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Import of unit price factor (RTC-29077)

If any of the fields unit price factor or unit price unit are specified, both are required. When importing, there is a validation error if there is only one field specified in the import file.

Import grid view (RTC-27885)

  • Loading bar and statistics are visible only on pending import, not in Import grid view.
  • Refresh button is above the loading bar.
  • Horizontal scroll is visible in import grid.
  • Loading indicator is shown during the actions connected to imports, before refreshing the grid. 
Label printing

Label types for stickers (RTC-29281)

  • Three label types: Sticker 1, Sticker 2, Sticker 3.
  • It is possible to print the labels on a stickers in a roll.
  • Label size is 75x33mm.
  • Sticker size is 45x23mm.
  • Information on the label (Sticker1):
    • Price
    • Item text
    • Barcode (Code128) containing Sales Code
    • Sales code
    • Comparing price (price/liter, price/Kilo etc.) when that exist
  • Information on stickers (Sticker2 and Sticker3):
    • Sales code
    • Barcode (Code128) containing Sales Code
    • Printing date (Sticker2 only)
  • The currency symbol on the labels is Euro.
  • Number of sheets required in printing modal doesn't appear for Sticker1, Sticker2 and Sticker3. 

FIX: Saving correct hash (RTC-30381)

Store price in hash on printed/exported labels is saved with decimal separator " . " for all the users, independent of what language or region user has.

Release 08.03.2023




Revert to "ready for import" (RTC-29703)

Reverting import to "ready for import" changes status of an import and triggers revalidation. 

Item details

Label types section (RTC-29834)

When there is more than five stores in the label types section, only top five of them are shown. There is a button underneath them, which takes the user to another view with list of label types per store. Label types that are on 'All stores' level are shown first.

Label printing

Printing labels from item list (RTC-24213)

  • User can print/create labels for all items in the item list.
  • When not all items within the item list have prices for the selected store, user will see a warning that X out of Y items don't have prices for selected store. 
  • User can print/create max 1000 labels from one item list
  • Stores in the model are filtered by the user permission 'Manage store local values'
  • Label types are filtered by the label type register. 
  • Items that do not have a price for the store, their number is shown to the user in the notification. It is still possible to create/print label for the remaining items.
Price control

Import of franchise store flag (RTC-29209)

Price control is used for franchise stores. The FranchiseStore flag is updated based on changes in Store Management. 

Release 02.03.2023




Import of supplier item number (RTC-28902)

Import of RIGAL format supports RIGAL field 7.1.125 as an alphanumeric supplier item number.

FIX: Null reference exception when importing prices (RTC-30109)

  • Rows in the ItemStores table are created correctly.
  • When importing prices, all imported stores are linked to an item in the ItemStores table.
Item details

FIX: Update of Item name (RTC-29313)

In non-model items, the model name is changed to the value imported in the item text field.

Model name for non-model items is updatable after changing item text manually in item details view.

FIX: VAT code when switching items within model (RTC-29313)

VAT code does not disappear when moving between model items.

Item registers

Warranty type (RTC-29463)

The maximum value for warranty months is 999.

Label printing

FIX: Large number of rows in label printing grid (RTC-29787, RTC-29907))

There is no timeout when opening label printing grid, and filtering is fast.

FIX: Label trigger reason (RTC-29948)

Label trigger reason is saved correctly on generated labels. 

Selecting label type (RTC-28930)

When selecting label type in item details, store dropdown is prefilled with value:

  • When a user has access to only one store it is that store 
  • When a user has access to more than one store, this is one of the stores they have access to.
  • The last selected store is remembered and it is the one that is visible when the modal is opened after refresh

Release 21.02.2023

Labels for active store assortment


  • Labels are generated only for stores that have a link with the item in the active assortment.
  • All pending labels for a store are removed when the link between the store and the item is removed (when store is removed from Active Assortment).
  • A label with the status "delete" is exported to Myhrvold when the link between the store and the item is deleted (store removed from ActiveAssortment), even if the link from scale still exists.
  • Manual labels can be created from any item. There is no need for an active link between store and item in active assortment to manually create a label.




Item details

FIX: Alternative GTINs (RTC-29827)

  • To manage GTINs/alternative tandems user needs 'Update existing items' permission or 'Manage local items' permission and item needs to be manage in store (where user has permission).
  • Managed by store checkbox is visible on non-model items.

FIX: Deactivating item (RTC-29111)

A non-model item is deactivated immediately when system parameters is configured with ItemsUpdate=Inactive.

Release 17.02.2023

Active store assortment 


  • In System parameter configure 'Manage store assortment'
  • In Item Details there is section 'Store assortment': 
    • When parameter is disabled Label types subsection is in Store Assortment column 
    • When parameter is enabled Label types and Active assortment subsections are in Store Assortment column


  • The store is automatically added to the active assortment only when a price is created for a specific store. When the price is created for a profile or price zone, the addition to the active assortment is manual. 
  • It is possible to add stores individually as well as all at once. Both to non-model item and model item.
  • Only stores which the item has a price is visible in active assortment.
  • Access to this is restricted by the view/manage store local attributes permissions. A user with "View" permission can only view stores that he has permission to. The same situation with 'Manage' permission.
  • In the 'Manage active assortment' view, only 'Store' column/field is visible. The "Delete store" field is hidden in breadcrumbs (delete icon is displayed when you mark the line).
  • User is notified when she tries to add store to active assortment that doesn't have a price, if store has already been added to the assortment. Also if it concerns all stores or just some of the ones that user tries too add.
  • When user has access and permission Manage store local attributes to only one store, instead of "Manage store assortment", there is "Add to my assortment" button. When user wants to remove the assortment (still has permission to only one store, but item can have more store assortments active), there is button "Remove from my assortment" button, which removes only this store that user has access to, from active assortment.




Item details

Permissions for alternative GTINs (RTC-28462)

User that does not have 'Update items' permission cannot add or remove GTINs/alternative GTINs. User that has this permission or Manage local item (and the item is managed by store), can add or remove GTINs for items.

Item list

Grid in model/variant/item level (RTC-24923)

State of grid is kept when changing 'browsing by' levels and after a page refresh.

Release 14.02.2023



Item details

Weight declaration (RTC-28385)

  • Weight declaration is shown in its own section (one column).
  • The whole text is visible in the preview.
  • Text is editable in modal, in a text area roughly 40 characters wide and 20 lines in height. If the text is longer scrolling appears.
  • Modal has the ability to decide whether to save the change on all elements/sizes/colors of the model.

Processing of labels (RTC-29689)

LabelProcessor perfomence is slightly better.

Release 13.02.2023




Export of alternative GTINs (RTC-29328)

  • Deleted alternative GTINs are exported as 'Deactivated'.
  • When an alternative GTIN is 'moved' from item A to item B, then alternative GTIN is exported with item B and item A has null value.

External model number (RTC-29102)

'ExternalModelNo' is imported from Item Service to Promotion database when adding item to an offer. When not null, value is exported to POS as a part of 'modelIdentifier' on offer item level (when offer is created on model or variant level).

Release 08.02.2023




Stability in approval import (RTC-23108)

When a long running job is running, and a package is restarted via Integration Platform Manager or via release of Integration Platform package there is no exception and validation/import is resumed in next job execution.

Label printing

FIX: Export of labels to 3rd party (RTC-29473)

Only the latest labels are exported (if there are more labels not exported). Next job execution doesn't export older labels.

Release 07.02.2023

External model number in items grids


The externalModelNumber column is visible in:

  • Item grid
  • Model colors grid
  • Item list

Column CurrentExternalModelNumber is visible in:

  • Item in imports grid 
  • Import item 

ModelNumber column is hidden by default and ExternalModelNumber/CurrentexternalModelNumber is visible by default.




Export to fresh food scales

FIX: Converting PLU field (RTC-29401)

When converting scale labels to Myhrvold in ItemServiceOnPremIntegration package, field PLU contains digits 3-8 from the GTIN. When these digits have leading zeros, they are removed. 

Label printing

FIX: Manually printing label (RTC-29349)

When manually printing a label, the generated label is compared to the latest one, not the first one created.

FIX: Export of labels (RTC-29419)

Labels are exported correctly (LabelExport is not skipping labels), performance of export is improved, export to Breece is fixed (all GTINs of item are exported). Exported flag on scale is save along with the label, not after label is exported.

Release 02.02.2023




FIX: CountryCode in profile/team (RTC-29383)

StagingBatchExecutor job is not aborted when a store is imported from Store Service with CountryCode = '' (empty string) in profile or team.

FIX: CountryCode in profile/team (RTC-29344)

StagingBatchExecutor job is not aborted when a store is imported from Store Service with CountryCode = null in profile or team.

Label printing

Printing future labels (RTC-25130)

In Label printing grid default filtering on Valid From column is 'before or equal' and labels are shown in ascending order. Current date (today) is visible in column header. User can filter on Valid From column and print future labels. After printing labels they're marked as printed in Printed column.

Filtering in label printing grid and printing high amounts of labels (max is 1000) is working fine.

Future labels are generated only when it is necessary, for example when:

  • Any of relevant item attributes changes (current label is generated as well)
  • Future price changes
  • Current/future promotion is applied

Additional technical information:

  • Label.CurrentLabel table is no more used.
  • New columns in Label.Label table: LabelStorePrice, LabelHash. 
  • New column in Label.ItemScale table 'Exported', which indicates if deleted scale was already exported.
  • Export of future labels (Breece, Myrhvold, LTG) works as before, which means that labels are exported, when they become current labels.

Import of country linked to stores (RTC-23087

  • CountryCode is updated only when storeGroup has 'Profile' type 
  • New column in Chain.Store table - AddressId
  • Store address is saved in the dbo.address table. The correct address id is assigned to the store
  • All stores have AddressId (possibility to assign address to it)

Release 25.01.2023




Export of external model number (RTC-29023)

ExternalModelNo is exported from Item Management to JSON file.

Label printing

FIX: Print of amount on labels (RTC-28948)

When store price amount is in whole kroner, the .00 øre is printed.

FIX: Missing fields in label export (RTC-28647)

These fields have their values exported in scale and LTG labels 

  • SKU
  • StoreNumber
  • ExternalStoreNumber 
  • ItemText
  • CurrencyCode

ItemGroup - type is removed from documentation and is not exported

Release 19.01.2023



Fresh food scale integration

Fix for Myhrvold scales (RTC-28851)

ConvertItemLabelToMyhrvold job doesn't fail when exporting labels on items that don't have unit price unit and unit price unit different than stk.


FIX: New item without supplierNo (RTC-28459)

  • SupplierNo is a mandatory element of the imported new item. If it is not in the import, there is a validation error informing the user about it.
  • ItemGroupNo is a mandatory element of the imported new item. If it is not in the import, there is a validation error informing the user about it.

FIX: CountryCode on VAT in item import should not be required (RTC-28989)

A country code for Vat in imported files is not required. When user imports one vat code without a country, the value is set to default country.

It is impossible to import only country code, vat code is required.

FIX: Importing item with changed supplier (RTC-28760)

It's possible to change supplier on item that has labels - both mass update and through import Item file.

Release 18.01.2023

Manage scales permissions


  • Already existing permissions - View store local attributes and Manage store local attributes - are required permissions to view/manage scales.
  • In order to view scale links the user needs 'View store local attributes'. User will see only scales from stores that he has access to via that permission. 
  • In order to add/remove scale links to/from an item user needs "Manage store local attributes" permission for specific store or team/profile that includes that store. 
  • When user has View store local attributes permission on all store level and Manage store local attributes permission on store/profile/team level, she can see all scale links that are available, but can only add/remove the ones from the stores, that she has manage permissions to.
  • When user has View store local attributes permissions on store/team/profile that doesn't have any scales, after entering "link to scales" view, user will see warning, that there are no scales available for this store.
  • When user has no View store local attributes permissions at all, user can't see scales at all.
  • These rules applies to scale groups as well.
  • User doesn't need to have Edit item permissions to do anything from list above.




Fresh food scale integration

Export to Myhrvold scales (RTC-27932)

  • Unit and calculateUnitPriceInScale flag are exported in lowercase.
  • Unit piece is exported as stk.
  • The delete action is sent for items that have deleted item store links and for items that have been deactivated.
Item details 

Multi country VAT code (RTC-22544)

  • List for VAT codes for countries appears when there are multiple system countries in the country register
  • Only system countries are exported (both Excel and blob)
  • If there is no attached VAT for the country in the import of the item, the default is set. If VAT exists in the import, it is assigned to the item, (non-system countries are skipped, with an appropriate warning)
  • The default VAT code for a country is assigned when creating a new item. If the default VAT code is not set in the registry, the field remains without VAT value
  • VAT code is required only for the default country when editing item.
Label printing

Print label from item details (RTC-28033)

  • User can print labels for a specific item from the item details view.
  • The button is visible only when the user has the label printing permission
  • The store picker in the modal shows only the stores that the user has permission
  • User can manually create label or add it to label printing
  • Label can only be created for a store that has a price
  • Store that has 'None' label type or no label type assigned in the register is unable to create a label (the choice of label type is blocked)
  • The label type picker in the modal shows only the label types that are in label type register
  • Labels created manually have a Manual label trigger reason

Fix: Import from Promotion module (RTC-28648)

There is no timeout in StagingBatchExecutor  when importing  and staging a lot of OfferItems from Promotion Module. The promotion package is updated to 1.6 and new type of offer mix type (100) is supported.

System cleanup job (RTC-25652)

  • During night we cleanup (delete) rows older than 30 days from [Label].[LabelExportLog] table, in batches of 200
  • Parameters in config of this job: cleanupLabelExportBatchSize (default 200) and cleanupLabelExportOlderThanDays (default)
  • Logs in job execution show how many rows were deleted.

Fix for exporting items to elastic search (RTC-27863)

SearchIndexingJob doesn't get stuck exporting items to elastic search and won't spam Application Insights with logs. 

Release 03.01.2023 



Fresh food scale integration

Export of item status to 3rd party (RTC-26850)

  • Scale labels are exported with Item Status.
  • Exported scales have their status exported as well (Active or Deleted).
  • When scale link is deleted from item, their scale status is exported only once.
Label printing

View and manage labels for store users (RTC-26783)

  • For label printing there are permissions: 'Manage store local attributes' and 'View store local attributes'.
  • In order to view label types on the item, user needs 'View store local attributes'. No matter the level of role with this permission, user will always see the label types on the 'all level'. For other levels, the visibility should be filtered by the access of that permissions.
  • If the user does not have the manage store local attributes, the 'manage label types' button is hidden.
  • In order to modify label types on item, user needs 'Manage store local attributes'.
  • User needs the permission on 'all stores' to be able to add the attribute on 'all stores level'. Otherwise, he can only manage it on stores that he has access to. 
  • When a user has 'Manage store  local attributes' on store 100 (and no 'View store local attributes') he should still be able to view the store local attributes on store 100. I.e. 'Manage' permission should implicitly give 'view' on all stores (that have the manage permission + labels on all store level).
  • Without those permissions, user does not see label types on item at all. 

Release 15.12.2022




Fix: Change ValidFrom to today (RTC-28194)

Fixed import when importing file without price.

Release 13.12.2022




RIGAL import of supplier discount and fixed price (RTC-27561)

  • Creating new item and new price from RIGAL file with 'FixedPrice' (vtype = P or F), the price created is fixed price.
  • Creating new price for existing item (which has an active store price that is not fixed price) and in RIGAL vtype = P or F, the price created is fixed price.
  • RIGAL with a value Rab1, imports the value into the supplier discount field.
  • RIGAL has VType2, set it to ItemType. Override value set by VType (If RIGAL has 'P' od 'F', in vtype then the price should still be set as fixed price).

Handling of price date from (RTC-27418)

Valid From date for price is changed to today's date when:

  • The imported date is in the past
  • Date is missing in import

User is informed, that ValidFromDate is set to today's date.

Label printing

EkoPallet label type (RTC-27824)

  • The bottom and top margins when printng EkoPallet Label don't cut the data from label (both when printing from Label Printing grid or item details).
  • Translations to the EkoPallet label type are added.
  • EkoPallet promotions behavior is the same as for EkoMaxi and EkoMini (they're not triggered when assigning promotions).

Printing of deposit price (RTC-26545)

Store price of deposit item is printed on labels to print, next to "+pant" text.

  • Current price of deposit item store price is chosen.
  • If deposit item has price on many levels, the lowest level is chosen (Store, then Price Zone, then Profile).
  • Change of deposit item price doesn't trigger creating new labels.
  • Deposit price is shown on label only when store on the label and deposit store price are the same. If they're not, label has only "+pant" text
  • Applies to EkoMaxi,EkoMini and EkoPallet labels

Fix: Item store links (RTC-28098)

When creating a profile price (for a new item), item store links are created for all stores that profile has.

Release 07.12.2022




Import of 20-codes (RTC-27461)

Alternative GTINs are converted to 20xxxxxx00000 format when the parameter "EAN20 conversion" is enabled. The original and converted alternative GTINs are added to the item.

Item details

Permissions to view prices (RTC-27422)

User that has store access and view prices permission on store level, can see price calculation on profile/price zone level, if store is in profile/price zone.

Length of item text fields (RTC-27135)

The ItemText, ItemReceiptText, LabelText1, LabelText2, and ItemGroupName fields are 255 characters.

Item segmentation

Performance for dynamic segments (RTC-27540)

  • The method GET ItemSegmentations/GetItemsWithPrices [id] returns results faster, there's no timeouts when requesting prices (if they are, they're related to bug in Promotion that will be fixed in: RTC-27395 [Promotion] Add indexes to the views)
  • Method return top price for an item (in list)
  • The hierarchy for returning prices when making promotion is (the same):
    • When filtering by store - store price, with fallback to profile and then price zone.
    • When filtering by team - Price zone price with fallback to store.
    • When filtering by profile - Price zone price with fallback then store.
    • When no filtering (promotion on all stores)- Price zone price -> profile -> store. 

Segmentation on item hierarchy (RTC-27619)

Segmentation can be done on all item hierarchy levels: Department, Item area, Item group and Item sub group.

Label printing

Label printing grid (RTC-27764)

Columns "Item group number" and "Item Group Name" are available in the printing label grid. 

The label printing grid is sorted in the following order:  LabelType, StoreId, ItemGroupNumber, SupplierId, ValidFrom.

Release 28.11.2022

Select and process multiple import files


It is possible to mark multiple imports in the import grid. Marked imports can be validated, imported, work done, and deleted.  

The "Refresh" button in the import grid and import details are used for refreshing the results without removing filtering and sorting.

Import grid when multiple imports are selected





Import of alternative GTINs from Excel (RTC-26789)

Excel can be used to import and export (mass update) alternative GTINs.

Item details

Alternative GTINs (RTC-27349)

There are buttons that allows to collapse and expand list of alternative GTINs and scale groups, if there's more than 5 of them linked to an item.

Label printing

Avoid generating labels for specific items and specific stores (RTC-25063)

  • Label type 'None' can be added to specific stores (both in item details and in label type register).
  • If an item has label type none, no labels are created for it.
  • By adding none label type to the store, it can be the only label type for that store. If there are other label types in the store, there should be validation error when trying to add 'none'. 
  • The label type 'none' can be added on the item level, even if it doesn't exist in the register.
  • When adding 'none' to register for a given store, it is always added as default (and must be the only 'default' label type for the given store).
  • 'None' label type can be exported only per store. 
  • When importing items and Excel/file has 'None' in store, it wins over any other label types (i.e. ignore the rest). 'None' imported as common will be ignored.

Release 22.11.2022



Fresh food scale integration

Handling of item status (RTC-26848)

When item status is changed (to inactive, active, stopped form sale) and label has already been exported, a new change (label type Myhrvold) is created and exported.

Handling of scale links (RTC-26846)

  • When removing scale links from item, links are marked as deleted, not permanently deleted from item.
  • Applies to removing scale links via Item details or scale register, and import (mass update and default item).

Import status (RTC-23195)

  • When validation/import is in progress, there is a percentage next to 'Validating... 10%' or 'Importing...'. The percentage shown is updated after validation/import of each batch is processed (500 items).
  • Validation/import percentage is visible for all users.
  • The percentage updates automatically, same as "No of rows not imported". 

Fix: Import price with ValidFrom before the Vat rate ValidFrom (RTC-26977)

When importing a price that has a ValidFrom in the past (before the first vat rate) the newest active vat rate is used.

Fix: No timeout when importing profile prices (RTC-27063)

  • When importing store prices for profile containing more than 600 stores there is no timeout.

Item type column in Item import details (RTC-26773)

Columns "Item type" and "CurrentItemType" is available in the import details view. By default, they are hidden.

Item type imported with the item, is entered into the "ItemType" column. The "CurrentItemType" column shows the item type currently existing in the item (if any).

Item details

Fix: Managing scale links (RTC-27428)

User that has 'Edit items' permission can add/remove scale links to/from item.

Label printing

3rd label type (RTC-26757)

Label type EkoPallet is added to label type register


Scale register (RTC-26376)

Scale can be added to scale group from scale group register view.

Release 16.11.2022



Fresh food scale integration

Export to Myhrvold scales (RTC-27273)

FixedWeight in exported labels has a value from UnitPriceFactor in item details or 0 if there is no value there.


FIX: Creating register values during import (RTC-26933)

  • When importing file with many items that has brand that is not in the register and there's space in one of the brand codes (for e.g. 'CODE1' and 'CODE1 '), space is removed and new brand in register is created.
  • When importing model item with new subgroup or new item group and subgroup that are not in registers, they are created during import.

Import of deposit quantity (RTC-26746)

If an item has a deposit item, but deposit quantity is not given in import (or is set to 0), the default deposit quantity is set to 1 during import. This applies to mass update and item contract type of import.

