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Release 02.03.2022


Company details (RTC-20488)

  • 'Country' field is required when updating or creating a company.
  • When 'Organization number' is not unique within the country, proper validation message is displayed after trying to save a new company or update an existing one.

Release 17.02.2022

Company details

VAT number (RTC-19762)

When creating or editing company, there is a 'VAT number' field. When selected 'Country' is Norway, VAT number is generated in format "NO<Organization number>MVA". In Sweden, VAT number is "SE<Organization number>01". When other country is selected, user can enter VAT number manually. It is a text field with maximum length of 50 signs.
'Country' dropdown list in company details is contains countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium.


Inventory flag (RTC-18146)

There is a section in store details named 'Inventory' which contains checkbox field 'Inventory management in use'. Status of this field is exported from cloud to blob. It can also be imported from Chain Web OnPrem to Store Management.

Release 08.02.2022

Edit companies permission


"Edit companies" permission is required to edit companies. It is also required to create a new company. Permission cannot be granted without "View companies" permission.

Company details


New company can be created by clicking on 'New company' button in "Companies" view. By clicking on company name in grid, we can open company details. In this view we can edit details of the company. Changes are saved using 'Save' button, or canceled using "Cancel". In the grid at the bottom of this page, we can see a list of stores within the company. Clicking on store name opens store details view. Using "Add new store" we can create a new store with company pre-selected.
In company details, "Organization number" is validated based on selected "Country". This value must be 9 digits long in Norway, 10 digits in Sweden and at least one digit in other countries.



Use of breadcrumbs in user interface (RTC-19764)

In store, team, profile, region and company details view, we show breadcrumbs in "<unique id> - <name>" format. When opening store details from the grid in team, profile, region or company details view, breadcrumbs show the correct store group, from which we navigated to this page.

Change tracking (RTC-19983)

Change tracking is retained for 2 days.

Release 30.12.2021

Export of stores

Store export from StoreService is extended with fields that are required by Chain Web. These fields are:

  • Ext. store number (POS system)
  • Global location number
  • Opening date
  • Closing date
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Address 1
  • Address 2

Modification of any field in store details view will trigger re-export of store.

Audit columns


After creating new team, profile or region, in 'Created by' and 'Modified by' columns there is an e-mail address of the user who created it.

Price zones


A team can be created as a price zone. Each price zone must be assigned to one profile. After creating a new price zone, its parameters cannot be changed. Price zones can contain only stores that are part of the selected profile. Stores can be a part of only one price zone at once. Stores can be assigned to a price zone in price zone details view or in store details view. Information about price zone assigned to store is exported to JSON file immediately after changes.

Price zone


Price zone can be selected when creating new store. Only price zones within selected profile can be chosen.

Release 01.10.2021

Teams register grid


The lists of available teams, profiles and regions visible for user only with required permissions were added in Store Service.
Translations to Swedish and Norwegian language were added to above mentioned new elements.

Store Group Register - Add Store Group


The Add panel required for adding new store groups of teams, profiles and regions type has been implemented and is available at the top of each store groups grid.
That means, it is possible to add new store group of particular type (teams, region, profile) . The notification after adding one group is displayed at the bottom of a screen and informs about successfully performed action. What is more, newly added store groups are visible within dedicated store group grid. Swedish and Norwegian translations are provided correctly.

Store Group Edit Stores


It is possible to manage stores inside Team, Profile or Region store group by searching and then adding or removing particular stores as well as selecting and unselecting all of them.

Store Group Edit Details


The UI for editing store groups has been implemented. It is possible to manage store groups for Teams Profiles and Region, edit its basic details, display stores that belonge to particular store gropu as well as activate and deactivate them. Waht is more, correct Norwegian and Swedish translations have been provided.


Export Teams/Profiles from StoreService


StoreExport job from StoreServiceIntegration now exports also store groups linked to the store.

StoreExport job is exporting updates in stores and also can export when store group is modified (all stores from store group) and on store-store group link change.

Import Teams/Profiles to StoreService


New job StoreGroupMerger has been implemented - it is possible to process flatjsons with storegroups imported by GenericImport job.

GenericImport job has been updated to import StoreGroupUpdated events from blob storage - which were exported from onpremise by StoreGroup2 job from BackOfficeBatchGenerator.

Export Teams/Profiles from BackOfficeBatchGenerator


StoreGroup2 job has been implemented. Now it is possible to export store groups which are stored in the [Lindbak Retail].[Chain].[StoreGroup] table and put them into the BatchToProcess blob container.


Store Register


The beginning of store management in Cloud. The menu entry leads to the list of stores that reveals several store details in a grid. It enables the user to manage stores existing in the company, select concrete stores'  displayed in the grid, filter by preferred values and create new stores.

Extend data model with additional fields


The export of store data from StoreService is extended. StoreExport job includes following store attributes: 

  • address - city, post code and country code (the same as company country code)
  • company -  organization name, organization number and country code

Store Details


When clicking on a store in the store grid, the user can find the store information. From this view it is possible to activate, deactivate and edit the store details. The requirements needed for creating stores are marked by an asterisk. 

  • No labels