in progress will have access to them.


If participants for the review round have not been selected already in the field under Data, select the review participants in the window that opens by selecting the status status For review. Participants receive an email to their registered email addresses containing the following image:


Depending on what the feedback stated, the document is returned to draft in order to continue working on it, or it can be sent For approval.

For approval

The document is can be submitted for approval when it has been completedonce editing is complete.

If To be approved by has not been selected already on the document form already, select the approver in the window that opens by clicking Send to approval. The approver of the document receives an email containing the following image:


When the document is approved, it is assigned the status Ready to publish status. If the document is rejected, it is can be returned to the status Draft.


Documents that have been published can be withdrawn in order to make them unavailable to system the users. The document can be published again at any time.


A version of a document that is in progress can be discarded. The A discarded version is locked to prevent changes. Create a new version to make changes to the document.