Items in import

Search for item/price imported for given item (RTC-26793)

When searing for an item in imports, available columns also includes:

  • Created by
  • Created date
  • Modified by
  • Modified date
  • Store group code
  • Store group level
  • Store group name

Keeping good performance on filtering and sorting on these columns will be developed later.

Label printing

Print label from item details (RTC-24121)

  • User can print labels for a specific item from the item details view.
  • The button is visible only when the user has the label printing permission.
  • The store picker in the modal shows only the stores that the item has labels for (+ filtered by user permissions).
  • When the label is printed, it's marked as printed/current.

Release 10.11.2022




Import of 20-codes (RTC-27109)

Parameter  EnableEan20Conversion must be set for retailers using 20-codes with price or weight.

When the parameter is enabled:

  • When imported item has GTIN with 13 digits and starts with 20-25, then second digit is set to 0 and last 5 digits is set to 00000
  • When importing item with GTIN 2x and item with GTIN 2x exists, the 2x GTIN is moved to tandem and set main GTIN to 20x. The last five digits are also set to 00000
  • When importing item with GTIN starts from 20-25x and item with GTIN 20x exists, the existing item will be updated.  
  • In the import items view, the GTIN visible in the grid is the original GTIN. 
Item details

Fix: View price permission (RTC-26795)

User that has view prices permissions on store level, can see store prices on profile/price zone level that contains this store.

Release 04.11.2022




Import of alternative items (RTC-27188)

Fix: In case of alternative GTINs for an item and scale links per store for an item.

  • When applying changes to item with many alternative GTINS, search indexing job works properly
  • When exporting item with many scale links to Excel, file is exported with all scale links
Item details

Create item with 20-code (RTC-25881)

The check digit is not validated when manually creating item has GTIN starting with 20.

Label printing

Fix: Filtering in label printing grid (RTC-26984)

  • When filtering a column user can input the value and filter by clicking 'Enter'.
  • Store number is not decimal.
  • EAN/PLU in heading is changed to GTIN.

Release 28.10.2022




Supplier's internal identifier (RTC-24871)

Supplier export to blob contains supplier id as 'internalSupplierNo' field.


Fix: Items in import (RTC-26383)

Item in import can be searched easily without a timeout.

Fix: Exception when manually validating/importing auto-approval import (RTC-22520)

Import scheduled for ValidationAndImport ends successful.

FIX: Ignore 0 for Trykkbilde in RIGAL (RTC-26898)

When fields Trykkbilde (scale label), Frigr2 (risk item), Behandlingstype (treatment type), Fra_og_med_tid has value 0, import is correctly processed. 

Scale label with non-existing code is created during import.

Label printing

Default label type (RTC-26103)

It is possible to set the default label type in the label type register (both common and per store).

The default label type is used when creating a new item manually.  If an item that is created during import has a label type specified in the imported file, the label type is taken from the file, otherwise, label type is set from the default value in the register. 

In import: If a label type specified on the item does not exist in label type register the value is ignored and system show a validation warning.

Reason for created label (RTC-25059)

When a label is created, the trigger reason is stored on the label. In the label printing grid the user can filter on the column for 'Label trigger' if for example price increases should be printed out first.

  • If a single label was created by multiple 'reasons', the priority is:
    Promotion ends >  Promotion (is assigned to item) > Price increase > Price decrease > Item change.
  • If label is not printed/exported and there are any changes to the item, the label trigger reason is assigned according to priority. 
  • If label type don't track promotion related attributes, they cannot be created with attributes related to promotion.

Fix: View items (RTC-26788)

User needs only 'view items' permission to see items (there is no server side error).

Release 19.10.2022




Export performance and stability (RTC-26405)

For Generic Export there is a log of exported rows of Items, ItemPrices, ItemStoreLinks.

MemoryGrant is reduced and query plan is more stable.

Fresh food scale integration

Export to Myhrvold scales (RTC-24620)

Item and price information (Labels) that are exported and sent to a blob are converted to Myhrvold format and put on a specified (configurable) folder. Every Myhrvold XML file is named after StoreID, by which labels inside XML are grouped.

Fix: Export to Myhrvold (RTC-25928)

OnPrem integration package: BackOfficeIntegration - ItemServiceOnPremIntegration

When getting a file from Item Management a label that has scale link, the code of the scale links is mapped to weightGroup, in comma-separated list) in the XML file converted by ConvertItemLabelToMyhrvold job.

Fix: Export to Myhrvold (RTC-26255)

Convert label to Myhrvold On-premises job is correctly processed when there is no value in UnitPriceFactor field in the label.

Label printing

Label type register and manage label type view (RTC-26389)

When adding label type on item:

  • The default selection is 'All stores'
  • Label types are not be preselected
  • When label type in register is on 'All stores' level, user can add any store for that label type on item
  • If user selects a label type that already exists, there is an error that this is already added.
  • Available label types are shown based on chosen store
  • When in register there are two types of label types A,B  with 'All stores', but there is also label type A on specific store, then on item level when adding the label type A with this specific store, it's not possible to add label type B for this specific store

Release 17.10.2022



Fresh food scale integration

Use Excel to link item to scales (RTC-25743)

  • Item scale links can be exported via Excel (only active ones).
  • Item scale links can be imported via Item. Item JSON contract and Excel (only active ones).
  • When unknown scale link is imported for an item, there is a warning in import, that some scale links will not be imported.
  • Item scale links are imported/exported on store local values/attributes level.

Import performance and stability (RTC-26412)

Merging of ImportItem is split into Inserting and Updating, ApprovalImport is more stable (no timeout during validation when comparing to old version).

Fix: Case insensitive reading of properties from FlatBatch MetaData (RTC-26499)

Reading properties from metadata is case insensitive.  The size of the letters in the metadata does not cause any problems during the import.

FIX: Import of alphanumeric GTINs (RTC-25443)

It is not possible to import items with alphanumeric GTIN.  

When importing default item file, item is deleted and an invalid GTIN error appears in the StagingFlatBatchJson table. When importing store price file, in the Import item table, the imported item appears with the error status and the error message about incorrect GTIN.

Item details

Fix: Item/scale links (RTC-26531)

When removing all scale links (within the scale group) from the item it can be done by unselecting scale group checkbox.

Release 10.10.2022



Fresh food scale integration

Export item and price changes to scales and 3rd party label system (RTC-25745)

  • When a scale is added to an item, an export row (label) of the corresponding label type is created.
    • When another scale within the same store/labeltype is added, a new export row (label) is created (in order to export the label with a new scale code). 
    • When the scale is deactivated, export rows are no longer created (or include it in the export).
  • Export rows (Labels) are created per item/store.
  • Item.Label.Export blob is extended with a list of scale codes.
  • LTG label type is added.
  • Myhrvold label type is visible in Scale register instead of Label Type register.
  • When filtering by label type in the label printing grid, only EkoMini and EkoMaxi label type are visible.

Fix: Export Excel from import view (RTC-25168)

Default item file type (JSON) that has been imported, can be exported to Excel from import view.

Item details

Fix: Scale links (RTC-26513)

Scale links are saved on item when user clicks save button in scale links view.

Label printing

Link items to scales (RTC-25742)

There is a view in item details, under the Scale section, where scales can be linked to an item (scales group are displayed). Only active scales can be added/removed to an item, when scales group is inactive, user cannot link scales from this group to an item.

Applied only for non-model items so far.

Maximum labels to print (RTC-26404)

Maximum quantity of labels to print is 1000. If user chooses more labels to print, there is a warning that only 1000 labels will be printed. Marking labels as printed is slightly faster than before.

Labe type register (RTC-24129)

Label types register is used for defining what label types is used by all stores or by specific stores.

  • When adding label type on item, only pairs of Label Type and Store that are in the register can be added.
    • When label type in register is on all stores level, in item details it can be added on all stores as well as for specific store.
    • When label type is registered is for a specific store, in item details the label type can be added only for this store.

Myrhvold label is removed from register (it's has scale Category), LTG label is added to register.

Release 03.10.2022




Better performance when exporting from ItemService (RTC-25985)

  • Export of items and item prices are using row version instead of using ChangeTracking. There are indexes on RowVersion for these tables
  • SearchIndexing (Elastic search) is completed after export of Item changes
  • Changes are exported in batches of value established in GenericExport AppSettings
  • Fix for paging on ItemPrice, now it does a scan on StorePrice table if there are many rows in changetable.

Fix: Units import when default country is Sweden (RTC-25511)

During item import via JSON contract with new unit register, new Swedish unit is displayed in unit register and has correct LanguageCode for Sweden (SV).

Label printing

Labe type register (RTC-24129)

Label types register is used for defining what label types is used by all stores or by specific stores.

  • When adding label type on item, only pairs of Label Type and Store that are in the register can be added.
    • When label type in register is on all stores level, in item details it can be added on all stores as well as for specific store.
    • When label type is registered is for a specific store, in item details the label type can be added only for this store.

Myrhvold label is removed from register (it's has scale Category), LTG label is added to register.

Changes for label view (RTC-24565)

There is a new view of EkoMaxi and EkoMini labels during printing. Unit price is shown correctly, ConsumerUnitQuanity as well, there is Kr/UnitPrice under the price.


Scale group register (RTC-25740)

Scales can be grouped to make it easier to maintain the link between items and scales. Scale groups can for example be 'Bakery' and 'Fruit and vegetables'.

Scale register (RTC-25741)

Items can be linked to a scale to export item and price changes to 3rd party fresh food scales.

In scale register user specifies the scales available in the store (along with the scale group that they belong to).

It is also possible to add scales from scale group register.

Release 22.09.2022


Export labels (RTC-24210)

Labels with Myhrvold label type are exported to blob.

Label printing

Creating labels (RTC-25057)

  • When a label type is added to an item (common or store), new labels (including current and future) are automatically created.
  • When a label type is removed from an item (common or store), all future labels (of that type) are removed.
  • When a label type Z is added on store A and an item has a common label type Y, all future labels on of type Y on store A are removed (and of course new labels of type Z are created). 
  • Labels that are of type ESL (Breece), are not removed when label types for printing are removed (common or store, current or future).

Change tracking rules for label type EKOMaxi (RTC-25060)

  • New labels are created/exported when any of the revelant attributes changes (depends on LabelType).
  • Change of irrelevant attributes don't trigger creation or export of label.

Release 17.09.2022


Import performance (RTC-25861)

During import, the imported items are inserted in way that improve performance of StagingBatchExecutor and ApprovalImport jobs, so they are less likely to timeout.

Rows in PricatImport.ImportItem table are updated correctly.

Release 13.09.2022


Deleting store prices from RIGAL import (RTC-25468)

Store prices (past, active and future) are deleted when price on active store price is marked as 'U' in import for given store. It's applied for profile prices, as well, when profile price is marked as 'U' in import for given profile.

Release 12.09.2022


Item import performance (RTC-22701)

The performance of import tables is improved, and ImportItems fetch queries has also become faster.

JsonContent is moved to another table, and the new table record only appears when import row is modified the first time.

Label printing

Print labels for changed items/prices (RTC-24126)

  • Selected labels can be printed, when they're the same type of label and are in the same store.
  • Selected labels can be marked as printed (without printing)
  • 'Printed' column is added to the grid. 
  • Only current labels are visible in the grid.

Release 29.08.2022


Imports set as Done (RTC-24238)

All existing imports that have all imported or rejected rows are marked as done.

Label printing

Label type (RTC-25061)

EkoMini label type can be selected when managing label types.

Release 19.08.2022 

Export to Excel

Export of VAT to Excel (RTC-24214)

When exporting items with a different system country and default country than Norway (e.g. Sweden) VAT code and rate are correctly exported to Excel.

Mass update of Label type (RTC-24897)

It is possible to export label type. When "Include store local values" checkbox is selected it, the label types for all stores are also exported.

It is possible to import label types. When importing a file with no store local values, only default label types are updated. Importing a file from store local values allows you to change all label types.


Fix: Mass update export and import of sorting code (RTC-24862)

It is possible to export and import via mass update sorting code without any other values from the assortment category.

Item API

Supplier number filter (RTC-24672)

There is a possibility to search for an item assigned to supplier, using Item Service API. Requests with new parameter (supplierNo) returns only items assigned to correct supplier.

Item details

Fix: Uploading an image to non-model item (RTC-24538)

Uploading an image to a non-model item works fine again.

Set Label type for item (RTC-24550)

In item details you can  define which label types should be used for given item. Label types can also be defined specific on store level.

Item lists

Use Excel file to manage lists (RTC-13667)

Excel file can be used to manage selection in item list and item group list. Item/item group list exported to Excel file can be used as a template. CSV files are also supported. At least one column with identifiers is required in the file:

  • Item list: Sku, MainGtin, ExternalItemNo,
  • Item group list: ItemGroupNo.

Release 03.08.2022


Fix: Deactivated item becomes active when pressing save (RTC-24815)

When saving a deactivated item user gets a modal window asking whether to activate the item. The 'submit' (aka default) button is 'No'. There are also Yes and 'Cancel' buttons.

When user click 'no', the window with saving changes should appear and after saving changes selected items should still be inactive.

When user click 'yes', the window with saving changes should appear and after saving changes selected items should become active.

When user click 'cancel' the window should close and nothing happens.

Label printing

Label types (RTC-24128)

Label types valid for item and items for given store can be specified. Label type specified for store level has priority over the label type on the item level.

There is always created a label in Breece label type, when store is configurated as Breece store, even if there is no ItemLabelType with this type. 


Fix: Update button when editing price (RTC-24824)

It is possible to edit price that are active and have a valid from date in the past.


Fix: Configuration cleared when switching between tenants (RTC-22045)

Configuration browser cache is cleared each time the user logs in. Fixes issue when switching tenants that have different configuration (user needs to log out and log in, in order to switch tenants). 

Release 22.07.2022

Export to Excel

Fix: Excel template are duplicated in Excel view (RTC-24495)

"Excel template" text is not duplicated in export wholesale prices to Excel view.


Fix: Scheduled update of promotion offer (RTC-24602)

During scheduled update of segmentation in Promotion Management, there is no issue in communication between Item Service and Segmentation Service.


Cleanup of imported items (RTC-20464)

  • Janitor job continiously runs every minute (on 18th second).
  • The 100 oldest rows of import, that are older than 180 days, are deleted from database, including empty imports.

Release 13.07.2022


Notifications during import (RTC-22004)

When validation/import of an item in import is done, the status header disappears and notification shows up automatically.

Import/export of ProductID, Sales code and Bonus flag (RTC-23855)

Item attributes ProductID, Sales code and Bonus can be:

  • Imported from JSON file (according to Item contract) and Excel (mass update - item details and prices) - both when creating new item or updating these fields for an item
  • When ProductId is used in the ItemPrice contract import, the price is added to the correct item. 
  • Exported to JSON and Excel
  • In export to JSON every Item Identifier contains ProductID field
  • In export to Excel there  are 5 additional fields that can be exported: `subst. item product id`, `deposit item product id`, `product id`, `bonus` and `sales code` with correct translations in NO and SV
  • ProductID can be used as alternative identifier of an item.
Item details

Item attributes: Product ID, sales code and bonus flag (RTC-23854)

  • Product Id (Item section)
  • Sales Code (Item section)
  • Bonus (Sales section)

From 3rd party we can get items with Product ID as item identifier. Sales code is used when different items represents the same item from a customer perspective (for example two oil filters with the same price can used in the same car). Bonus flag is used to mark items that should not give any bonus.

All the fields above can be segmented upon.


Label printing view (RTC-24118)

Label printing grid shows all items with changes available for export or print. The grid contains columns such as:

  • Valid from, Store, Item text, Brand, Promotion price, Label text1, EAN/PLU - which are shown in default view.
  • Brand, Member Price, Label text 2, Supplier name, Supplier item no., Volume, Weight, Eco label, Created/Modified date, Created/Modified by.

All the columns can be filtered and sorted upon. 

Permission can be defined on store role level - 'Labels', when role with Label permission is assigned to a store, the user can only see labels created for this store.

'Print Labels' button is shown, but do not perfom any action. This functionality will be released later.

Release 30.06.2022

Validation of VAT when creating store price


In case the item does not have a vat code (or the vat code on the item does not come from the default country or the vat code does not have an active rate), the system displays an error saying "Can not create a price. The item does not have a valid vat code. " when a user tries to create a store price.

During import, there is a validation error informing about unknown VAT code in cases where in the imported file no VAT code is defined:

  • the given VAT code does not exist in the database
  • VAT code does not have VAT rate at date defined in import
    VAT code undefined:
  • default VAT code for default country not found in db
  • VAT code does not have VAT rate at date defined in import



Fix for import 'default' file type staging (RTC-24157)

  • When sending file with blobtype 'item' and with 'default' ApprovalRuleset (or without ApprovalRuleset) import is created in db and scheduled for ValidationAndImport.
  • When sending file with blobtype 'item' and with filename containing text 'swisslog' directly import contents of the file without creating import in db.

Integration documentation (RTC-24074)

Fixed swagger documentation for import, so that it can be used for code generation. 

Release 27.06.2022


Default import of items and prices (RTC-22414)

The two file types in the "File type" in imports view that are default when importing from 3rd party:

  1. Item ("Default" approval ruleset is named "Item")
  2. Store price (BlobType ItemPrice)

In the file type "Store price" you can import items with store prices, you can create a new price that will be created with the default price calculation, and update the existing price. You cannot create a new item of this type.

RIGAL import files set to Done (RTC-23741)

When importing item that does not exist in Item Management (or its price), and if RIGAL file contain  rows with 'U', they are rejected and import is set as 'Done'

Item details

When changing image the new image is displayed for user (RTC-23127)

Clicking 'Save' after changing image, does not reset the image back to the previous one. 

Release 22.06.2022


Special characters in RIGAL file (RTC-22777)

When uploading RIGAL file with special characters, the system can handle both the UTF-8 and iso8859-1 encodings. Applies to import via import grid and Postman/API.

Do not lookup model based on externalItemNo if we don't generate it (RTC-20987)

If the "generateExternalItemNO" parameter is enabled and the item has size/color/ExternalItemNO (12 characters) then the imported item is a model.  First 6 digits of the identifier.externalItemNo is used to  lookup against the modelNo of existing models.
If this parameter is turned off, the imported item is a model only if it has color or size given. We are not looking at the number of characters in ExternalItemNO and we are not looking for an existing model using it.

Item details

Draft item status (RTC-23281)

When modifying a draft item, it's status is kept as Draft, both in user interface and import. Draft status is removed when store/wholesale price is set for an item.

Image for model items (RTC-23125)

Image can be uploaded to model and applied for all sizes/colors or all items. 


Unit register for multiple countries (RTC-22475)

  • When a country is set as a system country, it adds two inputs (from this country) in the unit register. 
  • Only a subset of countries can be set as a system country + English
  • When exporting Excel there is only one column with 'Unit' and exported trading unit is the one that is set to default country.
  • When exporting JSON contract there is field 'UnitWithTranslations', it is exporting an array with values for each language.

Release 08.06.2022


Validation of import file (RTC-8437)

An "invalid file"- message is displayed when a user tries to import an invalid file. 
This occurs during imports:
Item / Model grid -> New mass update
Import grid -> New mass update
Import grid -> RIGAL import
Import grid -> Bladcentralen import
Import grid -> New manual import
Import item grid -> Modify file

The original error is logged as a warning in the Performance tab in Azure AppInsight.

Fix for import of RIGAL files (RTC-23691)

It is possible to import RIGAL file when the import has StoreGroupId and the content of the file has store prices connected to that store group.

Item details

Renaming of browsing level in item grid (RTC-22993)

'Model-color view' switch in main Items grid is renamed to 'Variant view'.

Release 07.06.2022

Export to Excel

Minor fixes (RTC-22553)

User interface in the selection view for Export to Excel is modified to make it look better.


Fix for import of RIGAL files (RTC-23631)

It is possible to import RIGAL file when the import has StoreGroupId and the content of the file has store prices connected to that store group.


Cleanup of expired data (RTC-22749)

Cleanup from ItemServiceJanitor is carried out by Lifecycle Management in Azure.

Release 02.06.2022


Use CSV file to manage lists (RTC-23170)

CSV file is validated properly when using it to manage selection in item list and item group list.

Performance for RIGAL import (RTC-23490)

Performance of validation of RIGAL files is improved.

Fix for timeout issue (RTC-23341)

Sometimes users have had to wait a long time for the import to be validated due to timeout that has be related to system tasks (health checks).

Import/export of item attributes (RTC-21946)

All attributes described below are exported to Excel and automatically to export file (blob). 

All attributes described below can be imported via standard JSON import/mass update, and some of them via RIGAL import.  

  • Weight declaration
  • Alarm item (RIGAL)
  • Exclude from gross profit report
  • Self-service weights
  • Ordering blocked
  • Supplier sales start (RIGAL)
  • Scale label (RIGAL)
  • Treatment type (RIGAL)
  • Risk item (RIGAL)
  • Manufacturer item
  • Product series
  • Product category
  • Category manager
  • Ready for sale
  • Can be sold
  • Publish to web
Item segmentation

Additional item attributes in Item segmentation (RTC-21943)

Item segmentation includes additional item attributes:

  • Weight declaration
  • Alarm item
  • Exclude from gross profit report
  • Self-service weights
  • Ordering blocked
  • Supplier sales start
  • Scale label
  • Treatment type
  • Risk item
  • Product series
  • Product category
  • Category manager
  • Ready for sale
  • Can be sold
  • Publish to web

Fix potential security vulnerabilities (RTC-23397)

Updated number of libraries to newer versions with patched potential security vulnerabilities (Nothing that would affect us directly though). Updated build definitions to fail when a new security vulnerabilities is discovered. 

Release 24.05.2022

Export to Excel

Fix for users without view store price permission (RTC-22633)

When a user without View Prices permission opens export to Excel view, the user does not see 'Price details' section at all, and there is no error message either.


Import status set to done (RTC-22345)

When imported items are:

  • all imported or
  • all rejected or
  • both imported and rejected

import status is automatically changed to done.

Mass update import with both item attributes and store prices (RTC-17345)

The user can import items and prices at the same time using mass update. It is possible to import new items with store prices during mass update import type.

Import of store prices with wholesale price = 0 changes the price to 0.01.

When creating new store prices, and wholesale price or cost price elements are not provided, they are copied from the active store price at a given date. When calculation rulesets differ, a copy should not occur. "Fixed price" is copied always, regardless of calculation ruleset compatibility.

Fix for validation of PRICAT (RTC-23169)

Validation during PRICAT import is triggered immediately after following actions:

  • Patch import item 
  • Changing supplier 
  • FixItemIdentifier 
  • SelectModel

There is also new parameter TenantServiceBus in tenant admin.

Item details

New item attributes in item details (RTC-19899)

The following item attributes are added to item details:

  • Weight declaration
    • Type: Long text (similar as Product information)
    • Placement: Product information section
    • Purpose: Used for export to fresh food weights for label printing
  • Alarm item
    • Type: True/False
    • Placement: Sales section
    • Purpose: Whether the item has a special security (anti-theft) tag. Mainly used so that store staff is notified and can detach the tag in self-service cash registers.
  • Exclude from gross profit report
    • Type: True/False
    • Placement: Sales section
    • Purpose: Used to mark the items that usually have wrong gross profit, so they can be excluded from sales reports.
  • Self-service weights
    • Type: True/False
    • Placement: Food section, after shelf life
    • Purpose: Specifies if the given item needs to be weighted by the customer during self-checkout
  • Ordering blocked
    • Type: True/False
    • Placement: Procurement section
    • Purpose: If true, means the item cannot be ordered from the supplier. 
  • Supplier sales start
    • Type: Date
    • Placement: Sales date section
    • Purpose: Specifies when the item can be ordered from the supplier.
  • Scale label
    • Type: Register
    • Placement: Food section
    • Purpose: Specify preferable temperature for each type of food from frozen food -18 C to grilled chicken which should be warm for some time in +60 C. We send this info in the file to scale system.
  • Treatment type
    • Type: Register
    • Placement: Sales section
    • Purpose: Some special handling of the item
  • Risk item
    • Type: Register
    • Placement: Category section
    • Purpose: To inform customer about related risks when buying this item
  • Manufacturer item no
    • Type: Alfa numeric text
    • Placement: Procurement section
    • Purpose: Item identifier when communicating with manufacturer
  • Product series
    • Type: Register
    • Placement: Category 
    • Purpose: Grouping of items, for example different drink glasses in the same series
  • Product category
    • Type: Register
    • Placement: Category
    • Purpose: Grouping of items for managing/reporting purposes
  • Category manager
    • Type: Register
    • Placement: Category
    • Purpose: Identify who 'own' the product in the organization
  • Update in POS
    • Renamed from 'Ready for sale', if set to false the item will be deleted in POS
  • Can be sold
    • Type: True/false
    • Placement: Sales section
    • Purpose: Block from sale
  • Publish to web
    • Type: True/false
    • Placement: Product information section
    • Purpose: Used to confirm all item information is correct and item can be sold in web shop

Permission to manage items and store prices (RTC-18758)

Permission 'Manage local items' is a part of store level role.

On model level we have a flag that is called 'Managed by store'. 

A user with Manage local items permission can create only local items (managed by store flag set to true). The user needs to have View items permission and View register permission to make it work properly.

Modify item

Item with 'Managed by store' flag set to True and without any price can be modified by:

  • User with Manage local items permission
  • User with Manage item permission

Item with 'Managed by store' flag set to True and with price for store X can be modified by:

  • User with Manage local items permission for the given store
  • User with Manage item permission

Item with 'Managed by store' flag set to False and without any price can be modified by:

  • User with Manage item permission

Manage prices

Price for item with 'Managed by store' flag set to True and without any price can be created by:

  • User with Manage local items permission
  • User with Manage item permission

Price for item with 'Managed by store' flag set to True and with price for store X can be created/modified by:

  • User with Manage local items permission for the given store
  • User with Manage item permission

Price for item with 'Managed by store' flag set to False and without any price can be created by:

  • User with Manage item permission
Item segmentation

Segmentation on assortment code with multiple profiles (RTC-20912)

Users can create a segmentation group with selected assortment codes per profile. When the UseAssortmentPerProfile config parameter is disabled or UsePlanningCode is enabled, profile filters are not displayed. Please note that old segmentations with assortment code filters will not work anymore.  


Activate and edit row in register (RTC-22013)

After activation/deactivation of a row in the register and editing some values without closing the modal, grid is refreshed.


Export to Breece ESL (RTC-22644)

The field 'alternativeGtin' field is included in the export to Breece. Items with many alternative GTINs, are exported with rows for main GTIN and every alternative GTIN.

Release 13.05.2022


Import of item hierarchy register (RTC-21554)

Item hierarchy can be imported to register by an Excel file. This can be done using 'import' button in the registers view. Import can be used to create new item hierarchy or update existing ones. File should contain every element's number and name (same file template as in export). Fields in the imported file are validated the same way as in the user interface. If there is a gap in the hierarchy, the 'children' are skipped. If 'parent' element is inactive, it's activated after import.


Keyboard navigation on checkboxes (RTC-21168)

It is possible to focus on checkboxes using keyboard (Tab key). Checkboxes can be selected/unselected using spacebar key. This applies to all checkboxes in the Item Management module.

Release 06.05.2022


Retail prices equal 0,01 is exported as 0,00 (RTC-21906)

When store price is equal to 0.01 the Item Price export have 0.00 as value.


RIGAL import of MBXP items (RTC-22809)

MBXP item type in import has code that matches MBXP item type in POS - "MxbpWeb". It includes "X","Y" and "Z" item type import.

Release 28.04.2022


RIGAL import with price deletion (RTC-22086)

When importing items from RIGAL file with status=U, and import rows will be set to status Rejected, we will still show any validation error. This is due to the item being updated when a store price is deleted or the item is set as inactivated (when there are no stores with price).

Item details

Move between items in the items grid (RTC-19019)

During moving between items with keyboard system shows correct item hovered when selecting it.

Item list

Print QR codes for item list (RTC-18523)

PDF file with QR codes can be generated for items within item list. It can be done using button at the bottom of item list view. Button is available only when browsing item list on item level. File is generated for first 100 items currently displayed in the grid (filters can be applied). File contains item name, color, size, GTIN and item GTIN as QR code. There are 12 items on each page. On the top of each page there is an item list name and page number on the bottom.


Segmentation on variant and model level (RTC-20639)

Items can be added to the offer using item segmentation on item, model or variant level. After selecting item segmentation and clicking 'add to the offer' button, there is a modal window which asks on what level user wants to add segmentation. The default selected value is item level.

After adding items, variants or models to the offer, in the 'Manage items' view, there is a message above the table about what level is used in the item segmentation. Columns in this view match selected level.

Export to blob:

  • Items are exported with 'gtin', 'externalItemNo', 'sku' fields in the 'itemIdentifier' section.
  • Models are exported with 'modelNo' field in 'modelIdentifier' section.
  • Variants are exported with 'variantIdentifier' section which contains 'colorText' field and 'modelIdentifier' section.

Product series register (RTC-22147)

"Product series" register with fields code, name and description is available at the end of the Category section.  Product series are for grouping items together, for example series of drink glasses.

Category manager register (RTC-22151)

"Category manager" register with fields code, name and description is available the end of the Category section.  The register allows defining who is responsible for the given item.

Risk item register (RTC-17629)

"Risk Item" register with fields code, name, description is available at the end of the Category section.

The register allows to define what item is categorized with risks that customer should be notified about when buying the item.


Endpoint for item group lists (RTC-22233)

There is an endpoint in ItemService, which allows developers of other modules to get item groups assigned to item group list.

Export promotions to Breece ESL (RTC-19994)

When a label has a promotion price, both promotionStartDateUtc and promotionEndDateUtc are exported and visible in Breece.

No changes to promoitonEndDateUtc (i.e. it's not an actual end date of the promotion, but rather the end date of the label).

Release 25.04.2022

Item group list

Activate/deactivate item group list (RTC-21540)

Item group lists can be activated and deactivated. Column 'Inactive' is added to the item group lists grid. If item group list is inactive, there is a message about it in the item group list details. Such list cannot be used in other item group list. Copy of inactive item group list is also inactive.


Showing date and time in grids (RTC-21537)

Time (in grey font) is visible in 'Created date', 'Modified date' in every grid in Item Management and in 'Last updated' column in Items in import view.

Filtering in these columns is at the date level.

Import promotions and offers (RTC-22463)

List of mix types in Item Service database is updated, so 'StagingBatchExecutor' job does not fail when importing blob with promotion which contains one of recently added mixes (6, 10, 11, 31, 34).

Release 21.04.2022 


Stop sale reason code (RTC-22207)

Stop sale reason code is exported when changes are done in Item (Gateway.Item).

Export to Excel

Merging export of items and store prices (RTC-17349)

It is possible to export item details and store prices at the same time.

User can select only one planning code during export of item details with store prices. 

When exporting data where items have multiple store prices, the items have multiple rows in Excel file. 


Manual import of RIGAL file (RTC-17388)

RIGAL files can be imported directly from Item Management. The import must be approved. 

It is possibly to add and update assortment code in item via RIGAL import. 

Immediate trigger of revalidation (RTC-21177)

Approval import job is scheduled for running every 30 minutes. We have topic in ServiceBus that is called ExecuteApprovalImport. When creating new import or revalidating existing rows or importing selected lines revalidation is performed right away without any delay.

Item group list

Public and private item group lists (RTC-21562)

Item group list can be marked as private. Then only the user who marked it as private can see it, edit, copy and use in other list. Same as in item lists, item group list can be marked as private when creating new list or in 'Edit name and description' modal in item list view. When user is viewing a private list, a message about this is displayed in breadcrumbs. Private lists owned by the user are marked in the item group lists grid in 'Private column'. Lists owned by other users are not displayed in grid.

Item list 

Activate/deactivate item list (RTC-19909)

Item lists can be activated and deactivated. Column 'Inactive' is added to the item list grid. If item list is inactive, there is a message about it in the item list details. Such list cannot be used in other item list or to create a promotion. Copy of inactive item list is also inactive.


Export of item hierarchy register (RTC-17635)

Item hierarchy register can be exported to Excel file. This can be done using button in registers view. Export is confirmed in modal, and exported file appears in notification when it is ready to download. File contains number and name of Department, Item area, Item group and Item subgroup. When group does not have any lower level group assigned, it will be exported as row with empty cells, e.g. Department without assigned Item areas is exported with only Department value in row - rest of cells are empty.


Fix for SearchIndexing on new tenants (RTC-22300)

SearchIndexing was developed when the latest Elasticsearch version was 7.x. Now, when installing new tenants, version 8.x is used for new instances - this caused problems and the job started to fail.
The root cause of this problem was a bug / broken backward compatibility in Elasticsearch. We have implemented a workaround for this.

Release 07.04.2022

System parameters


In system parameters view, user can check and change parameters. 

To change parameters you must click on the Edit button to edit settings. 





Fix for showing current price in import items view (RTC-19915)

These changes affect Store price mass update and Bladcentralen so imports where user defines store groups in the dialog. In Imports page user should see 'current prices' for the store group selected when importing file. If there is more than one store group then we show values for the first store group from the list.

Notifications when importing (RTC-18543)

There is no validation notification when import is auto-approval. 

After non-approval import of only one item, import-success-notification shows button "View item" 

In non-approval import of multiple items, after successfully imported items, system shows notification that "X items were imported successfully".

Item details

Rounding fix for sales statistics (RTC-21610)

Item sales statistics on item overview page are rounded to integer.

Fix for nutritons (RTC-17908)

The nutrition table and button in 'food' fieldset have been improved


Show currency in active store price column (RTC-20208)

Currency from active store price is visible in active price column, when user creates new store price with other currency than in active price.

Fix for create store price with currency SEK (RTC-21918)

If in db no currency has IsDefault=1 then set IsDefault=1 on currency which is set on MainCurrencyCode configuration parameter. 

Release 30.03.2022



Export to Excel

Templates for export to Excel (RTC-19532)

Checkbox for applying template is removed so template field is visible right away after opening Export to excel page.  There is a 'Recently used' section that shows last used 3 templates. They are stored in the web browser. After clicking template from this section list is reordered so the last used template is displayed on top.


Item control for Bladcentralen files (RTC-21191)

'Total number of rows' and 'Not imported' are displayed in the breadcrumb after opening an import file from Bladcentralen.

Import of items with wholesale price = 0 (RTC-21492)

When importing a RIGAL file which has wholesale price = 0 (Engros field), store price is created and wholesale price is set to 0.01.

Fix for import of UnitPriceFactor in RIGAL import (RTC-21691)

Import RIGAL file with 0 in UnitPriceFactor value does not make any changes in value. 

Filtering of import row status (RTC-18224)

Only statuses that exist in the given import are visible in the status column.

Import (and export) of assortment codes per profile (RTC-19693)

UseAssortmentPerProfile config parameter == true, profile sub-columns are available for "AssortmentCode" and "AssortmentName" columns. All profiles that are active in the system are included
Reference is used instead of ExternalReference in excel to identify store group

Sorti field (7.1.47) is added to RIGAL import (assortment code)

"Unknown store group" validation error is added when profile not found during RIGAL import. 

Item details

Stop sale (RTC-19274)

In Sales section there is a Stop sale field. It`s used for stopping sale of items that are not good (for example Salmonella in food). When this flag is set to true then we get mandatory field 'Reason code'. Item with new flag checked gets status 'Stopped'. For draft items this flag is disabled.


Use default values for price calculation when creating wholesaler price (RTC-20309)

The wholesale price is created according to the following priorities:

The calculation ruleset is copied from: Existing wholesale price (should set price calculation) > Item group (should set price calculation) > price calculation (from default price calculation).


VAT codes (RTC-20754)

VAT codes field depends on the setup in Country register. VAT codes get list of possible values for country marked as default. It affects field in item details, PRICAT import rule and RIGAL import.

Release 14.03.2022




Bladcentralen import (RTC-20991)

Support both separators for decimal values: comma and dot.

Validation of multiple imports (RTC-21134)

When multiple imports are being validated in one job execution (e.g. two files uploaded at the same time), the 2nd file should no longer fail with an exception. 

Item details

Item status (RTC-20534)

Active status is not displayed in item details. 

Long texts in product information (RTC-21366)

Fields in Product information section are defined as long field. It means there is not limit of characters and full text is displayed when viewing item. There is no need to change size of the field manually as before. Field height is set automatically.

Show QR code in item details (RTC-18522)

In the 'Item' section on 'Item details' view, there is a 'Show QR code' link. After clicking it, QR code appears. It contains GTIN of the item. When QR code is displayed, there is a 'Hide QR code' link to hide it. By default, a QR code is hidden.

Item group list

Export to Excel (RTC-19925)

There is a button in the Item Group List view named 'Export group to Excel'. By clicking on it, user is able to export item groups that match filters in the grid. After export, notification with link to exported file is displayed.

Import item groups from file (RTC-19404)

In item group list view, there is a 'Use file' button on bottom of the screen. It opens a modal in which the user can select a CSV file. Item group numbers in this file can be used to include or exclude item groups from the selection. Imported CSV file must contain one column with 'ItemGroupNo' header, and item group numbers as values in this column. When a file is invalid, a validation error is displayed. When a file contains item groups that do not exist in the system, there is a message at bottom of screen.

Item list

Select/unselect items in model/variant/item level (RTC-20673)

State of checkbox in the first column in item list grid, which shows selected/unselected/all items, is kept when changing 'browsing by' levels.

Public and private item lists (RTC-19624)

An item list can be marked as 'Private'. When item list is private, only owner can view and manage it. User can mark item list as private and assign it to himself using checkbox in 'Create item list' and 'Edit name and description' modals. Privacy of item lists is shown in 'Private' column in item lists grid. Item lists assigned to other users are not displayed in the grid. When editing item list, information about item list being private is displayed in breadcrumbs. When copying private item list, copy is private as well.
If promotion is created using private item list, offer group is not private and all users can manage item selection in offer.


Price zones (RTC-17797)

Store prices can be created on the following levels: store, profile and price zones.

(All labels in Item Management are renamed from 'team' to 'price zone'.


Treatment Type (RTC-19928)

'Treatment Type' register contains fields: code, name, description. It is possible to add, edit, deactivate and set as default rows in the register.


Fix for long texts (RTC-17928)

Long texts are wrapped inside the multiselects field

Release 03.03.2022




RIGAL import (RTC-20692)

Three new values of Vtype in RIGAL import files: 

  • If value is W, Y or Z - set item type code to "MBXPwebsale"
  • If value is Y,  also set "fixed price" to True, 
  • If value is Z,  also set "open price" to True, 

RIGAL import with deleted store prices (RTC-20772)

RIGAL file with value  "U" in 7.1.5 field delete active store price in existing item. In cases when existing item does not have a store prices or item not exist, import is mark as rejected and does not make any changes. 

Label Processor does not create a label when store price is deleted.  
Price per unit is not available when store price is deleted. 
Values from deleted store price is not used to fill some field when creating new store price 

Edit import row (RTC-18566)

Edit row function is available for the following imports: PRICAT, Temalogic, Mass update-item details, RIGAL and Bladcentralen. This function lets the user modify the following values in the file without importing a new file: Item text, Color text, Size, Sales unit, Item group, Item subgroup and Brand. Clearing values is not supported. 

After saving changes (Done) the row is revalidated.

Null values when UsePlanningCodes is False (RTC-17801)

When UsePlanningCodes is set to "False" then two attriubtes get Null value: Planningid and Storegroupid (season.itemplanning table). Storegroupid gets Null regardless of defined value in system parameters (SingleWholesalerStoreGroupExternalReference)


Create store price based on wholesale price (RTC-19865)

  • When creating a store price, if there is a wholesale price in the selected period and price calculation ruleset, wholesale price and cost price section of calculation is copied from preorder wholesale price. Margin is copied from item details, active price or default value of ruleset. VAT is always the same as defined in item details.
  • If there is no wholesale price in the selected period and ruleset, wholesale price, cost price section and margin are filled with value from item, active store price or default.
  • When we create another price, VAT is copied from item details, not from existing active store price.
  • Margin % can be correctly set when creating a store price. When editing Margin amount, Margin % is adjusted properly.
  • When there is no active store price, in new price view, all cells in 'active price' columns are empty.

Scale label register (RTC-19904)

Scale label register is placed under Food section. It is a simple register where user defines code, name and description. User can manage existing rows. Available actions:  update, deactivate and set as default.

Release 24.02.2022

Import control


5 columns are added in the Import grid: 'Total no. of rows', 'No. of rows not imported', 'Store group level', 'Store group code', and 'Store group name'.

'Total number of rows' and 'Not imported' are displayed in the breadcrumb after opening an Import. 

Wholesaler prices without using planning code


When UsePlanningCode=False, planning code field is not visible in import grid, prices grid, wholesale prices, and exported Excel files.  It is also not possible to create discount per profile in wholesale prices. 

In a view where the user selects column to export, fields store group retail price excl. VAT, store group discount percent, store group discount amount, store group net price, store group margin percent, store group margin amount, store group campaign discount percent, store group gross profit for stores percent, store group recommended retail price are not visible.





Store prices in promotion on store group level (RTC-20743)

When promotion is created on team or profile level, and item has price in store that belongs to selected store group, this price will be used in offer.

Release 22.02.2022




Search & import item (RTC-18379)

There is an 'Import selected item' button that allows user to import a specific item from Items in imports view. It is also possible to open details of the given item directly from this view (overflow button).

Label text fields in RIGAL import (RTC-20649)

LabelText2 field is imported from the RIGAL file.

Item details

Delete GTIN (RTC-19831)

If an item has more than one GTIN the user can manage existing GTINs, and use function Delete GTIN. This action cannot be reverted, as GTIN is deleted from database.

Item lists

Browse by variant level (RTC-20007)

In the top right corner of the item list view, there is a link to browse items on variant level. In this mode, items in are grouped by colors within the model. Using this mode user can select and unselect all items from the variant. When not all items from the variant are selected, variant appears with '-' symbol in the checkbox. In variant level, only columns with values per variant are displayed in the grid. Last selected mode of browsing is remembered by the browser.

Item group list

Use existing item group list (RTC-19405)

When managing new or existing item group list, user is able to define selection by using existing item group list. After clicking 'Use item group list' button, user is moved to the a view with existing item group lists. Lists can be used for removing or adding item groups to the selection.


Integration with Breece ESL (RTC-20459)

Standard configuration creates labels every 5 minute and export every 2 minute.

Release 14.02.2022




Handling of gross profit in imports (RTC-18124)

Importing store prices with very big gross profit will not fail the entire import.

(Gross profit bigger than 999999%, caused by low net price and high retail price provided in the file)

Item details

Assortment codes per profile (RTC-16844)

Configuration parameter: UseAssortmentPerProfile: True/False (default is False). When True, the user can set a different value for the assortment for all the profiles in the system. 
User interface is looking a a bit different when there is more than 5 profiles in the system.
When planning codes are enabled, the value of the parameter above doesn't have any effect on the system. 


VAT amount in store prices (RTC-20409)

When overwriting existing store price, VAT value is taken from item details, and its amount is calculated properly.
When browsing existing store price, correct VAT value is displayed (the one which was assigned to item when creating this price).

Release 09.02.2022

Non-model items system parameter 


If model items are used, "Supplier item number" column is hidden in "Items", "Item segmentation - edit group" and "Item list" views.
If non-model items are in use, columns with values which are set per model are hidden in "Items", "Item details", "Item list", "Import details", "Items in import" views. "Model-color view" is removed from "Items" view. It is not possible to use model values to define item segmentation. Model values cannot be exported to Excel. Model cannot be created using "New item" button in "Items" view. "Model" section is hidden in "Registers" view. Grid in "Find item" modal have "GTIN" column instead of "Color" and "Size".

Example on dialog when non-model system parameter is set:

When you set the parameter you must do this after the parameter is set: 


Item group lists


In Item Management, there is a 'Item group lists' view. Item group lists work in similar way as for "Item lists". Instead of items, this type of list contains whole item groups.
On the "Item group lists" page, there is a grid with existing lists. Use Create button to create a new group list. Clicking on the list name in grid, opens "Item group list" view. There is a grid with item groups. Using checkbox, groups can be added or removed from the list. Using buttons at the bottom, it is possible to select or unselect all elements filtered and shown in the grid, or create a copy of the list. To view item group lists, "View items" permission is needed. To create lists and manage existing ones, user must have "Manage item group lists" permission granted. In User Management, "Manage item lists" and "Manage item group lists" permissions are placed in "Lists" section on the list.





Time in import grid (RTC-18462)

We display time in Created date and Modified date column. It`s only information element so filtering is only available on date level.

Import in Bladcentralen/Interpress format (RTC-15474)

New items/prices can be imported by uploading a CSV file in the Bladcentralen/Interpress format. The user must manually select the profiles/teams/stores for which the prices will be created. 

The functionality requires permission for "Bladcentralen import".

Item details

Draft status for items (RTC-18459)

Items without any store prices will have a Draft status. The flag 'Ready for sale' can't be changed on items with status Draft and by default is set to false. All items with at least one store price (Active or Planned) get status Active. The flag 'Ready for sale' can be changed on those items. Adding a store price to a Draft item changes the status to Active and the flag 'Ready for sale' to true.

For both statuses, there is an option to deactivate an item. It sets the Inactive status on that item.

In the Items grid there is a column Status which have replaced the 'Active' column.

Model export and bundle items (RTC-20344)

Model and color can be exported to Excel properly using button in 'Item details' view.
Inactive items cannot be added to bundle item content.


'Use model items' parameter (RTC-20225)

When we are using model items, 'Supplier item no.' is hidden in item details and cannot be exported to Excel.
When we use non-model items, 'External model number' cannot be set in item details. 'Supplier size' can't be used to define item segmentation rule. 'Supplier color' column is removed from item list grid.

Certificate handling (RTC-20381)

Modules will refresh issuer (Shell) signing keys every 24h.
There is no need to restart the module when the certificate used for signing tokens is changed (thus no 401 errors).

User Management

User details in User Management (RTC-17757)

After updating user details of logged in user, changes are saved without any problems. Loading indicator is visible only for a very short time.

Release 28.01.2022

Creating data for label printing and export to ESL systems


When configured, the system will create labels for each item in each store. 
In case of multiple prices being available on the item in given store, the system will pick:

  • For ordinary price, the one on the lowest level (store/price zone/profile)
  • For promotion price, the lowest price. 

Required configuration:

  • LabelProcessorJob enabled, with a scheduler. Default run once a day at 00:15.
  • Rows inserted into Label.LabelStoreConfiguration, which specifies that the given store is using labels. For now, only Breece ESL is supported. 

Export labels to Breece ESL


When configured, a job will export labels created by LabelProcessor to Breece Cloud. 

Required configuration

  • Insert a row to Label.LabelStoreConfiguration (row per store) that enables creation/export of labels to Breece. Requires to provide Breece config for given store (see technical release notes).





Duplicated alternative GTIN (RTC-18171)

Items with stolen GTIN by another items during import are exported in JSON file. When item A steals item B alternative GTIN, item B's audit columns are updated.

Item lists

Browse by model level (RTC-19249)

In top right corner of the item list view, there is a link to browse items on model level. In this mode, items in are grouped by model. Using this mode we can select and unselect all items within a model. When not all items in the model are selected, the model appears with '-' symbol in the checkbox. In model level, only columns with values per model can be displayed in the grid. Last selected mode of browsing is remembered by the browser.

Item segmentation

Item segmentation when planning codes are not in use (RTC-14137)

It is possible to use item segmentation with no planning codes parameter set (UsePlanningCodes=False).

Release 20.01.2022

Item overview tab


Overview tab is divided into two sections:

  • On the left side, there is a panel with the item image. This section can be collapsed using the arrow button in the corner of the panel. When collapsed, the panel can be opened using the arrow on the edge of the screen, or by clicking 'Show image' link.
  • On the right side, there is a list of model colors, item details and stock and sales statistics. By default, the colors list displays up to 3 colors. The list can be expanded to show all colors using 'More colors' link, and collapsed using 'Less colors' link. The color list is not visible for non-model items.




Export to Excel

Store group name column in Excel store price export (RTC-18921)

Excel files created as a result of export store prices include store/team/profile name column. This column is analogical to checked store group level checkbox.


Duplicate supplier item no. (RTC-19013)

Items match when they have the same ItemSupplierNumber and Supplier no (ExternalNumber) or ItemSupplierNumber and GLN.  In these situations, existing item will be updated.

If an item has the same SupplierItemNumber but a different supplier, a new item is created. 

The specific error message which includes the details about item being imported and duplicated SupplierItem appears when a duplicate SupplierItem No exists in the database.


System parameters for retailers not using model items (RTC-15632)

In Item Management menu, there is a link to 'System parameters' page. On this page, we can select system parameter that specifies what kind of items we want to use: model, or not model items. By default, current parameter value is selected in dropdown list. Selection is saved by clicking 'Save' button. 'Cancel' button brings back current selection of parameters.
To access 'System parameters' page, the user must have 'Manage system parameters' permission that is in 'Item management administrator' permission group. This is for a common role.

Permissions for view items (RTC-18670)

If logged user does not have "View prices permission" then we don`t send request for checking price when viewing item. It means that for such users 'Price per unit' field is hidden.

Release 13.01.2022




Mass update of item subgroup (RTC-18877)

Mass update includes update of item subgroup.

Import of alternative GTIN (RTC-19012)

When importing items we check if defined alternative GTINs is not used as main GTIN for existing items. If so then GTIN defined in file is skipped and rest of changes is imported.

If GTIN is already used by another item then user gets such validation warning: Tandem GTIN is already used.

RIGAL Import (RTC-19015)

Item attributes for 'Change VAT'-flag and unit price factor are supported in RIGAL item import.

  • Change VAT - True / False
  • Unit price factor - value and unit (for example 100 pcs)

While importing file we use such fields:

  • Conversion factor is field 7.1.79 (Konvfak) in RIGAL file.
  • Conversion unit is field 7.1.92 (Konvenh) in RIGAL file (For Unit we have such predefined units: 1 = piece, 2 = kg, 3 = liter, 4 = meter). 
  • Change vat is field 7.1.149 (Chgmva) in RIGAL file.
Item details

Alternative GTINs (RTC-18688)

In item details, user can deactivate GTIN that was added as alternative GTIN. The validation message is hidden after the user has fixed the typed value.

Item list

Fix for large item lists (RTC-19252)

There is no timeout when filtering and sorting an item list with many items selected.


Default values for price calculation defined per item group (RTC-13304)

Price calculation default values can be selected for an item group when creating or editing it. It is not required to select price calculation. Default values of selected price calculation can be defined.
Price calculation of an item group is selected by default when creating new store price. Calculation is filled with default values, but when there already exists a price in given store and time period, values of new price calculation are copied from existing price.
VAT and margin values defined in item details have priority over price calculation default values.

Shelf labels

Import promotion prices (RTC-18130)

Promotion prices are imported (along with promotions/offers as described in swagger) to Item Management (Item Service database) for approved campaigns.

Deleting or updating is also supported.

Only "Promotion price" price rules items are imported (for other price rules only offer is imported).

User Management

Updating users from Azure AD (RTC-17261)

When a first/last/display name is changed in Azure Active Directory it is always updated in User Management.
If first name and last name are filled in Azure AD, then display name will be created from these two names.
If first name in Azure AD is empty, then user will get first name from the first part of the display name. If display name in AzureAD has only one word, then first name is empty. If last name in Azure AD is empty, then user will get last name from the last part of the display name. If there is only one word in Azure AD display name, it is used as the last name.

Release 23.12.21




Fixed store prices (RTC-17870)

Mass update can be used for updating fixed store prices.

Import of RIGAL files (RTC-18192)

When importing RIGAL file we have such rules:

  • Value defined in the file must be set as active rate for minimum one of the VAT codes active in registers. The import will then be done without any errors.
  • If value defined in the file is not used by any of VAT codes, the line is skipped (validated with error in [staging].[FlatBatchJson]). 
  • If value is not defined in the file (empty space), the line is skipped (validated with error in [staging].[FlatBatchJson]). 

Update of Modified date and modified by in currency register (RTC-18042)

Adding a new currency/sales rate updates Modified by and Modified date on the currency.

Release 17.12.21



Export to Excel

Fix: Some items could not be exported to Excel (RTC-18989)

It is possible to export items to excel with planning codes for profiles without ExternalReference value.

Item segmentation

Improved performance when calculating item segments (RTC-12680)

Segmentation calculation starts immediately after requesting recalculation. It happens when adding item segmentation to promotion offer in promotion management and recalculating segmentation in item management.

Release 14.12.21



Export to Excel

Item subgroup column in export to Excel (RTC-17842)

When an item subgroup is defined on an item, it will be exported to excel in "Item subgroup no." and "Item subgroup name" columns"


Select stores when doing mass-update of store prices (RTC-16803)

Mass-update of store prices allow choosing if user wants to use stores/profiles/teams from the excel file or select the stores/profiles/teams for prices in the new grid. Then you can set item prices for selected stores, teams, or profiles and create the import. Next it can be imported from the Imports grid.

Alternative GTIN in RIGAL import (RTC-18481)
Tandem (alternative) GTINs can be activated and deactivated using RIGAL import.

Release 08.12.21




Alternative GTINs (RTC-18692)

Alternative GTIN can be added to new and existing items.

General performance improvement (RTC-17678)

Improved performance for uploading the Import files. Page cache is no longer loaded for ApprovalItemHandler.

Alternative GTIN problem (RTC-18773)

Duplicated alternative GTINs can be imported with RIGAL files.

Item details

Fix for tandem (RTC-17881)

After changing size or color via picker in breadcrumbs, tandem GTINs are reloaded and updated according to the main GTIN.


Creating store price with same date as active price (RTC-18271)

When creating new store price with 'Valid to' date that is already used, validation error is displayed immediately.
Updated store prices are exported to POS properly after updating existing store prices.

Release 30.11.21




RIGAL Import - Update prices in the past (RTC-18344)

All store prices can be updated with RIGAL import. It can be today-price, planned or price with date in the past.

Item details

Upload images for an item (RTC-17615)

It is possible to upload images for an item in item details ("Upload image" button). It is possible to change the image ("Change image" button in place of the "upload image" button).
Only jpg format is supported. Image displayed is in square 240x240 pixels.

Upload image from Item Management to EG POS (RTC-17338)

When uploading image in Item details in Item Management, a job in the Integration Platform (MediaBankIntegration package) will automatically upload the image to POS Mediabank.


Price per unit (RTC-17885)

Only active price is used to calculate unit price. Price used for calculation is the newest active profile price, and when not available, the newest team price followed by the newest store price.

Release 25.11.21

Sales statistics in Item overview


'Stock and sale statistics' have been added to the item's overview tab. It's presented as a table with 'Size', Sold quantity' and 'Sold amount' columns. If item has couple of sizes for the same color, row 'Total' is added to the table. In case Reporting API fails to respond, table is replaced with the message: 'Could not get sales statistics'. In case item does not exist in Reporting database, Sold quantity' and 'Sold amount' columns are filled with 0.

Create new items from Excel file


New items can be created using the Mass update - item details import. To do it, the 'Create new items from file' option must be selected in the Mass update modal. At least Item text, Item group, and Supplier must be provided. If 'Only update existing items' option is selected in the modal, new items get the validation error 'Item not found'.

Dialog to create new items from Excel, select Excel file

Example of Excel file with only mandatory columns for import of new items





Validation error (RTC-16846)

A new validation error is added - 'Planning code cannot be created'. It appears when trying to create a new item with a planning code given in the file. 


Store price improvement (RTC-17353)

-When creating a price only active currencies are available to be selected.
-Expired prices don't have 'edit' button.
-When creating new price, manually entered values are overwritten only when an active price changes.

Release 19.11.21




RIGAL Import of MBXP items (RTC-17641)

Import 'item type' (7.1.48 Vtype) is possible in RIGAL files in import.

There are selected values supported:

E - MBXP item

P - MBXP item + fixed price flag set to true

G - MBXP item + open price flag set to true

O - Open price flag set to true

X - Ready for sale flag set to false

F - fixed price flag set to true

N, K, B, S - normal item (no changes to the imported item)

Fixed price import works the same as in manual selection (User interface) - value is taken from active price or from the flag on item (if the active price doesn't exist).


Fix: Active prices not exported for valid from = today (RTC-17938)

The time selected in the Export store prices to Excel view takes into account the winter and summertime difference. 

Release 18.11.2021

Item details and Item segmentation


  • Planning code is automatically chosen in the export view if user wants to export items for the newest or selected planning code.
  • In "Item details, Supplier section", "Item details -> Item suppliers" and "Item segmentation" supplier is displayed in format "[supplierNo] - [supplierName]".
  • In "Item details -> Item suppliers" new column "Supplier no." is added.
  • There is a possibility to export VAT rate using Item export to Excel.





Import alternative GTIN (tandem) (RTC-14428)

Alternative GTINs can be imported using RIGAL import (fields Salgskode3 - 7.1.62 and Salgskode4 - 7.1.64).

Items can be matched by alternative GTIN in import, if there is a match then imported GTIN becomes Main GTIN and the existing GTIN changes to an alternative one (tandem)

It is possible to lookup deposit items, substitution items, related items, Item in package (CU item link) and bundle content items with alternative GTIN as well.

Item list

Fix when deselecting and reselecting (RTC-17400)

There is no error message when deselecting and re-selecting items in an item list. Problem still exists and complete fix of this issue will come in [RTC-18226] Item list is not refreshed after select/unselect all - EG A/S.

Release 10.11.21  




Export unit on ItemPrice (RTC-17718)

Store prices are exported to POS with "Sales unit".

Export store prices to Excel (RTC-15314)

Currency of 'Wholesale price in supplier currency' in store price can be exported to Excel. 'Wholesale price in supplier currency' cannot be exported without 'Currency' column.

Export of item file when item generations is not used (RTC-14141)

Export of item JSON blob works for both values of the parameter UsePlanningCodes (True/False).

Item details

Eat in/out: Change VAT flag (RTC-17403)

There is a 'Change VAT' flag in the Price section in Item details. It is exported to POS and can be exported to Excel and imported using Mass update - items details. 


Fixed price flag (RTC-16462)

Fixed price can be set on model/item and on store prices.

Value of "fixed price" is exported in Item file/blob and in ItemPrice file/blob.

When creating new store price, default value of "fixed price" is taken from model or from active store price (active store price is more important).

Release 04.11.21




Export item register (RTC-16201)

Item registers for ID requirements, warranty types and active substances are exported from ItemService. Flag isActive is not exported.

See for detailed API contract for blob types ActiveSubstance, IdRequirement and WarrantyType.

Export to Excel

Export items to Excel without using item generations (RTC-14136)

It is possible to export items to Excel when "Item generations" for season attributes is deactivated (with UsePlanningCodes parameter is set False). The columns available in the Export items to Excel view correspond to the fields visible in Item details. 


Import rules renamed to PRICAT import rules (RTC-16821)

Import rules used for PRICAT import are named more user-friendly: PRICAT Import rules.

Permissions are re-named to:

  • View PRICAT import rules
  • Create new PRICAT import rule
  • Edit existing PRICAT import rules
Item details

Unit price factor (RTC-12139)

There is "Unit price factor" flag in Unit register, which is False by default. It can be selected when creating new unit or editing existing one. In item details view, there is new field "Unit price factor". User can select unit from dropdown list. Only units with "Unit price factor" flag set True can be selected there. There is also a field to enter quantity of selected unit in this item. When both quantity and unit are selected, "Price per unit" field appears. It show price per unit, which is sales price of item divided by unit price factor. Price used for calculation is active Profile price, and when not available, team price followed by the store price.


Faster to create store prices manually (RTC-15796)

After creating store price, the store selection is saved in local storage. Therefore the same store selection is set by default when creating another store price. Default store selection doesn't break user's permissions.


Import of ExternalStoreNo from StoreService (RTC-16228)

External store number is supported as string value with maximum of 50 characters in Item Management.

Release 27.10.21



Item details

Order of planning codes in Item details (RTC-17441)

Planning codes are sorted on code ascending.


Non-approval RIGAL import (RTC-17227)

RIGAL files can be sent with ApprovalReqired flag in FileProperties. If the flag is not given at all, it is handled as True. 

Stability in import jobs (RTC-17209)

Jobs in Item management can be run together, also for longer runs.

Wholesale price

Missing active price when creating campaign price (RTC-17531)

 'Active...' columns are filled out when creating a campaign price and there exists an active price on the item. Columns are not visible if there is no active price. 

Release 22.10.21




Export of register names (to POS) (RTC-15090)

Supplier name, Manufacturer name, Model name, Special group name are exported in the item export.

Export to Excel

Export prices to Excel based on price status RTC-16003)

There are two checkboxes in the Price state section in Export wholesale/store prices to Excel views: 'Include future prices' and 'Include historic prices'. When they are not checked, only active prices are exported. If they are checked, they are set to one year in the future/past by default. When they are used, prices from the selected date range are exported. Both checkboxes can be checked at the same time.


Mass-update of items with parameter UsePlanningCodes set to False (RTC-15621)

Import of mass-update items works with Parameter UsePlanningCodes=False. It means attributes related to item generations (planning code) can be imported without planning code value. 

Empty Break bulk code in RIGAL import (RTC-17487)

RIGAL import supports empty value in field 7.1.89 (Anbrekk) - Break bulk code. Empty value won't affect Break bulk code.

RIGAL import supporting more attributes (RTC-16410)

RIGAL import is extended with new fields: 

  • Sub group
    7.1.19 Undergruppe
  • Deposit item
    RIGAL: 7.1.58 Linknr We don't get quantity in the RIGAL, so qty = 1.
  • Warranty type
    RIGAL: 7.1.93 Garantiklasse
  • Quantity in supplier package
    RIGAL: 7.1.15 Antpkn
  • Special group
    RIGAL 7.1.71 Seletering3
  • Environmentally Friendly
    7.1.74 Miljøkode
  • Ecological
    7.1.76 Økologisk
  • Measures (width/depth/height)
    7.1.83 Bredde (width)
    7.1.84 Dybde (depth)
    7.1.85 Høyde (height)
    Values are in meters and kilograms
  • Break bulk
    7.1.89 Anbrekk
    If True, the break bulk code in IM is set to default break bulk code
  • ID Requirements
    7.1.94 IDkrav
  • Shelf life
    7.1.98 Holdbarhet
  • Tara
    7.1.99 Taranetto
  • Season code
    7.1.112 Sesongnr
  • Product information
    7.1.128 Beskrivelse
  • Active substance
    7.1.138 Fritekst5.

Show values from active store price (and price refactor)RTC-15276)

Columns 'Active %' and 'Active amount' are visible when creating new store prices. They are filled out if there exists an active store price for the same store/team/profile and price calculation rule on the item. When several stores/teams/profiles are selected, values are taken from the first one with the existing active store price. Currency is also copied from the active price. Currency rate, VAT code, and VAT rate, however, are taken from the item (two latter ones based on the selected 'Valid from'). 

Release 13.10.21




Export alternative GTIN's (RTC-14427)

Alternative GTIN's are exported together with all item attributes to Gateway.ItemChanges. They are exported with their status active or inactive. Inactive alternative GTINs are included in the export for 14 days (are not exported if they were modified 14 days ago or earlier). This should be enough time for any subscribing system to update/delete data in their system. 


Mass update of store prices (RTC-15494)

There are 3 new columns in grid during import via mass update of store prices:

  • Store group level
  • Store group code
  • Store group name
Item details

Hide item generations (planning codes) when not using season related attributes (RTC-14140)

Parameter UsePlanningCodes (set to True) allows using planning codes for all planning code attributes and wholesale prices. When the parameter is disabled (set to False) it is possible to use planning code related attributes without defining the planning code. There are available selected attributes of Procurement setting, Sales date, Assortment, Product information fieldsets (attributes, which are available: Procurement rule, Auto replenishment, Backorder allowed, Replenishment code, Service level, Consumer sales start, Consumer sales end, Supplier sales end, Base assortment, Collection, Assortment code, Sales purpose, Sorting code, Product information, Advertisement information, Technical information).

The field "Original planning code" is hidden.

The button "Manage item generations" is hidden.

Release 30.09.21




Include code for store group (RTC-16305)

Store group's code (Reference in Chain.StoreGroup) is exported when changes are done in store prices (Gateway.ItemPrice) or in item details of an item using planning code (Gateway.ItemChanges).

Export item subgroup (RTC-16340)

Item subgroup's code and name are exported together with the other attributes when item changes are exported to blob.

Export of item hierarchy (RTC-15088)

Department, item area, item group and item subgroup are exported to file/blob. Active status flag is not exported.


Configurable price calculation rule in RIGAL import (RTC-15464)

The Price calculation setup register's default value for price calculation rules is used when importing RIGAL store prices. If no rule is set as default, the Default price calculation is used. It is possible to update a store price with RIGAL only if the same price rule is used while importing as the one set on the price. 

Mass update of item details (RTC-15737)

Additional item attributes which can be updated by import of Excel file:

  • Default margin
  • Deposit item
  • Nonsale type
  • Ready for sale
  • Warranty type
  • ID requirement
  • Healthy
  • Ecological
  • Environmental friendly
  • Country of origin
  • Shelf life
  • Allergens
  • Nutritions
  • Tara
  • Substances

Some of these are registers values (Warranty type, Nonsale type, ID requirement and Substances). New register values will be created by import if register's code is unknown (before update user is informed that new register value will be created).

Item details

Manage tandem/alternative GTIN's (RTC-14421)

Alternative (tandem) GTIN's can be added to the item, and be deactivated, activated and set as main GTIN. It is not possible to add GTIN which is already used by another item.

Fix: Add supplier on store level (RTC-15446)

It's possible to add supplier on any level: store, store group or common, as well as edit supplier on any level. Dropdown for stores, store groups display data in format reference + name.

Tandem - change main GTIN (RTC-14429)

When GTIN is changed on an item, the old GTIN is saved as an alternative GTIN (in the Item.GTIN table, isMain=0). GTIN visible on the item in Item details is saved as the main GTIN (in Item.GTIN, isMain=1, visible in the Item.Item table). When a new item is created using a GTIN which is an alternative GTIN for existing item, this GTIN is removed from the old item and set as main GTIN on the newly added one. 

Item management

Mass update of store prices (RTC-15757)

There are 12 new columns in grid during import via mass update of store prices:

  • New net price
  • Current net price
  • Difference net price
  • Difference net price %
  • New retail price
  • Current retail price
  • Difference retail price
  • Difference retail price %
  • New gross profit
  • Current gross profit
  • Difference gross profit
  • Difference gross profit %

Release 28.09.21



User management

Creating users from Azure AD (RTC-15608)

First name and Last name, split from Display name, are added automatically to the user when creating it in User management. 

First name, Last name, Display name of existing users can be edited.

Users removed from Azure AD (RTP-13388)

When a user is removed from the Azure AD Group in source AAD the user is blocked from logging in in the destination AD. If the user is added to the Azure AD group again in the source AD we did not unblock the user in the destination AAD. This is fixed and we are checking the "Block sign in" flag on the user from the destination AAD. 

Release 17.09.21




Warranty type code (RTC-15557)

Warranty type code field in the Warranty Type register must be unique. Warranty types in item details are displayed ['code' - 'name']. Warranty type code is available for export to Excel.


Import ExternalStoreGroupNo from StoreService (RTC-13822)

Profile number and team number is updated in Item Management when modified in Store Management.

Technical description: Changes to External code in StoreService are imported to ItemService and ExternalStoreGroupNo column is updated in the database. 

Validation errors when importing store prices (RTC-15486)

When importing a file with store prices, the validation will result in error when mandatory fields are missing: Fields which cannot be empty are: Identifier, Stores/Profiles/Teams, Valid from and Retail price.

If user imports file with more than one store, profile or team, error and validation message also occur. User is able to check validation messages in the Import view.


Store/team/profile name and number (RTC-15754)

Both number/reference and name of store group is displayed in views: "Export store prices to Excel" and "New/edit price calculation". New column "Store group code" is added to the store prices grid.

Correct signs in exported store prices (RTC-15923)

When exporting store prices to Excel correct positive/negative values are preserved.

Release 10.09.21




Export of additional item attributes (RTC-15017)

New attributes will be exported to (file/blob) for external systems to use it. Any change will also be exported for them.

List of additional exported attributes:

  1. Default margin
  2. Deposit item
  3. Deposit quantity
  4. Nonsale type 
  5. Ready for sale
  6. Warranty type name
  7. ID requirement
  8. Healthy
  9. Ecological
  10. Environmental friendly
  11. Shelf life
  12. Tara
  13. Active substance

Export of item attributes to Excel  (RTC-15007)

When exporting to Excel, the following additional attributes can be exported to Excel file:

  1. Default margin
  2. Deposit item GTIN
  3. Deposit quantity
  4. Nonsale type (code, name)
  5. Ready for sale
  6. Warranty type
  7. ID requirement (code/name)
  8. Healthy
  9. Ecological
  10. Environmental friendly
  11. Country of origin
  12. Shelf life
  13. Tara 
  14. Active substances (code / name)

Mass update of store prices from Excel (RTC-15756)

In case of duplicated store prices in the same import file, the last one is imported. In import items grid the duplicates will be still visible but only the last one will be imported.

Release 31.08.21 




Filtering store prices by permissions (RTC-14068)

All store prices, which the user has access to shown in the price grid. Same for store groups in multi-selects.

Release 27.08.21




Exporting items after store price update (RTC-15577)

Items are not exported (to blob storage) after store prices are created or modified.

Item details

Active substance (RTC-14796)

There is a dropdown field Active substance visible as the last field before the checkboxes in the Sales section in Item details. Values visible in the dropdown are taken from the Active substances register. Only active values are available there.

ID requirements (RTC-15491)

ID requirements dropdown values in item details are displayed as 'code-name'.


Select Stores/Profiles/Teams when exporting store prices to Excel (RTC-14214)

It is possible to export store prices to Excel for desired stores, profiles or teams. The multiselect field placed below store level user can filter within stores, profiles or team (depending on the level and user roles) and choose which store prices should be exported and viewed in Excel sheet. 


Breadcrumbs looking a little better (RTC-14512)

When displaying breadcrumbs in item management and promotion modules, second level text has the same color as main text.

Logout fix (RTP-13060)

Fixed an issue where logout from Mobile POS caused an internal server error.

User Management

''All stores" option in store roles (RTC-15018)

There is an option to select all stores in Store level when adding new store role to the user. This option is only visible if user has access to all stores in the user's details tab.

Release 16.08.21




Missing supplier on import items (RTC-13958)

Missing supplier on items in PRICAT import results in exception during validation. The displayed exception has a message clearly informing that the supplier number is missing.

Mass update of store prices from Excel (RTC-13234)

When selecting mass update from Item details grid or Import grid, you can select to update store prices. Use same Excel template as you get when exporting store prices to Excel.

There are a few validation rules:

  • Item not found
  • Price/Wholesale price is not defined
  • Price/Wholesale price must be above 0
  • "Valid to" in the past will be ignored.
  • Only today or future dates are allowed for "Valid from".

Currency column in the export will be available in the coming weeks.

 There are mandatory fields, which if any is missing will cause exception and status "Error" on validation. Proper messages will be added later.

Mandatory fields:

  • Item identifier (GTIN, Item number or SKU)
  • Stores/Profiles/Teams
  • Valid from date
  • Wholesale price
  • Retail price
Item details

Tara (RTC-14621)

Tara can be registered in item details (saved on item level) in kilograms.


Commission percentage (RTC-13046)

It's possible to enter/edit commission percentage with maximum of 2 decimal numbers. 

Active substances register (RTC-14797)

Active substance register is visible in Sale column in Item registers. It is possible to add new active substance by using Add-panel. Active substances can be deactivated or reactivated. One of the substances can be selected as default. Code of every record must be unique. It is possible to set max number of items in one receipt in "Allowed number in receipt" field.

Store prices

Display price per CU in TU items (RTC-12087)

When an item is a TU item and Quantity in supplier package is provided, the store prices include an additional column with price values per CU item.

User Management

Users with pending invitations to Azure Active Directory (RTC-15096)

If a user has a pending invitation to a tenant and is added to User Management of this tenant, they will be granted access to this tenant when they try to login. When they select the tenant in the tenant selector, they will be presented with the window to accept the invitation and they will be immediately logged in after accepting it. 

Release 28.07.21




Spaces not allowed in externalItemNo (RTC-14257)

Spaces at the beginning or end of the value for External Item Number (identifier) will be trimmed during Import. Same for "Use file" in item lists.

Columns in RIGAL export to Excel (RTC-13280)

The columns containing price information are exported together with item information columns when exporting 'Item details from import file' from a RIGAL import file. 

Reject items (RTC-14243)

There is a confirmation dialog before rejecting selected items in import.

Item details

Bundle item (RTC-14169)

Link to bundle content item in Bundle section in item details directs to the correct item.

Change size/color in model for many items (RTC-14069)

When GenerateExternalItemNo is set to False and color/size is being changed on item, it can be changed on 'this item' or 'all items with this color/size' in the model.

Add size when creating new model (RTC-13918)

When creating new model or adding items to existing model, and when adding new size in size wizard, the'display size' field is set same as size name by default.

Item list

Save changes question in item list (RTC-13765)

Save changes question appears only when trying to leave the view using breadcrumbs or the browser's 'back' button while creating a new item list. 


Notifications for mass-update of prices (RTC-12237)

Notifications are displayed when uploading, revalidating, or importing a file for mass-update of prices. 

Release 08.07.21




Import of profile prices in RIGAL format (RTC-13390)

RIGAL format with profile prices can be imported. Store groups of type profiles are matched with RIGAL store numbers. If the profile is not found, it will use store with this RIGAL store number. If both store and profile have the same value, the profile is taken.

Performance in import (RTC-14330)

The batch size is set to 6000 rows for inserts into staging tables to reduce the risk of timeouts.

Item details

Warranty type and ID requirements (RTC-8124)

Item fields 'Warranty type' and 'ID requirement' are added to the Sales section in Item details. Both fields are saved on the model level and are not mandatory. The fields are dropdowns containing active values from the corresponding registers. 

Shelf life (RTC-13430)

A field for "Shelf life" (saved on model level) is available in the "Food" section, below the "Country of origin" field.

External model number (RTC-11907)

External model number is shown in the 'Model' section in the item details view. This field can be edited using the manage model button, then selecting the option to change external model no. The value must be unique amongst all models.

Default margin (RTC-13261)

The field "Default margin (%)" field (item level) is available in "Price" section, below "VAT code" field. The value defined here will be used as default margin when creating a new price. Please note that business logic for the price functionality will be added later.

Adding new items to an only-color, only-size model (RTC-14067)

It is not possible to add a new item with color and size to only-color/only-size model. Missing size/color needs to be added first to an existing model. It is possible to add new items, which are the same type (only-color/only-size).

Item list

Item list from file (RTC-12687)

A validation message appears in the "Use file" popup when creating or updating an item list to inform a user that the header of the file is incorrect or missing. A message appears at the bottom of the page to inform that some items included in the file do not exist in the system. 


Validation message when editing price dates (RTC-7752)

When editing "valid from" date and the date is not correct, a validation message is shown (instead of an error).

Export store prices to Excel (RTC-13232)

Store prices can be exported to Excel from Items grid, Item lists, Item segmentations, and Promotion offers. "Export prices" button expands into two options: "Export wholesale prices to Excel" and "Export store prices to Excel". 

Date and time picker (RTC-12971)

There is a date picker without a time picker in Export wholesale/store prices to Excel views and New wholesale/store price views when ordinary price type is selected. There is a date and time picker in New wholesale/store price views when campaign or member price type is selected.

Release 30.06.21



Export to Excel 

Export to Excel of mass update files older than 14 days (RTC-13966)

Export to Excel for mass updates of price calculations that are older than 14 days are blocked. This is due to an automatic cleanup job which runs after 14 days and cleans up the data, resulting in the file being empty upon export.

Item details

Ready for sale (RTC-13301)

The Ready for sale flag is default set to true. Other systems like POS can use this flag to change status in the item status.

Release 23.06.21



Item details

Nonsale type in item details ( RTC-12569)

It is possible to add nonsale type (register) values to items. They are saved on the model level.

Changes in Item details page (RTC-13685)

'Customs tariff no.' is moved above checkboxes in Procurement section. All checkboxes are moved to the bottom of the Product classification section. Sale section is split into Price section and Sale section. Food section is displayed as the last section (after Product information section).

Item list 

Import items from file to item list (RTC-12646

It is possible to add items to the item list with a .csv file with an External item number (ExternalItemNo), GTIN (MainGtin), or SKU (Sku) identifier (Columns names equal hidden key value from Excel files). Only one identifier can be used at a time (one per file).

Item list/Item segmentation API - Include price (RTC-13019)

Requests including both store price and item information can be performed for Item lists and Item Segmentations. It can be filtered by date and store/store group.
Items without prices are also returned.


Reject rows in import (RTC-11553)

It is possible to set the 'Rejected' status on rows that were not imported in the Import details view of all import types using the button 'Reject items' placed in the toolbar. Rejected rows are hidden by default and can be seen separately from active rows when the Status filter is set to 'Rejected'. Rejected rows cannot be imported directly but they can be revalidated and then imported. 

User interface styling and improvements in RIGAL import (RTC-13382)

The 'Difference...' columns in the RIGAL import have a special styling. Values in these columns are presented in different colors depending on their sign: 

  • Difference net price: red for positive, green for negative.
  • Difference retail price: green for positive, red for negative.
  • Difference gross profit: green for positive, red for negative.

When value is 0, then the standard black color is used.

Export to Excel when importing RIGAL files (RTC-11554)

When opening a RIGAL import file, the items can be exported to Excel, including current values for existing items. New/current prices etc. will be added to the export later.

Item and price control for RIGAL files (RTC-11551

When opening item details for RIGAL files the columns includes Store number, New retail price, Current retail price, Difference retail price, Difference retail price %, New net price, current net price, Difference net price, Difference net price %, New gross profit, Current gross profit, Difference gross profit, and Difference gross profit %. Values for 'Current...' columns are filled out only if there exists a currently active price for the same store on the item. 


Rounding rules for store prices (RTC-14058)

Rounding 0 (set in the rounding rules register) rounds prices to the closest value with 0 at the end of the price value. When 5 is the last digit it will round to the higher value. If for example you want to round to the nearest whole value for all prices below 10,5, set the rounding rule to be 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0.

It won't be possible to round to the exact 0 value (price=0).

All roundings for a price will work with standard mathematic rules.


Update of imported supplier fails (RTC-14039)

Suppliers created automatically through import of items can be modified in the Supplier register. 

Release 09.06.21




Deposit item (RTC-12225)

The field named 'Deposit item' is visible at the end of the Sale section. In this field you can search and add a link to any item. After selecting an item from the dialog, the item name is displayed as a link and the 'Quantity' field appears. By default, this field is set to 1 and can be edited. After pressing ‘x’ icon on the item name, the 'Quantity' field is hidden and the search is available again.

Changing supplier on import items (RTC-7886)

Changing supplier in the Import grid is possible only for file type PRICAT. The main supplier for import items is taken from the whole import. OriginalJsonContent shows the original import file and JsonContent is updated with the import supplier when any change is applied. 

Item list

Permissions for item lists (RTC-11610)

Permission 'Manage item lists' is available under 'Item - item > 'Item list' section. This permission is required to create and update item lists in Item management. Export of prices and items within Item lists can be done without this permission. Item lists are accessible in read-only mode with the 'View items' permission. Item lists can be used in Promotion without the 'Manage item lists' permission. 

Release 07.06.21




Outdated validation of import (RTC-13665)

Import is counted as outdated when the last validation time is more than one day (24 hours).

Release 02.06.21




Validation improvement (RTC-13141)

Manual revalidation of import works. Revalidation of a partially imported model keeps status of already imported items.

Outdated validation of import (RTC-8074)

Any kind of import, which was revalidated 30 minutes or more from the moment of import will be stopped. If part of items selected to import was validated they will be imported. Outdated items (modified after validation time) will not be imported, and notification will be displayed. To get import done the user must revalidate before importing the items.

Item list

Edit item lists / Unsaved changes (RTC-11613)

Existing item lists are by default filtered to show only the selected items. After a list is created and reloaded, it also shows only the selected items. 

When creating an item list and trying to leave without saving the list, the 'Unsaved changes' modal appears. 

Item register

Nonsale type (RTC-12571)

Nonsale type register is available in item registers. It is possible to add, edit and deactivate rows in the register.


Rounding of store prices (RTC-8438)

A button "Round price to {amount}" is available in store price details view, below the “Retail price” field, displaying the retail price amount after it will be rounded. The rounding is defined in Item register\Rounding rules.

Release 21.05.21




Show warning when modifying size (RTC-13250)

Modifying the size on an existing item with any kind of import will show the warning "Size is modified". Same for color with the warning "Color is modified".

Item details

Allergens and nutrition (RTC-13123)

Item details sections for allergens and nutrition is placed at the bottom of item details.

Item list

Use another item list to select or unselect (RTC-11457)

By using button 'Use item list', it is possible to include or exclude items within an item list that is being created or edited.


Delete items from database (RTC-12620)

Index is added to improve performance when deleting items manually from the database.

Release 18.05.21



Item details

Items with multiple distribution packages (RTC-11873)

Items can have multiple distribution packages, for example boxes and pallets.  In item details it is shown which TU items a given CU item is linked to. If CU item is not linked to any TU item, Quantity in supplier package field is visible for defining packages without barcodes. Whenever a CU item is linked to a TU item, the field disappears and the number is taken from the TU item. Units of the packages visible in item details of a CU item are fetched from the TU item. 

Item list

Edit item list (RTC-12053)

Item lists added to promotions can be edited. Clearing selection changes ToDelete flag in the database to true so that unused lists and segments can be permanently deleted. 

Items with allergens


Allergens can be defined in item details All allergens by default have "undefined" status. There are four statuses to select: 

  • Undefined

  • Does not contain

  • Might contain

  • Contains

Allergens are common for all items within a model.

Sections for Allergens and Nutrition in item details:

If you select Edit allergens you can edit allergens. You can select if the item contains allergens or not. Click Save to save your changes, changes is updated in item details view.

Items with nutrition


Nutrition fieldset is available in Item details. Values from the Nutrition register are visible and values can be defined for them in a third level page accessible by clicking 'Edit nutrition'. 

If you select Edit nutritions you can edit nutritions. You can add items nutritional contents per 100 g. Click Save to save your changes, changes is updated in item details view.

Release 14.05.21




Allow store prices with date in the past (RTC-12992)

Store prices with the starting date in the past can be imported when using RIGAL import. 

Item details

Fix: Can't open or find items when text attributes contains a date format (RTC-12961)

Values with date format (XXXX-XX-XX) can be saved on every string field.

Item list

Create promotion from item list (RTC-11030)

It is possible to create a promotion from a new or an existing item list by clicking Create and Promotion in the Item list details view. Please note that you should not use this feature unless you are using the Promotion module.

Item segmentation

Bugfix: Segmentation fails when filtering with item group (RTC-12613)

A segment in item segmentation can include (and be recalculated) filter group with Item group or Subgroup as an attribute.

Release 11.05.21




Bugfix: SupplierDiscount from price rule not used (RTC-12884)

All discounts are added from the import rule when importing with PRICAT.

Import updates will always export the items to external systems.

Import store prices from RIGAL


Ordinary store prices can be imported using RIGAL item file. To import a price, Engros (7.1.20) field must be filled out. If fromDate is not given or is in the past, today's date is set. Time within the file is in the "local price zone" and is converted to UTC using the PriceLocalTimezoneId configuration parameter. If the file's name format is correct, storeGroupLink.externalNo is taken from it. If not, it is taken from the Filial (7.1.54) field in the file. "VAT" percent is filled out using the one specified in the RIGAL (so the same that is set on the item). VAT amount and Retail price WO/VAT on prices are calculated accordingly. 

RIGAL -> Item Gateway

Fradato (7.1.8) -> fromDate
Engros (7.1.20) -> wholesalePrice
Netto (7.1.21) -> netPrice
Utpris (7.1.22) -> retailPrice
Veil (7.1.23) -> retailPriceRecommended
file name / Filial (7.1.54) -> storeGroupLink.externalNo

Release 10.05.21




Fix: Collection from import rule is not applied on item (RTC-12850)

Collection and Brand are copied from import rule in PRICAT import.

Timeouts in import validation (RTC-12526)

Validation of large import files are handled without timeout issues.

Item list

Delete item list (RTC-11612)

Item lists can be deleted. It is not possible to restore deleted item lists.

Maintenance and defects

Timeouts in import validation (RTC-12526)

Large import files are processed. Validation and import of that kind of file also succeed.

Release 04.05.21




Whitespace characters in GTIN (RTC-12248)

Whitespace characters are removed from GTIN field when importing new items.

Item list

Select/unselect from file (RTC-11075)

Items can be added to an item list using import of .csv file. In file's first row you must have a header (not hidden): ExternalItemNo (same as hidden key value from exported excel file for item no. ext.).

Support for GTIN and some improvements is coming soon.

Export item list to Excel (RTC-11869)

Items in an item list can be exported to excel, with the same functionality for selecting items and price columns as when exporting from item grid.

Create a copy of the item list (RTC-11614)

Item lists can copied and used as basis for new item lists.

Item search

Pasting values in Item search (RTC-12212)

Results are loaded when values are typed or pasted in the Item text search (ElasticSearch).

Release 26.04.21




Fix for mass-update of items: File failing in generic import (RTC-11832)

Edited Excel files, where some data columns were deleted or partially deleted are processed properly. Notifications return successful messages about import and file being uploaded.

Importing items from RIGAL item file (part 1) (RTC-913)

RIGAL item file is supported for import of new and update of existing items. Models are matched based on externalModelNo (Modellnr), or supplierModelNo (Bestnr) if the first is not provided. Imports can be filtered by RIGAL type in the Imports grid. Import supports the gzipped file type. The following warnings and errors apply in this import type: ImportItemError.ErrorType.ItemGroupMissing, ImportItemWarning.WarningType.BrandWillBeCreated, ImportItemWarning.WarningType.ColorWillBeCreated, ImportItemError.ErrorType.UnknownUnit, ImportItemError.ErrorType.VATCodeMissing.

Not all fields in RIGAL item file is updated, as this will be implemented later. Prices will be updated in release during May.


Logout (RTC-796)

When the user logout of Chain, he/she is redirected to the login page.

Release 16.04.2021




Unexpected error while uploading Excel file (RTC-11337)

Edited Excel files, where some data rows were deleted or partially deleted are processed properly. Notifications return successful messages about import and file being uploaded.

Import of large files (RTC-711)

When large item files are imported the files will be divided into smaller parts and processed, to increase performance and reduce risk for failures.  

Technical: Includes upgrade to Entify Framework Core 3.1.


Access to store prices (RTC-10097)

Access to the Store prices tab in Item details is given in the View store prices permission in the store type roles and in the SystemAdministrator common role. 


Filter out deleted items (RTC-11662)

Items with the flag isDeleted=1 in Item.Item table are not available in the Items and Models grids and in the Item list details.

Release 08.04.2021



Delivery dates

Wrong week value in the picker (RTC-7688)

When selecting a delivery date or an order deadline date with the week picker, Monday of the correct week is selected in the date picker.


Link columns instead of the arrows (RTC-7843)

In all grids where arrows were used to open line details, link columns are used instead. There are column pickers available for all the grids containing more than four columns. For such grids, columns are resizable and reorderable. 


Navigation to all notifications (RTC-11221)

Users can open the notification panel and move to all notification grids (in User Management) from any module (Promotion, Item Management, User Management).


Unique constraints on 'Code' for VatCode, Currency, Brand (RTC-8378)

It is not possible to save duplicated rows of codes for VAT, Currency and Brand.


Sign out when a user has no tenant access (RTC-11458)

After a user who has no access to any tenant logs in, they are automatically logged out and shown a message with a link to sign in with a different account. 

EG domains (RTC-3269)

EG cloud modules are prepared for changing the domain base address from to EGRetail-Prod.Cloud.

Item lists


"Item lists" is a concept that can be used for doing 'actions' on multiple items. These actions can for example be Create promotion, Mass update or Export to Excel (functionality for these actions will be released later).

Create item lists by using 'New item list' button in the Items grid or the Item lists view accessible through menu. Item lists can be created based on all the items available in Items grid. Items within the lists can be selected manually by marking checkboxes or using the 'Select all' button when some filters are applied. 'Unselect all' button is also available. Name and description of a list can be edited. Access to Items lists requires permissions.

Button to open the Item lists view:

Item list view when some filter is added:

Select the items that should be included in the item list and click on the Create button. Give the list a name and click Save.

The Item list is created and you can find it in the Item lists view.

Item hierarchy drilldown


In the Items view, a panel is available which contains all the active item groups. It is possible to filter by these item groups and combine this filtering with the grid filters. The panel is not available if the (text) search is used.

Screenshot show item view when filter is closed:

Screenshot show Item view when filter is used, and group is selected:

Allergens register


Allergens can be added in the Allergens register using the add panel. Rows can be edited, deactivated, and activated back if needed. 

Register overview, with new registers:

Allergens register:

Nutrition register


Food nutrition can be added in the Nutrition register using the add panel. Rows can be marked as mandatory and their sorting must be provided. They can be deactivated and activated back if needed. 

Release 18.03.2021



Maintenance and defects

Fix for export of AllSeasons flag (RTC-10335)

'AllSeasons' flag is exported in boolean instead of number. 'AllSeasonsYear' is not exported anymore.

Mass updater of prices

Export to Excel and Modify file buttons (RTC-3870)

Export to Excel allows exporting selected lines to Excel unless any item contains 'Missing price calculation rule code' or 'Conflicting price calculation rule code' validation errors. In these cases, an error appears. To avoid trying to import lines without price calculation rule, the 'Price calculation rule' checkbox is marked and disabled in the Export prices to Excel view. Updating an import using Modify file results in replacing the existing import file with the new one, therefore the same validation rules apply as for a new import. 

User Management

Error message when user don't have access (RTC-9225)

When a user logs in with a valid Azure AD account that doesn't have access to any module in any tenant, an error message referring to missing access appears.

Release 15.03.21




Handling of prices duplicated (RTC-846)

If item concession prices for the same item are sent in different files but are combined into one batch, the ChainIntegration job deletes all duplicates and leaves the last price imported (from the latest file) as the correct price.

Export of concession prices (RTC-7021)

In a situation when only a concession for specified stores exists (there is no concession for all stores corresponding to the item group and brand), import works correctly and prices are exported only for the specified stores. When all stores within this concession are inactive, no prices are created. 


Export of dynamic price calculation (RTC-3569)

Export to blob (JSON) of items with price calculation is extended with priceCalculationRuleCode (code value of calculation rule). All prices despite the price calculation rule value are exported now. Also, store prices export enables the export of all prices (all calculation rules are also handled).

Extended also Import contract, including now 9 cost price amounts.


Bugfix: Create store price on different store group (RTC-10869)

It is possible to create store prices with the same starting date for different store groups.

Release 03.03.21




Search for item in import using Supplier ModelNo (RTC-966)

Search for item in import using filter on Supplier ModelNo is fast due to index on SupplierModelNo in PricatImport.ImportItem table.

Import of RIGAL item file (RTC-9756)

RIGAL item file from any ERP system can be imported in Item Management, using the same standard flat-file format as defined for Chain Classic, with mapping to Item JSON. The first version of the import supports only basic item attributes. This will be extended in the coming months.

RIGAL file may be imported with or without the header as both cases are supported and the header is simply ignored by the GenericImport job. Corresponding VAT code is matched based on the VAT rate given in the RIGAL file selecting the first VAT code with the same active rate and Norwegian country code. If no such VAT code exists, the line fails.  For now, mapping is:

RIGAL -> Item Gateway

Nummer -> identifier.gtin (mandatory)
Artnr -> identifier.externalItemNo 
Varetek -> itemText (mandatory)
Bongtek -> itemReceiptText
Etitekst1 -> labelText1
Pakn -> unit (mandatory)

Modellnr -> modelNo
Farge -> color.text 
Storrelse -> size.text 
Variantnr -> VariantSequenceNo 
Fabrikat -> brand.externalNo 
Hgr -> itemGroupNo (mandatory)
MvaPercent -> VAT[0].Rates[0].Rate (mandatory)
Grossist -> itemSuppliers[0].identifier.externalNo 
Bestnr -> itemSuppliers[0].supplierModelNo, itemSuppliers[0].supplierItemNo (only if Grossist is defined)


Use correct initial selection of price calculation rule (RTC-9738)

When creating a new price calculation, and the price calc. rule of the currently active price is inactive, the default register value is used as initial selection in the price calculation rule dropdown instead of the inactive rule in the dropdown.

Currency column is mandatory in mass update of prices (RTC-9966)

When exporting prices to Excel the currency column will be checked and locked automatically when checking any of the "Wholesale price in supplier currency" columns. Currency value is required for mass update of prices. If the currency is not present in the Excel file during import, it will result in an error.

Release 22.02.21




Ordering of data in export (RTC-9792)

Export procedures are modified to prevent potential problems related the ordering of data.


Filter 'store group level' based on user permissions (RTC-9658)

When creating new store prices, values showed in the 'Store group level' section, and specific stores, teams, and profiles are filtered based on user permissions.


Supplier register grid (RTC-921)

Added locked grid for Supplier register, with more columns displayed by default (GLN, Supplier, Manufacturer, Default).

Inactive item group (RTC-10188)

Fixed: The panel informing about an item group being inactive appears as expected when a group is deactivated. 


Column picker in grids (RTC-921)

In column picker the the ordering of fields is alphabetically. When adding a column to a grid it will be added at the end.

Column resize in all grids (RTC-811)

Column picker is available in all grids with are more than 4 columns. This allows users to select displayed columns from the column picker, change their size displayed in the grid and change their order in the grid.

Release 12.02.21



Item details

Unsaved changes (RTC-698)

When there are unsaved changes in item details and user selects function to Add new items, Change color or Change size, unsaved changes dialog is shown (with 'Discard changes', 'Cancel' and 'Save changes').

Item segmentation

Failed calculation of segments (RTC-961)

When the segmentation calculation fails, the status of the segment will be reverted to the one before calculation. The user will get a notification that the calculation failed.

Mass update

Dynamic price calculation: Change price calculation rule of existing prices (RTC-915)

Mass update can be used to update an existing price with a new price calculation rule. All lines in one import file must contain the same price calculation rule. If not, a validation error appears saying: "Conflicting price calculation rule code".  If a price is exported with one rule and this rule is updated in the exported file to be imported as an update, field mapping takes place and values are one by one assigned to the subsequent cost price fields corresponding to the new price calculation rule. In Mass update summation rows are also mapped but they are not filled out. This will be changed in RTC-3569 [Dynamic price] Export. All cost price fields for the new rule must be provided in the file. 


All price calculation values are required when importing (RTC-718)

All cost price values corresponding to the used price calculation rule must be provided when importing prices using Mass update or import through API (for example from Temalogic). If some values are not given in the import file, price is not imported and validation error appears: "Missing cost price values". Imports that use import rules work as before.  


Logging of tenant ID (RTC-764)

Logging in Application Insights for API calls (both OK and Failed) includes tenant ID, which will make it easier to identify and analyze error situations for different retailers.

User management

Hide disabled stores in user details view (RTC-971)

Inactive profiles, teams and stores will not show up in the store access list in user details view. When editing store access, it's not possible to select inactive stores, although they will still be visible in the dropdown menu. 

Release 04.02.21



System administration

Support for cashier login with on premise as identity provider (RTC-878)

EG Cloud (Chain Web Shell) support a locally installed IdentityServer as identity provider in addition to Azure Active Directory. This can enables the feature of accessing Chain modules in the cloud by using simple cashier login on premise. The security is maintained since the device needs access to the store local network to log in. The access token issued by Chain Web Shell contains information that this login was done by cashier authentication and the different cloud modules can allow or disallow usage based on this information. Initially this feature will be used by Mobile POS app to make it more efficient for several users to share mobile devices, just using cashier logout/login when switching user.

Release 29.01.21




Min/max validation for price input fields in import rules (RTC-911)

For import rules, fields in the price calculation tab (item import rules details) have limited values. For positive fields it's a range between 0 - 9999% and for negative fields it's a range between -99% - 0%.

If the user tries to add a value above this range it will change it to boundary value, so no validation message needs to be displayed.

Mass-update of prices - wholesale price in currency (RTC-830)

It is possible to create/update currency on price calculations using mass-update.

The price will be counted for the field "Preorder Wholesale price in supplier currency".

If currency column is not included in the in mass-update import file or the value is empty, currency value will be set by default to MainCurrencyCode (NOK).

For now, it also affects updating planned prices with a different currency value (causing change of currency in planned price), which will be resolved separately (will be fixed in: RTC-9966)

Item details

Error message when saving item with inactive values (RTC-766)

When there is some deactivated register value which is used for an item, the user will get  information: validation "Inactive value selected". When the item has some inactive values it cannot be saved, and the user will get an error message.

Fix for item details in mobile view (RTC-725)

When opening item details in in mobile view, buttons etc. are displayed properly. 

User interface design for profile attributes (RTC-877)

Design for profile attributes in Item details view and Import rule details view is improved: Display of attribute fields is more clear and easer to read.


User interface improvements for notifications (RTC-819)

  • Shadow around the notification panel

  • The bell icon is lined up with 'Username'

  • Hover on the bell icon works the same way as in the case of 'Username'.

Release 27.01.21




Export concession price (RTC-9791)

A bug related to sorting of data in export of concession prices (ItemConcessionPrice) is fixed.


Date format from Excel (RTC-9527)

We support specifying dates with the "Date" cell-type, and with the "Text" cell-type using the date format "" (NO standard). For other "Text" formats it will fail.

In the future this will be handled more properly as part of validation of import file.


Warnings when copying and editing prices (RTC-962)

When copying or editing prices, warnings in the variant selection modal are displayed the same as when creating prices. It affects three validation rules for wholesale price calculation:

  • Missing planning code

  • No ordinary price

  • Different price calculation rule

and validation rules for store prices:

  • No ordinary price

  • Different price calculation rule

Release 21.01.21




User-friendly improvements for price calculation rules (RTC-729)

Improvements includes:

  • In item registers, Price calculation setup view includes

    • Sorting and filtering.

    • Validation for rows in rules

    • Handling long names.

  • Price calculation rule columns are added in Price calculation and Store prices grids

  • The Price calculation rule field is filled out with a default rule if there is no price on an item or with a rule from an active price when creating new prices.

Access control for store prices (RTC-754)

Permissions for view, edit and create prices are defined per role in User Management. Roles are also assigned on store level, either to profile(s), team(s) and/or store(s). When working with store prices these role settings control what users have access to do.

Release 18.01.21




Price calculation rules in export and import of prices (RTC-3347)

Export prices to Excel includes price calculation rules. The rule that is set as default in the register appears by default in the Price calculation rule dropdown and can be changed. Whenever the price calculation rule is changed, columns change to reflect the rule. 

Price calculation rule must be provided in the imported file when mass updating prices. For now, prices using different rules can be created or updated in one file regardless of the column names - only keys are considered and are matched with columns in the corresponding rule. Prices must be updated using the same rule as the one on the existing price. 

Related validation errors:

  • When price calculation rule column is not included in the excel file: "Missing price calculation rule code" 

  • When trying to update an existing price with mass update using different price calc. rule: "Existing item cannot be updated with a different price calculation rule".

Release 22.12.20



Item segmentation

Filtering improvements (Work ID: 189194)

Filtering on measures are using centimeters. A problem with time range in date fields is fixed.


Item free-text search error handling (Work ID: 185966)

The item free-text search is using the search engine ElasticSearch. If updating ElasticSearch fails, the indexing job will retry to make sure the search data is updated.

Release 17.12.20




Using price calculation rules in import (Work ID: 188805)

Import of Pricat both from supplier and own brands, and import from Temalogic, are using price calculation rules defined in import rule or included in import file. The same business rules are applied as described in relation to price calculation in import rules.

  • Pricat for suppliers (itemUnplanned): Prices created from an import rule use the specified price calculation rule, and cost price values are applied from the used import rule. Wholesale price, rec. retail price (sales price) and supplier discount (cost price) are taken from import file. If the calculation rule does not have supplier discount, then this value is ignored. Prices can be updated using import when the same price calculation rule is applied. It is not possible to update price using different price calculation rule since validation error appears on an import line. 

  • Pricat for own brands (Pricat itemPlanning): Creating and updating all types of prices is possible when importing Pricat for own brands. When creating new price, price calculation rule is taken from the import rule. When updating existing prices, the same rule must be set in the import rule used as the one used to create this price. If not, validation error will appear. Value1, value2, etc. in the price contract are mapped one-one with the rank of our rule set rows (e.g. value5 is mapped to the fifth rule set row), however, summation rows are skipped.

  • Import from Temalogic (using API, with only planning code and no price from date): Creating new ordinary prices is not possible with import from Temalogic. It is, however, possible to create campaign/member prices and for these the same calculation rule as on the existing ordinary price (active in time of campaign/member price start) is applied. Difference between planning code on the imported campaign/member price and the existing ordinary price does not matter - rule from the ordinary price with corresponding date range is used. When updating existing prices using Temalogic, the same rule is automatically applied as the one used to create this price. Value1, value2, etc. in the price contract are mapped one-one with the rank of our rule set rows (e.g. value5 is mapped to the fifth rule set row), however, summation rows are skipped.


Showing long texts in user interface (Work ID: 189234)

Long texts without spaces in fields will be wrapped.

User management

Access to stores for new users (Work ID: 191567)

Self provisioned users will by default not get access to any stores. This has to be given by administrator users.

Changing language (Work ID: 189149)

When user selects to change language and saves, the language will change immediately.

Release 09.12.20




Using dropdown filter (Work ID: 189973)

When clicking in dropdown filter and the clicking outside the filter, this will not result in logging a bad request/failure.

Horizontal scroll in grids (Work ID: 190061)

The horizontal scroll in for example the item grid is improved for the non-locked area of the grid.

Select price calculation rule in import rule

(Work ID: 183186)

In the import rule setup you can select which price calculation to use.  The default rule is configured per tenant. 

Price calculation input fields appears for each input field type to be filled out for Preorder and Replenishment sections in the import rule. These values are used when importing prices with import type which uses import rules. If fields are empty, they are set to 0 for new prices or omitted for existing prices. Since fields for prices may differ between price calculation rules and are now taken from import rules, if cost price values are specified in imported file when doing PRICAT import, the item is not imported and status changes to 'Error' for such line. Imports which do not use import rules will use the tenant default price calculation rule.

Release 07.12.20




Update to .NET Core 3.1 (Work ID: 185890)

Item Management app is upgraded to development framework .NET Core 3.1. Security is improved by using Tenant API.

Release 17.11.20



Item details

Item image in Item details overview tab (Work ID: 180985)

Images that do not fit the frame will be resized to fit the frame but without changing proportions or being truncated.

Item image in Item details overview tab (Work ID: 181986)

When there is only one color (variant) with image the same image will be displayed for all other items with no image in Color section. It takes the first item by size order and displays thumbnail image on all items in this color.

Item segmentation

Permission for item segmentation (Work ID: 182485)

Item segmentation has permission for "View item segmentation" and "Manage item segmentation". With "View item segmentation" permission the user can only view and export the segmentations, but cannot modify or recalculate (re-run the segment).


Valid from filter with 'is equal to' operator (Work ID:182080)

When filtering with valid from the local time-zone is used.


Notification activity (Work ID: 184946)

In the notification grid the activity value shows what initiated the notification. Current values are Segmentation, Import and Export.

User management

System administrator role (Work ID: 188686)

All permissions are available for the System administrator role.

Copy user settings

(Work ID: 171873)

When creating a new user, it might be faster to copy settings/roles from an existing user. Use the more button ('...') in the bottom right when editing the existing user. All properties of the existing user will be copied apart from user details.

Select "Create copy of the user". Dialog "Create a copy" opens.

Start writing name of new user in the "New user" field. Search result is displayed.

Select the wanted user from the search result. New user is added to the "Create copy" dialog.

Click on the Create button to create a new user of a copy the existing user's properties. New user is created, and user details view opens.

Copy user settings is only available for users with permission "Create new user".

Release 06.11.20




Message about export (Work ID: 186894)

When the user starts exporting to Excel, an information message about starting export is shown and disappears after 5 seconds.


Fix for filter with 'Equals' (Work ID: 188350)

Segmentation with 'Equals' filter is again working as expected.

Release 04.11.20



Item details

Fix for 'Change GTIN' button (Work ID: 187153)

'Change GTIN' button is available after clicking 'Manage item' button.

Bugfix for related items (Work ID: 187993)

Related items can be removed from both non-model items and model items with only one item.


Rounding rules (Work ID: 178811)

Name of Rounding rec. retail price register is changed to Rounding rules, and is used for both Recommended retail price and store retail price. Prices can be rounded to for example 9,99 (two decimals). 


Multi-select (Work ID: 180096)

When searching and adding values to multi-select fields it is not possible to add/select the same value twice.

Show status of the process

(Work ID: 183046)

A progress bar is shown when validating an import or updating the import. When the validation/import is done, then the progress bar disappears.

Progress bar when updating the import

Import is done

Show recalculation status

(Work ID: 183045)

A progress bar is shown when recalculation the segment, and the status is refreshed every 4th second. When the recalculation is done, the progress bar disappears and the segmentation is refreshed.

User region

(Work ID: 187230)

Available regions in User Management are: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Island, Great Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Estonia, Poland, Lithuania, Luxembourg). Date or decimal separator setting is dependent on region. The side effect for now is that date picker gets translations according to it's region. 

Language can be defined on user in User Management (Norwegian, English, Swedish).  

Change of language in one module or user details setting in User Management applies across all modules.

Select Region from drop-down list

Select Region from drop-down list

Release 30.10.20




Overlapping campaign period (Work ID: 185158)

Overlapping price of same price type is not allowed, but for example member price and campaign price can have overlapping campaign period.


Web framework upgraded (Work ID: 185135)

Item Management is using Angular 10.

Release 23.10.20




Logic for obsolete permissions when doing rollback (Work ID: 182937)

If any module is upgraded and includes new user permissions, and a rollback of the upgrade is required due to for example bugs in the new release, the new permissions will not cause any problems for the old version of the module.

Release 16.10.20




Information about inactive values (Work ID: 187040)

Text in panel for (example) deactivated user is displayed. Before it was white text on white background so user couldn't see it. It is fixed for inactive panels etc. in all places.

Release 07.10.20



Export to Excel

Notification when Excel file is ready to download (Work ID: 181014)

When exporting items or prices to Excel the user will get a notification when the file is ready to download, or if an error occurred. The file can also be downloaded (later) when selecting view all notifications. This new feature makes it possible to export larger files with many items, without getting a timeout after 10 minutes. Please note that large export will take some time. A test with export of all item attributes for a given brand with 161.000 items resulted in a file of 96MB (161K rows x 180 columns), and took approx. 90 minutes to generate.

Export to Excel (Work ID: 175090)

The generated Excel file will get file name with date and hour based on the local PC settings. Date is generated based on time when clicking 'Export to Excel', not when the file is ready for download (in notifications).


Column picker in price calculation and store prices grid (Work ID: 178775)

Column picker and new columns is added to Price calculation and Store prices grids. Locked columns feature has been implemented for them with drag and drop and resize columns functionalities. There is a navigation link (same as in item grid) on column 'Valid From' (both in Price calculations and Store prices). 'Valid From' column must always be visible and it is not possible to hide it. 


Fix for loading of menu (Work ID: 185083)

A minor issue related to loading the menu is fixed.

Global design change for buttons (Work ID: 178485)

Design and texts for buttons are modified to handle many buttons in a mobile view. Only buttons with enough space are displayed. New 'expand' button is added, which expands buttons grid and displays all of them.

User management

Synchronizing stores to User Management (Work ID: 183199)

Permission can be defined for specific stores or groups of stores. Stores are therefore synchronized from Store Management module (StoreService), using jobs in integration package IdentityServiceIntegration. The jobs are responsible for getting changes on stores from blob and moving them to staging tables in Identity database (StagingImport). Then from staging tables stores are imported to the actual store tables (StagingMerger). StagingMerger is run on Cron trigger with every 10 seconds as default. Default we do 10 retries when a data row is not processed first time. Default batch size is 5000 rows. StagingImport is triggered on change in blob (batchtoprocess > store).

Store permissions (Work ID: 180487)

Users can get access to selected stores, teams or profiles. User roles can be defined as common or for specific profiles, teams or stores. After access to a store is taken away from user, roles with access to this store are automatically deleted from this user. Role type cannot be changed after being created. 

This feature will not be in use before permissions for store prices is released later in October/November.

Release 30.09.20




Keep profile discounts when importing (Work ID: 183779)

In price calculation tab in import rule there is a flag for 'Keep profile discounts'. When using PRICAT import with the flag checked, profile discounts are taken from the previously existing ordinary prices for the same planning code on an item. Profile discounts are always copied from an ordinary price which is/will be active at the time when the imported price starts. It applies only for ordinary prices. If there exists only an expired price for given planning code, then values are copied from it. The flag has no effect on Temalogic import since import rules are not taken into account in this case.

Note: In case of adding a new size to an existing color by import, prices from a different (existing) item are copied to this newly created item. If the new item is imported together with new price info, discounts for this new price will be applied from the import rule just like there would be no other prices on this item. To have discounts copied from a different price (existing on different item and copied to this newly created item) new item must be created first with no new price info and the new price must be then added in a separate import.

Release 24.09.20




Export of external store number in Concession file (Work ID: 185943)

Export of concession contains external store number.

Item details

Mandatory fields (Work ID: 180492)

When creating/editing items it is required to add values for item name (item text, receipt text, label text 1), unit, VAT code, item group and supplier.

User management

Swedish language (Work ID: 174185)

User management module supports languages English, Norwegian and Swedish.

Release 16.09.20




Copy import rules (Work ID: 177676)

When copying import rules, all profile attributes (including price calculation values) are copied to a new import rule. 

Item segmentation

Filter on blank values (Work ID: 180519)

When creating segmentation groups it is possible to filter by blank values. Blank values means NULL and empty string. User can include or exclude on all attributes (except boolean attributes with value True/False).


Fix for date validation conflict (Work ID: 182715)

When editing an existing member or campaign price (both for price calculation and store prices), the date validation triggered on the price itself saying there was already a price on this date. This is fixed.


Translations to Norwegian and Swedish (Work ID: 182138)

Several translations to Norwegian and Swedish in Item Management are reviewed and modified.

Release 11.09.20




Bugfix for ‘More’-button for imports (Work ID: 184014)

User can change supplier for import with permission 'Manage imports' and view error text for Import with permission 'Access to system tasks and information'.

Item details

Notification when segment is calculated (Work ID: 182833)

Calculation a segment may take several minutes. User will be notified when the calculation of a segment is finished.


Fix for brand registration (Work ID: 183709)

Fix for registration of many brands without leaving the registration screen.

Release 08.09.20




Validation of concession import files (Work ID: 183935)

When concession price file is imported, we validate to identify duplicate prices. Validation error appears in case of a duplicate: "Duplicate price" on all lines except the first for a given item in a file. If the import status is reverted to Ready for import, then it is possible to import the same price again. Concession flag on item is checked after an item concession price is imported for this item. The flag can be edited in Item details. It is not possible to import prices for items whose brand is not a concession brand. New validation error appears in such case: "Item brand is not marked as concession".

Item details

Functions in Model-color view (Work ID: 182142)

“New mass update" button is visible both in "Item view" and the "Model-color” view.

Color and size in save dialog (Work ID: 182148)

After fix, the format is: {color} {size} when items are listed in Save/Edit dialog.

Leading and trailing spaces in item text (Work ID: 183203)

When there are leading or trailing spaces in the fields Item text, Label text 1, Label text 2, Receipt text or Brand text, the spaces will be removed during import.

(We have run a script to fix existing items with leading or trailing spaces).


Field validation (Work ID: 179410)

When validating fields we display both red frame and error text after changing focus from field.

Show progress for segment calculation

(Work ID: 179542)

When calculating a segment the percentage progress is shown in the breadcrumb. The progress indicator is based on the number of filter groups processed. Processing time for last calculation provides the user approx. time for next calculation.

Release 02.09.20



Export to Excel

Export prices with supplier details to Excel (Work ID: 180524)

When exporting prices to Excel, supplier details like supplier name, supplier model number etc. can be included as columns in the export.


Notifications when import is ready (Work ID: 181008)

When an import is validated the user will be notified. The notification will inform about the import status and result of the validation, and the user can click on the notification link to navigate to the import details view.

The following notifications are supported:


  • Import of {Import name} has been finished (with info of number of imported items)

  • {Import name} has been revalidated (with info of number of validated items)


  • {Import name} has been revalidated (with info of number of validation errors/warnings)


  • Import of {Import name} has not been done

  • {Import name} has not been updated

  • {Import name} has not been revalidated

  • Import of {Import name}  has been partially completed (with info of how many items were imported and not)

  • {Import name} has been partially revalidated (with info of not validated items, validated ones, validation errors and warnings)

View all notifications

(Work ID: 176600)

Notifications panel is opened by clicking the "bell" icon in the right top corner. When selecting 'View all notifications' the user is navigated to a view showing all of the users notifications (including dismissed). For support purposes there is a permission that makes it possible for system users to view notifications for all users.

Release 31.08.20




Export of concession store prices (Work ID: 168102)

When concession is configured, store prices for concession items are exported from the Concession.ItemConcessionPrice table to the Gateway.ItemConcessionPrice blob. Any 3rd party can subscribe to these store prices, but standard we use the ChainIntegration package (OnPrem) in Integration Platform to receive store prices and update them in Chain Classic.

Export of concession register (Work ID:168101)

When change tracking is configured, concession register with commission percent per group of brand/stores/item groups is exported to 3rd party subscriber (Gateway.Concession blob). For contract description, see Concession in


Application header (Work ID: 173781)

An information bar at the top of screen is shown when using Test or UAT environment. The application header is default hidden in production environment. Edit user profile and select 'Show application header' to show or hide. For EG Retail employees it is recommended to always show the application header to indicate which tenant (customer) the user is logged in to.

Release 27.08.20




Import of concession price files (Work ID: 168104)

Price files from suppliers of brands with concession setup can be imported to create stores prices that will be exported and used in POS.

Such import has ApprovalRulesetId=5 in PricatImport.Import table. If an applicable concession does not exist, validation fails with "concession setup missing"-message. Validation fails also when no brand is added to item or item is not found. Imported lines are stored in Concession.ItemConcessionPrice table. VAT rate and commission percentage for stores are needed for price calculation. If no VAT code is added to an item, it is assumed to be 25%. Commission percentage is taken from the concession. Since concession overlapping is possible, a priority hierarchy is used when searching for the right concession to be applied. The most important within a brand is concession for a specific store and item groups. Then, for specific item group and all stores, and then for specific store and all item groups. The least important is concession for all store and item groups. Concession price imports are visible in Imports grid with new price type - Concession, and not all buttons are available in such import details. 

Validation errors possible when importing concession prices:

  1. Item not found - if there is no item with given identifiers in the database.

  2. Unknown brand  - if there is no brand on an item for which price was imported.

  3. Concession setup is missing - if there is no concession setup for given configuration of brand, item group and store.


Save changes dialogue (Work ID: 179413)

When leaving filter group in Segmentation or Supplier details in the Supplier register, we display “save changes” dialogue to let users save changes before leaving. When clicking save and some validation is triggered - we display correctly red frame and validation error in the grid.

Release 25.08.20




Bugfix: Duplicate prices (Work ID: 183020)

Fixed an issue with duplicated prices when importing items to existing colors with same price date from.

Import file without values for supplier color/size (Work ID: 180500)

When creating new items from import or adding new items to existing model, both color/size and supplier color/size is set to the same value if only color/size has a value in the import file.


Synchronization of stores (Work ID: 179533)

In EG Cloud the StoreService is master for stores. For now the store register is synchronized from Chain Web OnPrem to StoreService. ItemService is subscribing to changes in StoreService, and will keep a synchronized register of stores that is used for example when defining store groups for concession.

Release 14.08.20




Validation of store prices (Work ID: 178776)

It is not allowed to set retail price to 0. It is allowed to set 0,01.

Filtering in price tab (Work ID: 177988)

In price tab it is possible to filter also on price type and order type. Filters in these grids are persistent when changing items using drop downs in breadcrumbs. They are cleared when tab is changed or page is refreshed. 

Release 24.07.20




Faster opening of import rules (Work ID: 173751)

Opening of import rules takes approx. 1 second. Previously it often took more than 10 seconds.

Validation when adding new size to existing model (Work ID: 179447)

When adding new size to an existing model, a warning is displayed in import details: "New size will be added to model". This will for example help the user to avoid creating new size 6.5 when size 6,5 already exists.

Non-model items (Work ID: 169105)

It is not allowed to add color or size to a non-model item when importing or mass updating items. After validation of import the error message "Cannot add color or size to a non-model item" is shown in import details. Note that it is possible to change color on items which already have color or size.

Item details

Item overview tab (Work ID: 145956)

Core information and color section is added to overview tab. For model items it is possible to navigate between items by clicking on color names. When navigating to a color, the item with the selected color and the same size as we were on is opened, if the size exists. When selecting a color where the previously viewed size does not exist, the first size in the list is opened. Also, navigation from Model-color view in Items grid to Item details has been improved and now item with the correct color (selected in the grid) and size (the lowest sorting number) is opened. 

Item Segmentation

Attribute search (Work ID: 179536)

There will be displayed information when searching for attributes, which are part of item planning attributes, and planning code is not selected ("Your search criteria match attributes that require that planning code is selected. Please define a planning code before selecting these attributes.").  


Percent conversion in filter columns (Work ID: 178599)

Percentage filters are fixed and show correct values (not multiplying with 100).


Register descriptions (Work ID: 180955)

To improve usability all registers are described.


Improved upgrade process (Work ID: 177570)

Item Management is dependent on other common services (Shell and Tenant API) during startup. When such common services are not available, the module will retry to reach the services every 30 seconds until they become online.

Open menu in new tab (Work ID: 144121)

It is possible to right click on menu elements and open web page in a new tab or a new window.

Release 17.07.20



Item Segmentation

Validation of attributes (Work ID: 179538)

When adding new attributes to a group, a red frame is shown when leaving the field without selecting any value with 'In list' operator.


Cleanup of staging tables (Work ID: 156124)

Staging tables are used when importing items. The ItemServiceJanitor job is running continuously to delete old staging data. The job deletes default maximum 100 rows, using maximum 10 seconds, older than 14 days .

User Management

View permissions (Work ID: 171661)

When selecting 'Edit...' permissions in user role details, check boxes for corresponding 'View...' permissions are selected automatically so the user does not need to remember to add them. The view permission cannot be unchecked until dependent permissions are unchecked.

Release 10.07.20



Item details

Default selection of variant (Work ID: 178790)

When creating, editing, copying or deleting price, the currently opened color will be selected by default in the variant selection when working with a standard model or a model without sizes. When working with a model without color, the current size will be selected by default.

Show item images in Item overview (Work ID: 145955)

Item images can be fetched from a product management information system (PIM). This requires configuration of the integration that is based on a URL in combination with item identifiers.


Ordinary price must exist before other price type can be created (Work ID: 176409)

It is not possible to create a member or campaign price for a date period for which there is no ordinary price calculation already added. When creating a new campaign/member price and some items in the model do not have an ordinary price in the period, a warning icon and message appears in the variant selection modal (same pattern as missing planning code on some items) and it is not possible to select these items since checkboxes are be disabled. For now, however, it is possible to have a situation where member/campaign price exists with no ordinary price in the same time period and for store prices also profile/team/store by deleting ordinary prices after member/campaign prices are created. This will be handled in the future.


Permissions (Work ID: 173753)

Permissions for exporting to Excel can be defined per user role, both for exporting to Excel from Item grid, from Item details and from Imports.

Release 01.07.20



Export to Excel

Performance when exporting prices to Excel (Work ID: 179703)

Performance when exporting to prices to Excel from Segmentation and Import, and when there is a large amount of items in the item grid, is significantly improved


Warnings and errors in import (Work ID: 174734)

In item import we can have up to 192 different validation errors and 192 different validation warnings.

Release 30.06.20




Bugfix for import of own brands (Work ID: 179890)

Own brand files can be imported without failing.

Release 29.06.20




Filtering in Size control (Work ID:177677)

Fixed two issues in Size control view of Import details (Imports > Import details > button 'Size control'):

  • All filters filter when you press the "ENTER" key after typing in a value.

  • The "Status" column filter no longer causes all other filters to be ignored.

Item details

From Product information to Product classification (Work ID: 177680)

The field section containing 'EN standard', 'Healthy' etc. is renamed from Product information to Product classification in item details and when exporting to Excel.


No auto-complete (Work ID: 147387)

Autocomplete has been removed from all fields in Item management.

Logging of failures when exporting to Excel (Work ID: 173755)

When exporting to Excel we log metadata in Application Insights that makes it easier to identify what caused the problem, for example the SQL query that was used.

Release 11.06.20




Store prices (Work ID: 159222)

In items details there is a tab for store prices. Later this will be used by price managers and store users to manage prices that will be exported to POS.


Concession store register (Work ID:168099)

Register of store groups that is used in concession setup.

Release 29.05.20




Export of dangerous goods flag (Work ID: 164929)

Export data type is changed to boolean (True/False), and the export will no longer result in value NULL for dangerous goods.


Filter by valid from (Work ID: 176237)

In price calculation tab it is possible to filter by valid from date.

Release 25.05.20



Item details

Deleted planning codes excluded from Excel export (work ID: 175134)

When exporting items to Excel, all rows with deleted planning codes are excluded from the export.

Faster update of existing items (Work ID: 173973)

Database indexed is modified to improve update of item fields on model level. We have not been able to measure the improvement, but users should experience that saving models with many items is a bit faster now than before.


Business rules for proposed price calculation values when adding a new price calculation (Work ID: 173131)

  • When adding next price while having one or more active prices, proposed price values are fetched from the the most recent active price, and in case prices that have the same Valid from date the values are taken from the one which was added first regardless of the planning code.

  • When adding next price while having one ore more active and planned prices, proposed price values are fetched from currently active price.

  • When adding next price while having one or more planned prices, proposed price values are fetched from the earliest price on the newest planning code (alphanumeric order on code value of planning code), and in case that prices have the same Valid from date and the same planning code, values are fetch from the one which was added first.

  • When adding next price while having only an expired price, proposed price values are fetched from the expired price.

Preventing duplicate prices (Work ID: 175270)

A constraint is added to prevent possible duplicate entries in prices for profiles/stores.

Validation of import

(Work ID: 170968)

For validation of mass update from Excel the following 28 validation messages for error and 3 validation messages for warnings are added:


EN Translation

NO Translation


EN: Item not found

NO: Varen ble ikke funnet


EN: Unknown planning code

NO: Ukjent planleggingskode


EN: Unknown store group

NO: Ukjent butikkgruppe


EN: Unknown collection

NO: Ukjent kolleksjon


EN: Unknown marketing exclusivity

NO: Ukjent markedseksklusivitet


EN: Unknown assortment code

NO: Ukjent sortimentskode


EN: Unknown sales purpose

NO: Ukjent salgsformål


EN: Unknown season

NO: Ukjent sesong


EN: Unknown marketing code

NO: Ukjent markedsføringskode


EN: Unknown replenishment code

NO: Ukjent etterfyllingskode


EN: Unknown procurement rule

NO: Ukjent innkjøpsregel


EN: Unknown unit

NO: Ukjent enhet


EN: Unknown item type

NO: Ukjent varetype


EN: Unknown supplier number

NO: Ukjent leverandornummer


EN: Unknown VAT code


EN: Unknown item group number


EN: Unknown report category

NO: Ukjent rapporteringskategori


EN: Unknown manufacturer

NO: Ukjent produsent


EN: Unknown break bulk code

NO: Ukjent anbrekkskode


EN: Unknown season code

NO: Ukjent sesongkode


EN: Unknown service level 

NO: Ukjent servicenivå


EN Translation

NO Translation


EN: Unknown substitution item

NO: Ukjent erstatningsvare


EN: Unknown brand

NO: Ukjent varemerke


EN: Unknown serial number type

NO: Ukjent serienummertype


EN: Unknown country of origin

NO: Ukjent opprinnelsesland


EN: Unknown classification

NO: Ukjent klassifisering


EN: Unknown special group

NO: Ukjent spesialgruppe


EN: Unknown original planning code

NO: Ukjent opprinnelig planleggingskode


EN Translation

NO Translation


EN: Cost carrier is modified

NO: Kontohenvisningskode er endret


EN: Color is modified

NO: Farge er endret


EN: Size is modified

NO: Størrelse er endret

In addition:

  • Brand can be cleared when importing (from PRICAT, Temalogic, mass update)

  • Validation of empty Brand code (when only Brand name is provided in the import)

  • Validation of Manufacturer (in PRICAR import)

  • Validation of unknown season code (from Temalogic)

Release 11.05.20




Create new item when GTIN must be changed on existing item (Work ID: 174423)

When importing file with already existing GTIN, but different supplier/supplier model number, and supplier model number value already exists on other item, the user can select to fix item identifier. This means that we will auto-generate a new GTIN for the existing item, and that the new item will be added to the same model as existing item with same supplier model number and same supplier.

When importing file with already existing GTIN, but different supplier/supplier model number, and supplier model number value already exists on other item, the user can select to fix item identifier. This means that we will auto-generate a new GTIN for the existing item, and that the new item will be added to the same model as existing item with same supplier model number and same supplier.

Validation of duplicate size sorting number (Work ID: 172299)

When there are items with duplicate size sorting value, it will not be possible to import new or update existing items for the model. In item import validation error is shown: 'Sorting number overlaps within color'.


Better performance when creating new items (Work ID: 173163)

New items added to existing variants are created much faster. Before improvements, adding new items to variant which caused copying planning codes, prices etc. took a lot, up to 10 seconds measured on the development environment. Now it is reduced to 0.2 seconds.

Release 30.04.20



Item details

Export to excel and mass update of sorting and display size (Work ID: 166697)

When exporting items to Excel, columns for size sorting (variant sorting) and display size (consumer-friendly size) are included in the Excel file. Sorting and display size fields can be updated in item import, for example when using mass update with Excel file. Sorting cannot be empty and is omitted when importing file with NULL or empty field and its value stays unchanged in case of updates or is taken from size in case of creating new items. 

Import item details: Columns are hidden by default and can be added using the column picker. All columns are visible in exported Excel only when 'Item details from import file' option is selected in Export to Excel popup. Display size and Sorting columns are visible when all fields are exported for Item details from active items' option, but not visible when selecting 'Limited fields'.

Item details export: Check-boxes for Display size and Sorting are added at the end of Model section in Export to Excel view.


Permission for viewing exception messages (Work ID: 172838)

Users that should be able to view system exception messages must have permission 'Access to system tasks and information' added to user roles together in permission group 'System'. User without this permission is not able to see error messages when status on the whole import or an import item is 'Error'. Please note that this is mainly used by EG Retail (DevOps role).

Export of prices to Excel

(Work ID: 154434)

From item grid you can export either items or prices to Excel. Prices are exported for items filtered in the items grid. Please note that we have tested export of 100.000 prices, and that exporting more prices could result in a timeout and invalid Excel file. It is possible to filter prices to be exported by the newest planning code or selected planning codes, price type and dates between which prices are valid. Templates can be created and updated, similar as for export of items. Lines for items that are filtered out in the grid but do not contain any planning code (or price) are not exported to Excel.

When I choose «Export prices to Excel”, Export prices to Excel opens in a new view. In this view you select what you should export.

In top of this view you could select Price type, Valid from/to, if the prices should be exported for the newest planning code or selected planning code, and you could select an Excel template.

Columns in Excel

In this part of the view you define columns that should be available in the Excel file. 

You select columns in the same way as in the Export to Excel view, by selecting the columns you want to export to the Excel file. See Export to Excel description for details.

Release 21.04.20



Work ID


Export currency rate to cash register

Active currency sales rate can be exported. Cash registers (POS) are standard receivers of this export type.



Fix for filtering in validation errors and warnings

Filtering in import item grid is again working as it should when navigating between pages


Item details

Export items to Excel

When exporting items to Excel from the item grid, the query to the database is split into batches of 1500 items, making it possible to export large amount of items without causing a timeout in the export job. Export of items will be quite fast when filtering by brand, item group and cost carrier in the item grid.



Swedish language

User can select between Norwegian, English and Swedish language in Item Management module.

Swedish language in User Management module will be implemented soon.


Release 08.04.20



Work ID


User interface changed in import details view

Toolbar in Import details view has been improved. Buttons have been re-arranged. 'Update items from file' button has been renamed to 'Modify file'.


Item details

Colours with spaces in primary colour

If you create an new model item and you select a colour from the list in the field ”Primary colour”, and the primary colour you choose contains spaces, the user get a message telling that spaces in front or end of the text are not allowed. To register this colour on the new item the user needs to edit the value of “Display colour” (copied from primary colour) and remove spaces. When the user edit the value in “Display colour”, the user could create the new item.  New items gets the value defined in display colour.

Earlier you wasn’t able to create new item if you selected a primary colour with spaces.



Bugfix: Wholesale price not set to null

Correct wholesale price (also in currency) is shown when 'Valid from/to date' is modified and 'Planning code' is changed.



Item hierarchy

When adding a line from Group/Area/Department details view, values in Parent hierarchy section are read-only.


Release 02.04.20



Work ID

Item details

Faster opening of item details view

Opening item details from item grid should normal take approx. 1 second. Depending of how many model-color and sizes it might take slightly more time.


Release 23.03.20



Work ID


Notification when last import failed

If the import fails when the user selects 'Import selected items', a notification with 'Error' is displayed in the breadcrumb in the top of screen.


Item details

Add related items

Related items are by default always added on 'this item'. User can still select to also save it on selected colors/sizes or all items within model.



Export to Excel

Export to Excel is running a an asynchronuous system job. Files will be saved for user on created date order (first user gets first file). Files won't be exported in parallel. Once one file is exported, export of another one is started. 

Timeout set in job for database query is configured to 5 minutes. Timeout for response to users download it is set to 10 minutes. 

Persistant grids 

Validation filter in import grids are kept (persistent) during tab session between pages. Filter is cleared when refreshing the page. Selection of Item/Model-color view and search/filters option is persistent per user. Switching between search and filters in item grid clears previously chosen filtering option and applies to both views at the same time.

Finding import file that failed

Logging in Application Insights includes FlatBatchJsonId which makes it easier to identify the file that caused the error.




Release 13.03.20



Work ID


Truncate of item text, color and size

When item text, color or size is longer then 50 characters (maximum value in database and user interface) only the first 50 characters of these values will be saved. 50 characters is also the maximum value for supplier color and supplier size.


Item details

Fix for item subgroup

Subgroup is added as separate column to model, and export of item group value is correct when subgroup is added to item.



Formatting of price calculation

Formatting has been improved in price calculation tab when creating next new price so that the view is clearer for user.



Update of grid component

The grid component (Kendo) is updated to the latest version which supports virtual columns and other performance improvements. "Change detection" time is now dependent on number of visible columns and increases with the increase in visible columns number.

Message logging when validation has failed

When validation fails in StagingBatchExecutor job we log a user-friendly error message (and not the whole stack of failure) to make it easier to read the alerts from Application Insights.



Select item fields and create templates for export to Excel

(Work ID: 168239)

When exporting items information to Excel, you can select which columns to export. Speed up to export process by creating and selecting templates.

When I choose «Export to Excel” in the item details view, Export to Excel opens in a new view.

In the “Export to Excel” view you define what the export should contain.    

First you have to define what planning codes should be exported. You could choose between “The newest planning code”, “Selected planning codes” or “Do not export planning code”

Then you define Excel layout. You define columns that should be available in the Excel file. You could use a Excel template or select columns manually.

To select columns you select the checkbox by the column you want to add to the Excel file. You could also select a category, then all the columns in the category is selected, but you could choose to deselect some of the columns.  

You write a search text in the search field to find the columns quicker. Then you get all the columns with the given text in the name, and you could select the columns that you want.

Under the search field you have to buttons: Select all and Unselect all.

Select all

If you choose Select all, all the columns are chosen. If you have performed a search, this button selects all columns matching the search.

Unselect all

If you choose Unselect all, then all columns are unselected.

Use template

You could use an existing Excel template. Select “Use Excel template”,  and choose the template you want to use from the list. Then you get a list of the columns that are selected in the given template. You could modify the selection.

Create new Excel template

When you have made your selection you could Create a new Excel template. Press the “more-button” (…), and choose “Create a new Excel template”.

The dialog “New template” opens.

Give the template a name and possibly a description. Choose Create to create a new template.

The template name is displayed in the view under the field “Use Excel template”.

Update existing template with modifications

If you have modified a existing template, you could Update existing template with modifications to update the template.  Press the “more-button” (…), and choose “Update existing template with modifications”.

The dialog Update existing template with modifications opens. You could change name or description. Choose Save to save the changes.

Export to Excel

When you have defined which columns you want to export to Excel. You select the Export to Excel button to export the selection to Excel.

Release 05.03.20



Work ID


Delete import

When deleting an import the user is redirected to the item grid.

Selecting supplier for an import

After selecting supplier for an import, the import grid is refreshed.



Item details

Deactivation of item

Minor improvement in user interface related to buttons.



External item number

'External item number' has been renamed to 'Item number' in all views and export Excel file. 'Subst. Item no. ext' has been renamed to 'Subst. Item no.' and 'Item in package ext. no' to 'Item in package no' in export Excel file.


Release 28.02.20



Work ID

Item details

Removing a planning code

It is not possible to remove a planning code using edit item generation dialog. Error message appears for colors that had the planning, but are now deselected from all profiles in this edit popup. The save button is disabled until at least one profile is selected for the color. It is possible to save if selected profile is a 'new' profile which was not marked for this color previously. 



Missing planning code

A warning 'Missing planning code' will appear if there are no planning codes linked to the item. Minor improvements to performance and error handling.


Release 21.02.20



Work ID


UTC time format

Database server can be in a different time zone than the uploaded files.

Error handling of duplicate items in import file

If an import file contains duplicates of the same item it will not cause any error when importing, but only one of the rows will be imported.

Column for supplier model number in item import

Columns for 'Supplier Model Number' and 'Current Supplier Model Number' are available for all types of import when viewing items within the import.
Column 'Supplier Model Number' is hidden by default for PRICAT type of import and is not hidden by default for other types of import (Default/Temalogic/Mass Update-Item Details). In this case user has to choose it from column picker to see it in the grid. 
Column 'Current Supplier Model Number' is hidden by default for all types of Import (PRICAT/Default/Temalogic/Mass Update-Item Details) and user has to choose it from column picker to see it in the grid.




Item details

Validation of bundle quantity

Bundle quantity field is validated. If user adds value higher than 2147483647 a warning is shown to the user, and there will be no error in the application logs.



Logging of user activity

We use Azure Application Insights for logging and tracing of all processes and user activity. The users e-mail address is logged as AuthId parameter in AppInsights and name and surname in user interface and audit columns in the database (CreatedBy, ModifiedBy).

Update of translations

After a new release a refresh of the page is enough for new translations to appear correct for the user.



Concession flag on item

(Work ID: 168098)

An item can be marked as a concession item. This attribute can be set both when creating and editing. Default value is false. The concession flag is available in both import/export and Excel export/mass update.

Concession flag on brand

(Work ID: 168098)

A brand can be marked as concession. This attribute can be set both when creating and editing. Default value is False.

Release 14.02.20



Work ID


Validation when item has fixed item identifier error (TFS: 169175)

Don't link items when non-model item has fixed item identifier error.

When there is an import file with fix item identifier (with update existing items option) for item, and there are new items with same model identifier (supplier model number), it won't try to connect/merge non-model items with other items into same model. Model items will be added to different model (new model number will be created).


Item details

Caching of data in item grid (TFS: 167390)

To improve usability the item grid is cached so that loading the grid is not requested when navigating back from item details to both Items and Model-Color grid. After adding new items they will appear at the top of the grid even if filters are applied. Although the grid is not loaded again, any changes made to items are visible right after going back from Item details.


Release 11.02.20



Work ID


Split of supplier models

When Pricat import results in split on items within supplier model, all items from the same model in this import will be imported, even when only one item is selected.  A warning message is displayed when this happen.

Faster loading of items in import view

Added index to load the items much faster in import details view.



Clearing currency field and validation of discount

When clearing currency field and choosing another currency, the price is created without any errors.

It is not possible to set supplier discount value greater than wholesale price, or set wholesale price lower than the supplier discount value. The same rule applies to discount and sales price.

Recalculation when changing currency

A recalculation of prices is triggered when the currency is changed.



Import status and work status

(Work ID: 168149)

Column 'Status' shows the system import status of the file, with statuses New, Pending, Ready for import, Partially imported, All items imported, or Error. In addition the user can manually mark a file as 'Done' by selecting the button 'Work done' in Import details.

This improves the workflow and makes it easier to filter on imported files 'Not done'.

A file that is marked as ‘Done' can be set back to 'In progress' by using the button '...' and choose 'Set back in progress’ in Import details.

Release 10.02.20



Work ID


Item export is faster

When items are updated this triggers an export to all subscribing systems. The performance is increased significantly, especially when there are many planning codes/prices per item.

If the export fails the job will be displayed with status Faulted, and tracked in our monitoring of the item module.



PRICAT import from Excel file

When import of PRICAT is done by uploading an Excel file, it will get filetype PRICAT and use the same import rules as PRICAT from EDI/suppliers.



Handling of exceptions in browser

When trying to create a price for an item with no planning code we show a warning (instead of a browser error).


Release 31.01.20



Work ID


Price when using text format in Excel

If price columns in Excel are formatted as text, the price will be updated correct.


Item details

Improved error handling

Buttons for 'Select model' and 'Cancel' are greyed out when the view is loading, to prevent starting new requests while previous request is taking place.

Validation of GTIN

When 'GTIN already exists on another item' validation message appears on the lines with the same GTIN while adding new model or items to existing model, it disappears when the first/second GTIN is edited. When creating model/item, adding new item to existing model or updating GTIN, validation for GTIN field works correctly now - negative values are handled and 'The minimum value for this field is {value}' validation error appears.

Setting supplier as main

When setting supplier as main, store group level field becomes disabled in Edit item supplier popup.





Copy calculation to other profiles

"Copy price" button has been relabeled when creating or editing new price calculation.

Improved user experience in Price calculation

Price calculation details view is optimized to improve the user experience.



Release 24.01.20



Work ID


Use mass update to set fields to blank value

The item fields Serial number type, Report category, Item category and Substitution item can be set to blank value (cleared) by using the value NULL in the mass update.


Item details

Bugfix in 'Add item generation'

The function for adding item generations to for example other variants for given model is fixed.


Release 22.01.20



Work ID


Profile is mandatory in import rule

For import rules it is mandatory to select at least one profile before saving. This prevents error situations where items are updated without profile prices.

Improved error handling

Import job will not create alerts when validating imported files (often from mass update) and the file for example has the wrong format or there is a missing item group. Such import jobs will have status completed.



Item details

Sorting when adding a new color

When adding an item to an existing model, the size sorting will be copied from existing size in other variants (colors) if all sizes within model have the same sorting number), otherwise sorting number is copied from size register. The same business rule is used when importing items.



Warning when planning code does not exist

When editing price and selecting to save for (model/color) items without the given planning code, user will get error message; “The item must contain planning code {planning code}. The price will not be edited if the planning code is missing”.

Performance improvement when changing price type

The user should not experience any delay in the user interface when creating new price and changing price type from ordinary to campaign price.



Import grid with file types

(Work ID: 166771)

The import grid shows import files of type PRICAT, Temalogic and Mass update with the following columns default:

Import ID, File type, Name, Status, Scheduled for, Season ID, File suppl. no, File suppl. GLN, Supplier, Created date, Created by, Modified date and Modified by.

Release 15.01.20



Work ID


Validation of supplier when main supplier is changed

When the item that is imported has a new supplier, you will get validation failed/supplier deviation. If you change the main supplier in item details to the same supplier as in the file and re-validate the import file, the item will be ready for import. Alternatively, you can use the function for 'fix item identifier errors for selected items.' 

Import supports items with many suppliers in the same file, but only one main supplier (if not, import will fail with validation error). If none of the suppliers in the import file has IsMain-flag set to True, it is assumed that the first one listed is the main supplier. 


Mass update

Update of original planning code

After bugfix it is possible to modify original planning by using mass update with import of Excel file.



Improved startup of item management

Loading of configuration after login is optimized, and time from login to opening item grid is reduced by 100-500 ms.


Release 14.01.20



Work ID


Export of delivery dates

When items with item generations are exported, delivery dates are sorted by ascending delivery dates numbering (delivery dates externalNo in ItemService API).


Item details

Alphanumeric descending sorting of planning codes

When adding item generation and selecting planning code, the planning code is sorted alphanumeric descending.


Import rules

Add freight is default

When creating Import rule, 'Add freight' is default set to True.


Release 13.01.20



Work ID

Item details

Set main supplier

When the user selects the main supplier, the supplier window/page is kept open so other values can be edited before closing and returning to item details. 

Supplier color code when adding items to variant

When adding new items to an existing variant (model-color) supplier color code is copied to item details.

Deleting item generation

Deleting an item generation (planning code and related planning code attributes) could be necessary when created by mistake. When deleting an item generation this also triggers deletion of prices with this planning code.





Improve error handling when importing marketing codes

Import with marketing codes is possible when import rule flag 'Copy attributes from previous item generation' is set to True.

Better performance when updating existing items

The performance is improved for update of existing items when importing Pricat file. In test environment we measured the performance to be improved from less than 1 item per second to 16,4 items per second after the change.



Item search

Only active items in search dialog

When searching for items in free text search only active items are shown.



Logging of failed imports

When any approval import fails the logging is providing important details in the log in Application Insights.

We have added details for error on validation scheduled: SupplierModelNo, ImportId, ScheduledFor, ApprovalRuleset, FlatBatchId.

When we get error on import scheduled we have added details for: ImportItemId, UpdateType, ItemId, ModelId, ImportRuleId, ImportId, ScheduledFor, ApprovalRuleset, FlatBatchId.


Import of stock/order status

(Work ID: 153007)

ItemService API contains an endpoint for update of stock status per store/wholesaler from systems that are master of stock. The status updates the In stock/order flag in item details, and only a change in status (from true->false or false->true) will trigger an export of item changes.

API documentation can be found here:

JSON example:

  "identifier": {
    "sku": "0012342938470",
    "gtin": "7012342938479",
    "externalItemNo": "0748392432100"
  "stockStatus": [
      "unitInStock": true,
      "storeGroupLink": {
        "type": "Private",
        "name": "Store group name",
        "externalNo": "Wholesaler 1234"

Release 03.01.20



Work ID

Import rules

Change of supplier or supplier model number in Pricat file

Improved error handling for change of supplier or supplier model number when GTIN is missing from import file.

Deactivated import rule

An error message is shown when the user tries to import items with a deactivated import rule (which was active previous in the validation process).




Technical: Removed spam from logs in Application Insights

Internet robots will not create failures in our logs.

Improved performance when releasing new version

When releasing a new version we swap from old version to the version without any down-time. The new version is “warmed up” before the swap if finished, so users should experience very little performance decrease.

Duplicated results in grid when filter/refresh

Users should not experience that duplicated results in for example item or import grid when filtering or refreshing fast (before first query if finished).




Export inactive items to Excel in item details view

(Work ID: 166888)

In Item details 'Export to Excel' popup there is a checkbox 'Export inactive items’. When it is checked, inactive items are exported together with active items. When exporting single item, checkbox is disabled and checked or unchecked depending if item is inactive or active.

Release 18.12.19



Work ID


Expired prices are exported for 72 hours

Expired prices are exported for 3 days after expiration. This should be enough for subscribing systems if error situations should occur at 3rd party side.



Planning attributes are copied from newest planning code

When new items are added to a variant (model-color) which has a planning code, it will copy planning attributes from the newest planning code. The same business logic is used both when adding items manually or importing.


Item details

Fix when saving item subgroup

Item subgroup can be saved and modified without problems.

Package code shows TU/CU in model-color grid

Problems fixed so it does not show value 1 or 2.

Information message when deactivating item that is linked to another item

If the item you try to deactivate is either:

  • A related (alternative or any other type) item to some other item (which is active)

  • A part/’child’ of a bundle (which is active)

  • A substitution item to some other item (which is active)

  • An item in a package (which is active)

Then you are not allowed to deactivate this item and a message is shown in deactivation popup.




Item search

Start search in grid by pressing Enter or clicking on filter icon

When filtering/searching in grid columns the search will be performed after leaving field/pressing Enter key or clicking on filter/search icon.


Import rule with checkbox for ‘Overwrite existing lead time’

(Work ID: 166676)

Checkbox 'Overwrite existing lead time' is available in Import rule details. If it is checked, value in 'Lead time' field in item register is overwritten by value in import rule or import file (if Import rule is empty) if such is given when updating item using approval import. If it is unchecked, value in item register is never overwritten. 

Release 16.12.19



Item details

Improved performance when opening item

Opening item/model from item grid is much faster, especially when scrolling down before opening a selected item.

Manage item generations

When opening manage item generations, we show available planning codes for given item/model. By default only “Current” planning codes are visible. In colors column we show which colors that are linked to the planning code, with specific colors or “All colors”.

Improved performance when searching in drop-down fields

When searching several times in register values in drop-down fields user should not experience slowness.

Validation of external item number

When models have duplicated items due to migration of data (same size & color), it is possible to update them, change size etc. Adding new items is still impossible, and will create error situations in import of PRICAT that must be handled by support.


Import of item relations

Import of item relations is re-implemented to optimize further maintenance of the code. All of add/edit/remove related items works the same way. It is possible to remove related items reference with empty list, and the same for bundle content. For Excel import user needs to add parent item with empty value for content or add NULL value. It is not possible to add a related item which are in the same model, nor duplicates within same type or the same item. It is possible to add the same item for different relation types.

'Update items from file' in Import

'Update items from file' button is disabled for imports with status Imported. When status is Partially imported, only not yet imported items are updated.

Error handling for items without GTIN

Items can be added to a model where one of the items are missing GTIN.

Released 11.12.19



Export to Excel

Inactive status and inactive date

Columns for inactive status and date for inactivating are added to export to Excel. To get inactive items exported to Excel the user must first select to view inactive items in the grid.

Item search

Improved performance when filtering on item number

Searching/filtering on (external) item number is faster.


Improved error handling

When there is something wrong with an item import we create error for given item without affecting the whole batch of items. Error handling for PRICAT files with more than 10.000 items is also improved.


Date in UTC-format

The system handles dates in UTC-format for currency rate dates, delivery dates and season dates.

Released 09.12.19




PRICAT import: Fix item identifier when new items and update for same supplier model number

When importing new items and in the same import there are updates for existing items as well as same supplier model number and this files get 'item identifier' error, then from now all items get error. Until all 'item identifier' errors are fixed, it is not possible to import new items. They get error: Item identifier error. Supplier deviation for other variant.

Temalogic - compare price values in import.

Compare price values for Temalogic import

Import from Temalogic can be exported to Excel for comparison of existing price calculation values with values from the import file.

Released 05.12.19



Item details

Saving models with many items

We have fixed performance issues related to item plannings and supplier details, and verified that models with 500 items can be modified and saved without problems.

Item search

Scrolling in item grid

Scrolling in item grid is improved to handle filtering with locked columns.


New design for Item Management

The Lindbak logo is replaced by the EG logo. Design is modified to use EG green color in the top bar.

Released 04.12.19




Decimals in currency rate

Currency rates are exported with 4 decimals (not rounded to 2 decimals).

Released 03.12.19



Item search

Cost carrier column in item grid

Cost carrier columns added to item grid, directly after brand column and by default hidden. Filter on this column with default sorting can be done with good performance.

Item details

The first supplier on item is automatically set as main supplier

When adding supplier for the first time, it will be common and added as main supplier. When user goes back from 'item suppliers' (3rd level) grid, we have removed loading of item again, so it moves much quicker back to item details grid.

Released 29.11.19




Validation for currency in imports

Currency is validated in item imports preventing imports of currencies that are not existing in currency register. If a user imports an item that has a currency that does not exist, the validation will fail with the message "Unknown currency".

Import: All sizes are updated with new color even if they are not in the import file

When updating color in import, but not for all items, there will be displayed a warning 'Color for variant will be updated' and after the import the whole variant's color will be updated. For size validation still works as before.

Price calculation

Validation of price calculation fields

Validation has been added to the following fields:

  • Wholesale price

  • Recommended retail price

If invalid values are added to these two fields (0) the box will turn red. If a user still attempts to create a price with invalid values, a warning will be displayed at the top of the price calculation and the price will not be created.

Released 26.11.19



Item details

Validation message if reaching highest value for external item number when adding new items

When creating new items and external item number is reaching it’s highest value, a validation message will be displayed both in “New item” and item import.

Error messages:

Highest number for size in external item number, XXXXXXXXX990, is reached
Highest number for color in external item number, XXXXXX999XXX, is reached

Show cost carrier

Fixed bug preventing cost carrier to be visible in item details.

Timeout when saving large models

After fixes it doesn't time out when saving values on model level or item-level to all items for large models (350+ items).

Released 22.11.19




Change in database model: Attributes moved from model to item level

Supplier is defined per variant (item level in database).

Attributes 'Can be ordered', 'Country of Origin', 'Manufacturer' are saved on item-level. The user must now select to save these attributes to all items within the model.


Handling of size issue between variants in same model

When there are colors or sizes which have for different colors/sizes same color/size number parts (Parts of external item number - 7-9 for color and 10-12 for size), item will be added with next possible value.

Released 21.11.19



Mass update

Fix for mass update from Excel

Critical bug is fixed.

Price calculation

Time zone

When working with prices, the user will see dates in the configured timezone, and be able to see the prices as they will be effective in stores, without the users local time zone interfering.

Validation of mandatory price fields

When saving a price, user will be notified if wholesale price or recommended retail price is 0.

Released 20.11.19



Mass update

Preventing new planning codes for items being created from mass update

If planning code in Excel file for mass update does not exists for given item, the validation will result in an Error, preventing the item planning from being created.

Price calculation

Create price: Warning when planning code deviation within model

When creating a new price the user will see which colors that do not contain the planning code, so the user will know beforehand which items will not contain the price.

Released 14.11.19



Mass update

Preventing new items from being created from mass update

  • When updating items from items grid with 'Update items from file' (excel), the file is handled as Pricat import and uploaded in the Import view.

  • The user needs to open the file and confirm import - same as for Pricat import. 

  • For now we have only one validation rule: Only existing items can be imported.


Color can be removed in PRICAT file

Problem fixed: When removing color from imported PRICAT file, the imported items will be created without color.

Item search

Better performance when opening item grid

Performance tuning.

Item details

Item subgroup can be added to item

Problem fixed: No error message when saving after adding item sub-group.

Price calculation

Copy price triggers export of item

Copying a price triggers export of the targeted item and it's new prices.


Simultaneously import and export of the same items

Problem fixed: Ordering of items will be correct when doing mass update of the same items that is being exported (due to a previous mass update).

  • No labels